not only was Assange a prisoner in his "secure room" for 7 years
he was also under video surveillance
which seems to include the bathroom
Then, none of the men who removed JA from the embassy
was a uniformed policeman
meaning that whoever it was – could have been anyone?
including U.S. Secret Service detail ?
I don't hear this reminder very often BUT…
if you recall back to 2016
Assange was supposed to be publishing something that was devastating to her campaign.
So, we waited and waited.
Nothing of any real importance was published.
So… people began digging into the Podesta email dump
and that is when the "pizza related handkerchief" text emerged.
It took some passage of time before Pizzagate really got spinning
and people were connecting the correspondents in the dump with other strange things. Marina Abramavich for instance.
The combination of the strange reference to a dam handkerchief and a woman who does SPIRIT COOKING is what really got the ball rolling about molesting children "who would be available in the swimming pool"
and well – you put all the pieces into a big pot and stir it a bit
and you have a very hot Pizzagate
with people being tied into Haiti
and the Clinton Foundation