Anonymous ID: deaaa8 April 14, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.6181858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1887 >>1889


similar measures defeated twice, in 1968 and 1983, in different states, and if it's done the state will be sued into oblivion:


"Republican state Sen. Dale Righter opposed the measure, Capitol News reported, citing two Supreme Court cases ruling that states cannot alter ballot qualifications described in the U.S. Constitution. The court, in 1983's Anderson v. Celebrezze decision, said Ohio's early filing deadline for president was unconstitutional. In 1968, Ohio state presidential ballot laws also violated the Fourteenth Amendment, according to the Williams v. Rhodes decision. "


ie: these people are stupid, they think people don't study the classics

Anonymous ID: deaaa8 April 14, 2019, 9:27 p.m. No.6182007   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Or, yaknow, she could explain the context of her statement clearly about how CAIR was founded with the hopes of distancing the council from the hateful medieval death cult that attacked the united states, but she doesn't, she entrenches, she refuses to explain her statement and instead demonizes people who rightfully find her verbiage unpleasant. this is ignorance of the highest order, but not surprising considering the source. she is a creation. she has only this one reason for being. they entire sick crew are groomed, and have only ever been politicians, nothing else.


"2016: Omar suddenly catapults onto the state and national stage by defeating state Rep. Phyllis Kahn in the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party primary. Kahn is tied as the longest-serving lawmaker in state history. Many see the election as reflecting a changing of the guard in parts of Minneapolis: Kahn is Jewish, while Omar, buoyed by impressive turnout among young voters amid a field that included her and another candidate from the burgeoning East African immigrant community, becomes the first Somali-American state lawmaker in America. Progressive Democrats seize on Omar’s life story as a powerful counter-narrative to the election of Republican Donald Trump. Shortly after winning her election, Omar alleges a Washington, D.C., cab driver “called me ISIS and threatened to remove my hijab.” The story gains national attention."