I think it's too late to protest 5G – already been there, done that
No one knows how this effects micro-living things, and birds who science believes uses a type of "inner compass"???
Is it just too fkg late to RETHINK THIS WHOLE THING ??
Next thing you know we'll be required to get micro chips to buy and sell –
if for no other reason than to fulfill some Biblical prophecy about it
(height of insanity IMHO)
as far as chemtrails - or geo-engineering –
there are metals dispersed
which could serve as a bouncing plain or platform
could be weather control (most likely because there are known patents for the technology)
if we absorb the metals into our bodies
we can become radio receivers
and have our thoughts and actions puppeted from some control tower somewhere
we have lost so much of our stratosphere
that the solar rays are intruding into our atmosphere
hmmm – ya know the story of the guy who was observing weather patterns after 911 when all the air traffic was halted for three days???
we were being bombarded by solar rays
the exhaust from planes was providing protection from this
and no one realized it until it was GONE
take your pick
door number one
door number two
door number three
thankfully, I rarely see chemtrails anymore
the sky really is a beautiful blue