Possibly relevant:
https:// www. perdurabo10.net/jesuits-and-world-war-ii.html
The Jesuit Influence Over World War II
By James Donahue
Not many people realize how involved the Vatican was in events leading up to, during and after World War II. The story is so complex it would take a book to explain what was happening in detail.
To simplify this brief account we start with a bold effort by the late Pope Pius XI to expose the fascist powers . . . the governments of Italy’s dictator Mussolini and Germany’s Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and excommunicate them from memberships in the Catholic Church before the world went to war. The Pope hired noted author John LaFarge, an American Jesuit, to prepare a speech he planned to make during an encyclical gathering of bishops on Feb. 11, 1939. But Pope Pius XI never made that speech. He mysteriously dropped dead on Feb. 10. They said it was a heart attack.
Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was elected to be the next Pope. He took the name Pope Pius XII. Upon taking office Pacelli surrounded himself with Jesuits. He employed German and Dutch Jesuit advisors including Robert Leiber, Augustin Bea and Sebastian Tromp. The LaFarge document was never made public.
Within months after Pacelli was made Pope the Roman Catholic dictators, Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini launched World War II.
Working behind the scenes in the above scenario was a powerful Jesuit priest known as Superior General Wlodimir Ledochowski, a Polish head of the Jesuit Society, otherwise identified as the Black Pope. Ledochowski served in that capacity from 1915 until his death in 1942.
It is believed that Ledochowski and Pope Pius XII conspired together to create a German pro-Catholic political party that would not only become the religion of the German people but be in a position of eliminating protestants, orthodox Christians, Communists and ethnic Jews. This became known as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or the Nazi Party. Hitler, a faithful member of the church and long a close associate of Archbishop Pacelli, was hand-picked as a figurehead for the Nazi Party. The real leader of the Nazis was Fr. Heinrich Himmler, an ordained Jesuit priest, who operated in the shadows behind Hitler.
Himmler was appointed leader of the Sturmabteilung, or Storm Troopers (SS), created as Hitler's personal bodyguards, assassins, espionage agents and general dirty work.
According to researcher Frank O’Collins, Archbishop Pacelli imported gold to Germany in 1917 to help finance the creation and growth of the Nazi Party. The SS officers operated under the authority of the Jesuits and the power of the Pope and had the powers of Catholic priesthood.