Anonymous ID: 010ad1 April 15, 2019, 6:02 a.m. No.6184156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4173 >>4190 >>4294 >>4612 >>4772 >>4837

>>6179001. On your post if Obama and Brezinski CIA connection and plan


Anons I remember another program Obama started on psychological manipulation on warfare…will track that down. What he created in federal agencies is going on today, they all need to be exposed.



2:12 PM 09/15/2015 | US

Chuck Ross |

President Obama announced a new executive order on Tuesday which authorizes federal agencies to conduct behavioral experiments on U.S. citizens in order to advance government initiatives.


“A growing body of evidence demonstrates that behavioral science insights — research findings from fields such as behavioral economics and psychology about how people make decisions and act on them — can be used to design government policies to better serve the American people,” reads the executive order, released on Tuesday.


The new program is the end result of a policy proposal the White House floated in 2013 entitled “Strengthening Federal Capacity for Behavioral Insights.”


According to a document released by the White House at that time, the program was modeled on one implemented in the U.K. in 2010. That initiative created a Behavioral Insights Teams, which used “iterative experimentation” to test “interventions that will further advance priorities of the British government.”


The initiative draws on research from University of Chicago economist Richard Thaler and Harvard law school professor Cass Sunstein, who was also dubbed Obama’s regulatory czar. The two behavioral scientists argued in their 2008 book “Nudge” that government policies can be designed in a way that “nudges” citizens towards certain behaviors and choices.


The desired choices almost always advance the goals of the federal government, though they are often couched as ways to cut overall program spending.


In its 2013 memo, which was reported by Fox News at the time:


=the White House openly admitted that the initiative involved behavioral experimentation.==


“The federal government is currently creating a new team that will help build federal capacity to experiment with these approaches, and to scale behavioral interventions that have been rigorously evaluated, using, where possible, randomized controlled trials,” the memo read.


That document cited examples from the U.K. which showed that sending out a letter to late taxpayers which read “9 out of 10 people in Britain pay their taxes on time” led to a 15 percent increase in compliance.


The new executive order encourages federal agencies to “identify policies, programs, and operations where applying behavioral science insights may yield substantial improvements in public welfare, program outcomes, and program cost effectiveness,” as well as to “develop strategies for applying behavioral science insights to programs and, where possible, rigorously test and evaluate the impact of these insights.


To jump-start the programs, agencies are encouraged to recruit behavioral science experts to join the federal government and to develop relationships with researchers in order to “better use empirical findings from the behavioral sciences.”


A fact sheet sent out by the White House on Tuesday shows that researchers at numerous universities and think tanks — from MIT, Harvard, and the Brookings Institute, to name a few — have signed on to the program.


The executive order specifically directs federal agencies to develop:


nudge programs


that help individuals, families, communities and businesses “access public programs and benefits by, as appropriate, streamlining processes that may otherwise limit or delay participation.”


This can be achieved by “administrative hurdles, shortening wait times, and simplifying forms,” the order suggests.


The initiative also urges agencies to tinker with how information is presented to individuals, consumers, borrowers, and program beneficiaries.


The “content, format, timing, and medium by which information is conveyed” should be taken into consideration as those characteristics affect “comprehension and action by individuals.”


In programs that offer choices for consumers, agencies are instructed to “consider how the presentation and structure of those choices, including the order, number, and arrangement of options, can most effectively promote public welfare.”


The order also suggests that agencies fiddle with whether to label certain expenditures as “benefits, taxes, subsidies” or other incentives to “efficiently promote” programs.


More in the article

Anonymous ID: 010ad1 April 15, 2019, 6:23 a.m. No.6184266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6179001. On your post if Obama and Brezinski CIA connection

A lot of agencies use psychological manipulation on Americans, and the military would certainly do it. This was done under the Obama Administration. It makes me think it was accelerated CIA manipulation under Obama


General accused of using psychological manipulation on senators to get more funding in Afghanistan




FEB 24, 2011 | 10:16 AM


A rogue U.S. general allegedly ordered soldiers to psychologically manipulate senators visiting Afghanistan last year in order to boost funding for the war, according to a shocking new report in Rolling Stone.


Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, the officer in charge of training Afghan soldiers, illegally commanded the Army's "information operations" to secretly study lawmakers and diplomats, the unit's leader, Lt. Col. Michael Holmes, told the magazine.


Holmes, who said his job is "to play with people's heads," was formally reprimanded for objecting to Caldwell's orders.


"I'm prohibited from doing that to our own people. When you ask me to try to use these skills on senators and congressmen, you're crossing a line," Holmes said.


Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), Al Franken (D-Minn.) and Carl Levin (D-Mich.) head the list of senators Holmes was told to target.


Caldwell wanted a "deeper analysis of pressure points we could use to leverage the delegation for more funds," Holmes said, adding that the general's chief of staff also pressed him for information.


"What do I have to plant inside their heads?" Holmes said the chief of staff demanded.


A spokesman for Caldwell told the magazine the general "categorically denies" he used the information operations team on American politicians.


Holmes said he resisted the alleged orders and consulted a military lawyer for help.

"[Public affairs] works on the hearts and minds of our own citizens, and IO works on the hearts and minds of the citizens of other nations. While the twain do occasionally intersect, such intersections, like violent contact during a soccer game, should be unintentional," Capt. John Scott wrote Holmes in an e-mail.


It remains unclear whether or not the attempts to influence the senators worked.

In January, Caldwell asked the White House for and received $2 billion to help train 70,000 more Afghan troops, Rolling Stone reports, noting that Sen. Levin was one of the biggest backers of the extra funds.


The Obama administration upped U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan by 30,000 last year and plans to begin withdrawing soldiers starting in July.

Anonymous ID: 010ad1 April 15, 2019, 6:51 a.m. No.6184448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4470 >>4570 >>4597


BY TERRY MELANSON · NOVEMBER 30, 2013 Originally Published at Conspiracy Archive on 2009/04/09. This doesn’t seem so farfetched after all. It surfaced during the presidential campaign.

“An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches” purports to contain “over 60 pages of evidence and analysis proving Barack Obama’s use of a little-known and highly deceptive and manipulative form of ‘hack’ hypnosis on millions of unaware Americans, and reveals what only a few psychologists and hypnosis/NLP experts know.” It deserves a serious look in light of the following.


Two weeks before Election Day, Barack Obama’s campaign was mobilizing millions of supporters; it was a bit late to start rewriting get-out-the-vote (GOTV) scripts. “BUT, BUT, BUT,” deputy field director Mike Moffo wrote to Obama’s GOTV operatives nationwide, “What if I told you a world-famous team of genius scientists, psychologists and economists wrote down the best techniques for GOTV scripting?!?! Would you be interested in at least taking a look? Of course you would!!”

Moffo then passed along guidelines and a sample script from the Consortium of Behavioral Scientists, a secret advisory group of 29 of the nation’s leading behaviorists. The key guideline was a simple message: “A Record Turnout Is Expected.” That’s because studies by psychologist Robert Cialdini and other group members had found that the most powerful motivator for hotel guests to reuse towels, national-park visitors to stay on marked trails and citizens to vote is the suggestion that everyone is doing it.

“People want to do what they think others will do,” says Cialdini, author of the best seller Influence. “The Obama campaign really got that.”

The existence of this behavioral dream team — which also included best-selling authors Dan Ariely of MIT (Predictably Irrational) and Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein of the University of Chicago (Nudge) as well as Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman of Princeton — has never been publicly disclosed, even though its members gave Obama white papers on messaging, fundraising and rumor control as well as voter mobilization. All their proposals — among them the famous online fundraising lotteries that gave small donors a chance to win face time with Obama — came with footnotes to peer-reviewed academic research.

“It was amazing to have these bullet points telling us what to do and the science behind it,” Moffo tells TIME. “These guys really know what makes people tick.”

President Obama is still relying on behavioral science. But now his Administration is using it to try to transform the country. Because when you know what makes people tick, it’s a lot easier to help them change. It should be a crime to employ such deceptive persuasion tactics.

In turns out that this professor/guru Robert Cialdini utilizes similar manipulative psychological practices identified in the above-cited Obama hypnosis paper. The anonymous author was quite detailed in regard to specific techniques – Milton H. Erickson, for one. Ericksonian methods of hypnotic suggestion are discussed at length, with “hundreds of examples of Obama’s specific language patterns and hypnosis techniques that follow textbook Ericksonian and characteristics too much to be coincidence.”

Through the techniques of Cialdini the Cult of Obama has – to use a Collins brothers expression – been tangibly enacted. At Rick Ross’s site, for instance, we read that Cialdini’s methods are put into practice by cult leaders:

Emotional Manipulation, According to Cialdini, the majority of the thousands of different tactics that compliance professionals use fall into six categories, and each category is based on a psychological principle that directs human behavior. These six principles are:

Consistency. We try to justify our earlier behavior.

Reciprocity. If somebody gives us something, we try to repay in kind.

Social Proof. We try to find out what other people think is correct.

Authority. We have a deep-seated sense of duty to authority figures.

Liking. We obey people we like.

Scarcity. If we come to want something, we can be made to fear that if we wait it will be gone.

The opportunity to get it may pass. We want to take it now – whatever is being offered, from an object to cosmic consciousness.

We can see how transformations occur when the six principles are skillfully put into play by cult leaders and cultic groups. For example:

Tell me those are not the exact descriptions of the way in which the Obama Cult behaved during the presidential campaign.

But that’s just one of the 29 professional behavior manipulators employed by Obama to coerce the populace. And these “weapons of influence” have become quite sophisticated in the era of mass media…..

Anonymous ID: 010ad1 April 15, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.6184512   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Using Behavioral Science Insights to Make Government More Effective, Simpler, and More People-Friendly



Summary: This month marks one full year since the launch of the first-ever Social and Behavioral Sciences Team (SBST), which was created in response to the President’s call to make government programs more effective and efficient. SBST had a successful first year, launching a wide variety of evidence-based pilots. To mark the one-year anniversary of SBST, the team met with President Obama last Friday.

“It makes sense for us to be able to redesign government so that it can deliver on the functions that the American people are looking for. We should all want a government that’s smarter, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people.”


-President Obama, July 8, 2013


This month marks one full year since the launch of the first-ever Social and Behavioral Sciences Team (SBST), which was created in response to the President’s call to make government programs more effective and efficient. SBST comprises leading experts who have been recruited into government to harness behavioral science insights to help Federal government programs better serve the nation while saving taxpayer dollars….


Members of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Team visit the Oval Office to brief the President on their work.


SBST had a successful first year, launching a wide variety of evidence-based pilots with objectives ranging from connecting veterans with employment and educational counseling benefits to helping struggling student borrowers understand their loan repayment options.


In one recent pilot, SBST collaborated with the Department of Defense (DOD) to help members of the Armed Forces continue contributions to their Roth Thrift Savings Plans.

Anonymous ID: 010ad1 April 15, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.6184540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4646

Isn’t it Illegal To Conduct Any Scientific Experiments on US citizens without Their Express Consent???


Once a spook always a spook


Obama Orders Agencies To Use Americans' Behavioral Data To Further Government Programs

By Staff Reporter | Sep 16, 2015 12:08 PM EDT

President Obama's latest executive order, announced Tuesday, authorizes and encourages government agencies to begin conducting behavioral psychology experiments on U.S. citizens in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of government programs.

Anonymous ID: 010ad1 April 15, 2019, 7:32 a.m. No.6184854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Senate IT Office Hit With ‘Housecleaning’ in Hassan Aide Scandal


April 13, 2019 Updated: April 14, 2019


WASHINGTON—Senate sergeant-at-arms officials have conducted a “general housecleaning” that resulted in “massive personnel changes” in the upper chamber’s information technology and cybersecurity systems staff, The Epoch Times has learned.


“There’s been massive personnel changes over there,” said a Senate source with knowledge of the situation who requested anonymity. “The new people are a lot more strict and putting on a lot more rules and restrictions. They have just been tightening down a lot since then.”


Among those who have left is John Clayton Porter. He was branch manager for information assurance–cybersecurity from March 2017 until earlier this month, according to LegiStorm. He was paid $88,628 annually at the time of his departure, according to Senate records.


The sergeant-at-arms (SAA) office declined to discuss Porter or personnel changes that have been implemented in his former office. A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also declined to comment…..