so you like posting a lot bobby
here take over the night bread
its fun and goes by reeeeeeeal fast
so you like posting a lot bobby
here take over the night bread
its fun and goes by reeeeeeeal fast
>>6185216 (lb)
Im suprised anons arent talking more shit about this.
I wouldnt expect to give the award to derpMack but this video is up there as one of the most awkward, weird things ive seen on 8ch.
She literally starts bouncing up an down, crying like a little girl throwing a tantrum for daddy, but is singing at the same fukken time.
I just dont get it anons
I need one reason, just one, to think the whole CERN thing with its rediculous amount of metal panels, looking like a DOOM level from the 90s, isnt a giant prop ALA the stupid ass tinfoil Apollo mason-lander. Just one.
At that point id be willing to listen to what the 'partical physisist' Dr from CERN has to say
People joke around about this, but its true. Have a story that is too long to type but suffice to say, if your dog who normally loves people, literally runs into another room and hides around a corner to avoid a persons gaze, youre gonna wanna pay attention to that
Dogs know shit.