Anonymous ID: bddded April 15, 2019, 9:07 a.m. No.6185817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5939


Man’s. That’s where all the evil in the world comes from, Man’s will — Man’s soul ruling over his spirit. We were made in God’s image, meant to operate in the spirit in communion with God. That’s the sin committed by Adam in the garden, he listened to his soul (wife/Woman in the Bible is a figure of the soul whereas Man is a figure of the spirit) when he KNEW he should be listening to his spirit.


When we pray in the spirit we align our will with God’s and enforce His will in the earth. If not, we have free will to allow our souls to rule, destroy, and eventually, be destroyed.

Anonymous ID: bddded April 15, 2019, 9:50 a.m. No.6186264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6284 >>6305 >>6309 >>6391


Don’t you mean, “animals have souls and not spirits”? Animals have souls and return to the dust when they die. God beeathed his life-giving spirit into to man (giving man God-potential) and gave him dominion over animals.


What make man different than animals is man has a spirit. When you refuse to allow your soul to rule, you become nothing more than an animal. When you allow your spirit to rule, your’re able to live out your God potential.


This is very important, Anon. Pay attention: our example right now in the earth — BHO is what happens when you are nothing more than an animal. DJT is what happens when you allow your spirit to rule. That’s why DJT can sacrifice so much for nothing in return — he sees the God potential in ever man… sound familiar?