Anonymous ID: f4380d April 15, 2019, 9:08 a.m. No.6185819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6208

Time to hold politicians aka Profiticians equally responsible for any Deaths, rapes, violence & crimes committed by illegals, fakugees, etc. terrorists that they allowed into this country.


They could care less if they are moved to their districts…duh. These dip shit politicians live in gated communities, have body guards, and could care less even if they moved them next door.


Like I stated before…the majority of illegals will be on welfare and after one year, they are allowed to move to whatever state they want to…most go to the states that still have decent welfare benefits.

And will just commit crimes there on the elderly, disabled, neglected children…the innocent law abiding citizens…




The Republicans had the majority under Trump the last 2 years and did nothing but sit on their ASSES!


We're tired of the BS excuses!

Anonymous ID: f4380d April 15, 2019, 9:40 a.m. No.6186180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6298


The Republicans had the majority under Trump the last 2 years and did nothing but sit on their ASSES!


Just more excuses to why they let them in…


Time to hold politicians aka Profiticians equally responsible for any Deaths, rapes, violence & crimes committed by illegals, fakugees, etc. terrorists that they allowed into this country.


They could care less if they are moved to their districts…duh. These dip shit politicians live in gated communities, have body guards, and could care less even if they moved them next door.


Like I stated before…the majority of illegals will be on welfare and after one year, they are allowed to move to whatever state they want to…most go to the states that still have decent welfare benefits.

And will just commit crimes there on the elderly, disabled, neglected children…the innocent law abiding citizens…




The Republicans had the majority under Trump the last 2 years and did nothing but sit on their ASSES!


We're tired of the BS excuses!

Anonymous ID: f4380d April 15, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.6186298   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Notice they never state the so called laws/loopholes that they're allowed to stay under…


This would apply to all asylum seekers…


#1. Deport moslems for coming here fraudulently (no reason for asylum due to they were never persecuted, nor were there any legitimate threat of being persecuted in their former countries).


#2. End all SSI and welfare for reasons above. And pay for their


deportation to their former country. Our tax payer money would be better spent that way. 


#3. Label the following groups; hamas, cair, moslem  brotherhood and the rest moslem groups as terrorist/supporting/funding terrorism and deport, revoke any citizenship, etc. 


#4.  End all taxpayer money going to Volags & refugee resettlement groups. It's the largest taxpayer fraud scams of the century.


#5. Unfund and abolish the United Nations.


End/ Abolish completely: 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967 Optional Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1980 Refugee Act….Because They came here fraudulently posing as refugees,  with no fear of persecution.


Displaced persons (IDPs) – including individuals fleeing natural disasters and generalized violence ARE NOT REFUGEES.


– Any country can denounce both 1951 Convention & 1967 Protocol.


— Send them all back…that don't meet asylum guidelines. 


*The only real consequences of violating 1951 Convention or the 1967 Optional Protocol are: Public shaming in the press, and Verbal condemnation of the violator by the UN and by other nations. To date, these have not proven to be significant deterrents.


–asylum abuse is FRAUD! End The Fraud, now!


#6 .  End all rights of any islamic country from buying any US resources, including businesses, land, farming land, land with water reserves, media stations, etc. in located in the US.


The absolutely brilliant Countries that refuse and do not take in any moslem refugees!  Time for all countries to refuse moslem refugees!






Saudi Arabia




United Arab Emirates


















It's Not Immigration!  It's An Invasion!  An Act Of Treason!


Traitorously plotted by your politicians that call themselves, Liberals, Democrats, Democrat-Socialists, Labor-Party to Out Populate YOU and Destroy Your Country!


It's Not A Strange Coincidence that ONLY 2 US Democrat Presidents with a Democrat Majority in congress, signed Refugee Acts.


LBJ with a Democrat Majority signed the “United Nations 1967 Optional Protocal Relating To The Status of Refugees”.  No American President signed the 1951 version.


Jimmy Carter with a Democrat Majority signed the Refugee Act of 1980.


NOT A COINCIDENCE, AT ALL…planned, plotted and schemed by your politicians to out populate you and destroy your country!


The Republicans had the majority under Trump the last 2 years and did nothing but sit on their ASSES!


We're tired of the BS excuses!

Anonymous ID: f4380d April 15, 2019, 9:55 a.m. No.6186335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

End/ Abolish completely: 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967 Optional Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1980 Refugee Act….Because They came here fraudulently posing as refugees, with no fear of persecution.


Displaced persons (IDPs) – including individuals fleeing natural disasters and generalized violence ARE NOT REFUGEES.


– Any country can denounce both 1951 Convention & 1967 Protocol.


— Send them all back…that don't meet asylum guidelines.


*The only real consequences of violating 1951 Convention or the 1967 Optional Protocol are: Public shaming in the press, and Verbal condemnation of the violator by the UN and by other nations. To date, these have not proven to be significant deterrents.


–asylum abuse is FRAUD! End The Fraud, now!