Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.6187257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7285

AG Barr To Release Mueller Report To Congress, Public On Thursday


Mark it in your calendars, people: The highly anticipated Mueller Report comes out Thursday morning.


Attorney General William Barr said last Wednesday that the full report — with redactions to remove classified or sensitive material — would be released “within a week.” Democrats in the House had demanded the report by April 2, but the redaction work was not yet complete by then. Now, Justice officials have said the report will come out Thursday, NBC reported.


Barr sent a four-page summary of the special counsel’s findings to Congress earlier this month. In his letter, Barr wrote “that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.” But Democrats claim the full report could show something much different.


In his two-year, $30 million probe, special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of lawyers issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, conducted nearly 500 searches with warrants, and interviewed more than 500 witnesses. Barr said his team has been sifting through the reams of documents to remove portions that “reveal intelligence sources and methods,” among other reasons.


The attorney general said redactions will be broken down into four categories so readers can see why the information was omitted.


“First is grand jury information,” Barr told lawmakers last Wednesday as he testified before the House Appropriations Committee. “The second is information that the intelligence community believes would reveal intelligence sources and methods. The third are information in the report that could interfere with ongoing prosecutions. You’ll recall that the special counsel did spin off a number of cases that are still being pursued. And we want to make sure that none of the information in the report would impinge upon either the ability of the prosecutors to prosecute the cases, or the fairness to the defendants.”


“And finally, we intend to redact information that implicated the privacy or reputational interest of peripheral players where there is a decision not to charge them,” Barr said.


President Trump, who has been blasting Mueller for months, went on another tear Monday, ripping the special counsel’s probe into alleged campaign collusion with Russia and blasting Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and “dirty cops.”


“Mueller, and the A.G. based on Mueller findings (and great intelligence), have already ruled No Collusion, No Obstruction. These were crimes committed by Crooked Hillary, the DNC, Dirty Cops and others! INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS!” Trump wrote on Twitter in an early morning post.

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:16 a.m. No.6187284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7354 >>7384 >>7554 >>7715 >>7956

Ecuador's Moreno: Assange Asylum Revoked Because He Used Embassy As 'Center For Spying'


Aside from releasing a brief video statement where he attributed the decision to revoke Julian Assange's asylum to the Wikileaks' founders' repeated rule violations, as well as Assange's refusal to stop interfering in global affairs, Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno has remained conspicuously silent in the days since British police entered his country's London mission and arrested Assange on charges of skipping his bail and conspiring to break into a government computer.


But that changed on Sunday, when the Guardian published Moreno's first interview with an English language news organization since Assange's arrest. And in a revelation that appeared to undermine his insistence that Ecuador's decision to revoke Assange's asylum and citizenship wasn't influenced by foreign powers, Moreno changed his story once again, telling the Guardian that Assange had tried to use the embassy as "a center for spying."


This is the first time Moreno has made this allegation.


"Any attempt to destabilize is a reprehensible act for Ecuador, because we are a sovereign nation and respectful of the politics of each country," Moreno said. It is unfortunate that, from our territory and with the permission of authorities of the previous government, facilities have been provided within the Ecuadorian embassy in London to interfere in processes of other states."


"We cannot allow our house, the house that opened its doors, to become a center for spying."


Of course, Assange's arrest came just one day after Wikileaks held a press conference to accuse Ecuador of illegally spying on Assange. Critics, including Moreno's predecessor Rafael Correa, have accused Moreno of bowing to pressure from the US, hoping Assange's arrest would help Ecuador secure a lucrative trade deal or convince the superpower to cancel some of his country's debt. Correa, who championed Assange and was responsible for initially granting him asylum back in 2012, accused Moreno of committing "a crime that humanity will never forget" in deciding to turn over Assange.


Responding to these claims, Moreno called them a "fallacy".


"It is a fallacy that there will be debt relief in exchange of Assange. This statement has been generated and disseminated by groups related to the previous regime that did not want to find a solution to the Assange case beyond having him locked up in our embassy. With the United States, we work on issues of cooperation, trade, culture and security. At no time has Assange’s status been negotiated with that country."

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:18 a.m. No.6187311   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Milestone v risk to innovation: EU govts back controversial copyright regulation despite protests


A majority of EU governments approved a much-criticized copyright directive, targeting platforms like Google and Facebook. The new rules were earlier slammed by Big Tech, rights groups, and ordinary users alike.


The European Council backed the new directive on Monday. Among its sweeping changes is making large content platforms like Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia liable for copyright violations by their users. In order to avoid being sued, they will have to either buy the licenses for the works uploaded, or use expensive "upload filters" to scan all the content for potential copyright breaches.


Another controversial provision allows media publishers to charge tech firms like Google for displaying their news stories. Nineteen EU nations, including France and Germany, voted for the document. Romanian Minister for Culture and National Identity Valer-Daniel Breaz hailed its "balanced text" as "a milestone for the development of a robust and well-functioning digital single market."


A completely opposite opinion was voiced by Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Finland, and Luxembourg, all of whom voted 'no'. The directive "does not strike the right balance between the protection of right holders and the interests of EU citizens and companies," the five countries said in a joint statement earlier this week. They also argued that the document "risks to hinder innovation rather than promote it," and "lacks legal clarity."


Estonia, which abstained along with Belgium and Slovenia, held similar views, saying the directive fails to ensure "different interests in all aspects."


As the new rule set faced backlash, its backers tweaked some of the wording, like adding the promise to not punish users for making and sharing memes and gifs without obtaining permission of the rights holders first. Nevertheless, the key controversial parts remained intact, prompting fears of censorship and losing free access to information.

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.6187343   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel outsources ‘McCarthyite repression’ to US, BDS co-founder Barghouti tells RT after travel ban


mar Barghouti, who was banned from entering the US, says Israel makes Washington do its bidding in suppressing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, but it only results in greater grassroots support.


Last week, Barghouti was prohibited from traveling from Israel to the US by the American immigration authorities despite having a valid visa. Speaking to RT, the activist said the US was adopting “McCarthyite” policies to please Israel.


“We see this as Israel outsourcing its McCarthyite anti-democratic repression against the BDS movement for human rights in Palestine to the United States,” he said. “The US administration has been mobilized now to do Israel’s bidding in trying to silence Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights defenders, who are active in this extremely effective and very important non-violent BDS movement.”


Barghouti said the travel restriction resulted in him missing several events in the US, where he intended to advocate the BDS cause. He added that the attempts by dozens of US states to ban the movement were a clear violation of the First Amendment.


“As far back as 1982 the US Supreme Court ruled that boycotts for political, social, and economic change are considered free speech,” he said. “All those 27 states are following Israel’s orders, basically, while violating their own constitution.”


There is a lot of outrage at the audacity of the US administration, this xenophobic, anti-Muslim, anti-Arab – and anti-Jewish – US administration that is hiding behind its support for Israel to cover up its own violations of human rights around the world, including its suppression of democratic rights of the American citizens themselves.


The attempts to undermine the BDS movement “from above” in the US have so far been in vain, he believes. “It has miserably failed to stop the immense growth of the movement at the grassroots level among trade unions, churches, women’s groups, LGBT groups and so on and so forth.”

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.6187379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7877

High school boys raid ladies' bathroom during protest of transgender's use of men's room. Girl gets expelled for fighting back.


The kerfuffle resulted in eight students being disciplined


A group of boys at North Pole High School in Alaska allegedly tried to enter the girls' bathroom earlier this month out of protest after a transgender male used the boys' room. Eight students were disciplined in connection with the incident, including a girl who was reportedly expelled for kicking one of the young men in the crotch during the dust-up.

What are the details?


According to the school's investigation, a transgender student who was transitioning from female to male took a selfie from the boys' bathroom and uploaded it to Snapchat, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reported. Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Superintendent Karen Gaborik said a group of boys "were upset about the public nature of the post and how that played out."


A social media post purportedly from one of the boys rallied, "tomorrow identify as a women [sic] and use the women's bathroom if you want this s**t to end, my foster dad called the school and they said they [can't] do anything because she identify as men [sic]."


In response, seven boys decided to "identify as female" and enter the girls' bathroom to take a selfie of their own. But when they entered, a female student in the restroom reacted by giving one of the protestors a knee to the groin. The boy on the receiving end of the kick was encouraged to seek medical treatment, but the extent of his injuries — if any — is unclear.


The girl's family told the Washington Post she has been expelled from school for using "excessive force," while her sister claimed on Twitter that the boy "was blocking her in the womens [sic] bathroom."


Meanwhile, Gaborik confirmed that all the boys who took part were also disciplined for "attempting to enter the girls' bathroom."


The transgender student was not present during the incident.

How are people responding?


Alaska state Rep. Tammie Wilson (R) spoke out in defense of the girl, saying the student was merely defending herself. "Was she supposed to not protect herself?" the lawmaker asked the Daily News-Miner. "She was where she belonged. They were not."


The Post noted that feminist writer Mikki Kendall also questioned why the girl was disciplined, saying "after all the bulls**t bathroom panic bills about trans kids, when a group of cis boys actually harass girls in a bathroom the girls are punished for defending themselves?"

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.6187403   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘I’m Willing to Go to Jail For It’: Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce New Gun Confiscation Law


Refusing to enforce immoral legislation like confiscating the guns of citizens is the definition of what a good cop does.


In February of 2018, after the tragic shooting in Parkland, FL, President Donald Trump took to national television to betray his oath to the Constitution and his supporters and famously said, “take the guns first, go through due process second.” While this was largely ignored by his base and downplayed in the media since then, that’s exactly what’s been happening. On Friday, Democratic Gov. Jared Polis signed one of the most controversial “red flag” gun confiscation bills into law. The silver lining to this tyranny is that sheriffs are refusing to enforce it and even willing to go to jail to resist.


As politicians and anti-gun rights activists continuously chant, “we don’t want to take your guns,” behind the scenes — in only a year — politicians have been working overtime to limit your right to bear arms.


In just the first six months after the shooting in Parkland and the president’s statement, the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence recorded a whopping 55 new gun control measures in 26 states. That number is now far greater as states like Colorado pass “red flag” gun laws to literally do what Trump advocated for in Feb. 2018. They are taking the guns first and seeking due process second.


Colorado just became the 15th state to pass such a law and now Colorado citizens are subject to legislation which allow their guns to be seized without them having any say in it whatsoever.


Citizens who are targeted by the law will be deemed guilty first and only after their guns are taken, will they have a chance to defend themselves in court. This is the de facto removal of due process.


As Reuters reports, under the legislation, a family member or law enforcement officer could petition a judge to seize firearms from a person they think is a threat to themselves or others. The judge could then hold a hearing without the targeted person being present and grant a temporary order for 14 days.


Under the fifth and fourteenth amendments, due process clauses are in place to act as a safeguard from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by the government outside the sanction of law.


In spite of what officials and the media claim, when a person is stripped of their constitutional rights, albeit temporarily, without being given the chance to make their own case based on what can be entirely arbitrary accusations, this is the removal of due process. This is exactly what is happening in Colorado.


This new law is so egregious that even the National Rifle Association (NRA) is speaking out, despite their silence in the face of other “red flag” laws.


“Unchallenged statements made by a petitioner before a judge … would be sufficient for law enforcement to enter that person’s home and confiscate their private property,” the NRA said in a statement.


What’s more, the overwhelming majority of elected sheriffs in the state—50 out of 62—have been outspoken against this measure. According to Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams, this law also puts cops in danger because they’d be showing up unannounced to steal people’s guns despite no crime having been committed.


Other sheriffs have even gone on record stating that they are willing to go to jail rather than enforce the law.


“I’m willing to go to my jail for it, the only exception would be a totally extreme case and most sheriffs would agree with that,” said Park County Sheriff Tom McGraw.


Refusing to enforce an immoral law is the definition of what a good cop does.

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:26 a.m. No.6187416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7470

Pentagon books so wrong on every level it’s impossible to detect fraud – Matt Taibbi


The US Department of Defense’s (DoD) finances are so labyrinthine and full of invented numbers that it’s impossible to detect cases of rampant fraud and criminality from the books, journalist Matt Taibbi told RT’s Lee Camp.


Taibbi recently delved into the intricacies of the Pentagon’s finances to find out how a much-lauded audit of the organization, which receives half a trillion dollars a year, failed to give the DoD either a pass or fail. What he found was a system that is inherently unable to provide financial accountability, he said during an interview on Redacted Tonight.


“It’s organized so badly that when the Pentagon at the end of every year goes to ask for more money for the next year… they invent the numbers because they have no audit trail. They submit all those numbers to the Congress, saying we spent this on that, but they don’t actually have the documents,” he said. “The sheer quantity of the numbers makes it impossible to detect anything like fraud or theft because the books are all wrong at every single level of the system.”


The journalist believes the Pentagon cannot be reformed in this area until the way it gets its financing is reformed to cut off the influence of weapons contractors.


The people who sit on the Armed Services Committee and the Appropriations Committee are going to be primarily funded by military contractors. Which means that none of those people are ever going to approve any measure that threatens to stop funding of the Pentagon until they get their books in order. And the only way you can make the Pentagon to make their books in order is to yank the money.


Taibbi and Lee also discussed the collapse of the Russiagate conspiracy theory and why Taibbi considers it a worse blow to the credibility of the US press than the Iraqi WMDs fiasco under George W. Bush.

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.6187468   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lori Loughlin, Mossimo Giannulli Plead ‘Not Guilty’ In College Admissions Bribery Scam


"She refused to accept any jail time"


Lori Loughlin and her husband, fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, have pleaded "not guilty" against charges of mail fraud and money laundering conspiracy in the college bribery scam.


According to The Hollywood Reporter, Loughlin and her husband waived their right to appear in court for an arraignment and simply pled not guilty. Last week, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Boston announced the famous couple were being charged "in a second superseding indictment with conspiring to commit fraud and money laundering in connection with a scheme to use bribery to cheat on college entrance exams and to facilitate their children’s admission to selective colleges and universities as purported athletic recruits." Other prominent parents were indicted on similar charges.


Loughlin and Giannulli allegedly worked in concert with William "Rick" Singer to bribe college officials and rig the entrance exams so that their children could be accepted into elite universities. USA Today reported last week that prosecutors say the new indictments resulted from the defendants allegedly "conspiring to launder bribes and other payments in furtherance of the fraud by funneling them through Singer’s purported charity and his for-profit corporation, as well as by transferring money into the United States, from outside the United States, for the purpose of promoting the fraud scheme."


Lori Loughlin's "not guilty" plea stands in stark contrast with that of actress Felicity Huffman — she entered a guilty plea last week, apologizing for her behavior while begging the American public for forgiveness.


"I am in full acceptance of my guilt, and with deep regret and shame over what I have done, I accept full responsibility for my actions and will accept the consequences that stem from those actions," Huffman said in the statement. "I am ashamed of the pain I have caused my daughter, my family, my friends, my colleagues and the educational community. I want to apologize to them. I want to apologize to the students who work hard every day to get into college, and to their parents who make tremendous sacrifices to support their children and do so honestly."


Last week, a source told E! News that Loughlin is now reportedly "freaking out" over the prospect of being sentenced to jail, where she allegedly could be headed for as long as 40 years. Unlike Felicity Huffman, Loughlin apparently thought the district attorney was "bluffing."


"Firm in her beliefs that surely she wouldn't see the inside of a prison cell, a source tells E! News, she neglected to join the 13 parents (including fellow actress Felicity Huffman) and one university athletic coach who agreed to plead guilty to the charges of mail fraud and honest services mail fraud," the outlet reported.


The source confirmed to E! News that Loughlin has been in "complete denial" over the seriousness of her situation. "She has been in complete denial and thought maybe she could skate by," the source said. "She refused to accept any jail time and thought the prosecutor was bluffing. She was adamant she wouldn't do any jail time. Lori is finally realizing just how serious this is. She is seeing the light that she will do jail time and is freaking out."


Loughlin has been dropped from both the Hallmark Channel and the Netflix series "Fuller House."

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:33 a.m. No.6187515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7554 >>7572 >>7715 >>7956

Leaked Intelligence Document Reveals French Weapons, Ships, Being Used in Yemen


French weapons are being used by the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia in Yemen, according to a classified note revealed by French media on Monday which contradicts the claims of France’s government.


The note from the French military intelligence service, published by new investigative media outlet Disclose, concluded that the UAE and Saudi Arabia deployed French weaponry from artillery to ships in their war against Huthi rebels.


Under pressure from rights groups in France over the sales, the Paris government has always insisted that French arms are only used in defensive circumstances to deter attacks by the Huthis.


France, the third-biggest arms exporter in the world, counts Saudi Arabia and the UAE as loyal clients in the Middle East, its biggest regional market in 2017.


Those two countries intervened in 2015 to support the Yemeni government against Huthi rebels, which are backed by Iran, in a war that has left around 10,000 dead and pushed millions to the brink of starvation.


The UN calls the situation in Yemen the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.


– Artillery, tanks, ships, helicopters –


The classified note — provided to the French government in October 2018, according to Disclose — said that 48 Caesar artillery guns manufactured by the Nexter group were being used along the Saudi-Yemen border.


Leclerc tanks, sold in the 1990s to the UAE, have also been used, as have Mirage 2000-9 fighter jets, while French missile-guiding technology called Damocles might have been deployed, according to the assessment.


Cougar transport helicopters and the A330 MRTT refuelling plane have also seen action, and two French ships are serving in the blockade of Yemeni ports which has led to food and medical shortages, the DRM military intelligence agency concluded.


Asked for comment by AFP, the French government said that “to our knowledge, the French weapons owned by members of the coalition are for the most part in defensive positions, outside of Yemen or in military bases, not on the frontline.”


Disclose is a new investigative website working in partnership with established media companies including public broadcaster France Info, online brand Mediapart and Franco-German television channel Arte.

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.6187590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7715 >>7720 >>7956

Congolese Migrants Monitored for Ebola Along Texas Border, Says Official


A public health official in Laredo, Texas, said 20 Congolese migrants were monitored for Ebola and other diseases in shelters in his city and across the Mexican border in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Shortly after his announcement during a Laredo City Council meeting, the World Health Organization (WHO) considered declaring a “global emergency” in response to a massive outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


“We have 8 Congolese right now in one of our shelters and a dozen in Nuevo Laredo,” Laredo Health Director Dr. Hector Gonzalez told the Laredo City Councilman George Altget during a council meeting on April 4. “For them, my concern was Ebola.” He said that due to the time element, the Congolese migrants were not developing symptoms of Ebola. “But, we’re on alert to check that,” he said.


A report from the WHO states that, as of April 10, there have been more than 1,200 reported cases of Ebola in the Congo (1,140 confirmed, 66 probable). Those cases resulted in the deaths of 764 patients (698 confirmed, 66 probable). On Friday, The WHO decided the outbreak does not yet constitute a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).”


A top Red Cross official told NBC News on Friday that he is “more concerned than I have ever been” about the current outbreak of Ebola spreading regionally. Emanuele Capobianco cited statistics from the Congolese health ministry confirming 40 new cases over a two-day period last week. NBC reported that the official called the rate unprecedented in this particular outbreak.


Doctors Without Borders responded to the lack of action from the WHO.


“Whatever the official status of this outbreak is, it is clear that the outbreak is not under control and therefore we need a better collective effort, Gwenola Seroux, emergency manager for the organization said in a written statement. “What is most important now if we want to gain control of this epidemic is to change the way we are dealing with it.”


In Laredo, Dr. Gonzalez said migrants from other countries present other health risks as well. He said they are monitoring migrants for yellow fever and malaria. “We don’t commonly see these (diseases), but we could.”


Gonzalez said that 2,800 migrants have been released in Laredo at the bus station in the past two and a half months. He said the city government is working with charity organizations to provide health screenings. “We’ve had flu. We’ve had a couple of potential respiratory infections that could be communicable, but we ruled them out – [tuberculosis] and mumps.”


“TB is an ongoing issue in the state of Texas,’ the doctor explained. “Between Texas, California, and New York, we have 50 percent of the cases of TB and the border has the most. Brownsville has the biggest number of cases.”


“We always have surveillance for different issues that I’ve expressed,” the health director concluded.

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:40 a.m. No.6187609   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Paul Suggests Granting Assange Immunity In Exchange For Congressional Testimony: Report


Julian Assange should be let off the hook for releasing stolen material through his WikiLeaks website if he agrees to testify in person before lawmakers investigating his publication of Democratic Partydocuments, Sen. Rand Paul said in an interview published Wednesday.


“I think that he should be given immunity from prosecution in exchange for coming to the United States and testifying,” said Mr. Paul, Kentucky Republican.


“I think he’s been someone who has released a lot of information, and you can debate whether or not any of that has caused harm, but I think really he has information that is probably pertinent to the hacking of the Democratic emails that would be nice to hear,” Mr. Paul told a writer for The Gateway Pundit site.


Representatives for neither Mr. Assange nor WikiLeaks immediately returned messages seeking comment.


A 47-year-old Australian native, Mr. Assange has been under investigation in the U.S. since 2010 when WikiLeaks published classified diplomatic and military material obtained from the U.S. Departments of State and Defense, respectively. Investigators have more recently taken an interest in his publication of leaked Democratic Party material during the 2016 U.S. presidential race, however, and the Senate Intelligence Committee wrote Mr. Assange earlier this month requesting an interview on the matter.


“It’s probably unlikely to happen unless he is given some type of immunity from prosecution,” said Mr. Paul, a member of both the Senate Foreign Relations and Homeland Security Committees.

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:41 a.m. No.6187629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7638 >>7870

Israel court approves demolition of scores of Palestinian homes


An Israeli court ordered the demolition of Palestinian homes because they were allegedly built in the “Peace Forest” but has given settlers permission to build there gives permission for settlers to build their homes, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported yesterday.


Palestinian residents of the homes appealed to the Israeli District Court in Jerusalem against the demolition order, but the court turned down their appeal.


According to Haaretz, the Israeli court upheld the demolition because, as claimed by the Israeli municipality, the houses are being built in what the municipality calls the “Peace Forest’ in the Abu Tor neighbourhood. It added that they had also been built without the impossible to obtain building permits.


According to the paper, two weeks ago, the Israeli municipality “tried to change the forest’s zoning so that Elad, an NGO that moves Jewish residents into Palestinian neighbourhoods of East Jerusalem, would not have to destroy some of the illegal buildings it has put up there.”


As a result of this ruling, up to 60 buildings, home to 500 Palestinians, are expected to be demolished, but “the judge wrote that despite the harsh repercussions ‘there are clear planning and construction laws and the High Court has ruled that whoever decides to build without appropriate permits can complain only to themselves for deciding to take the law into their own hands.’”


Meanwhile, the Israeli paper revealed, the Israeli municipality granted Elad permission to maintain its illegal structures.


Responding to Haaretz, the Israeli municipality said: “The Jerusalem municipality sees great importance in carrying out city zoning plans, alongside law enforcement against illegal construction,” adding that Elad’s plans did not involve construction but the development of land for leisure and sport activity.


Most Palestinian houses in occupied East Jerusalem are built without permits. “It’s not that we didn’t want to obtain a building permit, they [Israeli authorities] wouldn’t allow us to,” Palestinian resident, Walid Shweiki, told Haaretz.


He added: “Your family grows, you have a wife and children. Where can you go and live? On the street? You need some place.”

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:45 a.m. No.6187694   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Displaced Syrians Leaving Rukban Camp Say US Occupation Forces Starved Thousands of Camp Residents


HOMS, (ST)- A new batch of displaced Syrians on Saturday left al-Rukban Camp in al-Tanf area near the Syrian-Jordanian borders and arrived in Jleigem corridor so as to be transferred to makeshift centers in Homs.


The process comes within the framework of the Syrian State's efforts to end the tragedy of tens of thousands of displaced citizens who have been trapped for years in the Rukban camp by US occupation forces and their affiliated terrorists positioned in al-Tanf.


SANA reporter said that tens of displaced families, most of them children, women and elderly, arrived Saturday noon at Jleigem corridor on board of trucks and tractors.


The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) teams and the medical point provided the citizens with food and health aid upon their arrival at the corridor, SANA reporter said, pointing out that these people have suffered for five years very hard living circumstances in the camp due to the lack of food, water and health care under the siege of the US forces and the terrorists.


According to the reporter, concerned parties have completed all procedures necessary to transfer the families to makeshift centers in preparation to take them later to their permanent places of residence in areas liberated from terrorism by the Syrian Arab army.


One of the officers supervising the return of the displaced families told SANA reporter that "the Syrian army personnel are sparing no effort as to receive the returnees and provide them with necessary humanitarian aid, including food, water and first-aid care, so as to take them later to their places of residence."


Hassan al-Naja'i, one of the returning displaced people, said that he and his family fled the crimes of Daesh terrorist organization and went to Rukban camp to find shelter. But later, the US forces and the terrorists besieged the citizens in the camp and prevented them from leaving.


On his part, Ali al-Qaseer said that the US occupation forces have starved thousands of Rukban camp residents because they prevented aid convoys from approaching the camp.


Most of the displaced people expressed happiness over returning to safety following years of humiliation and suffering.

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:48 a.m. No.6187744   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lawsuit Seeks Answers on Five Men Arrested on 9/11


They were among the few individuals we know of to be arrested on 9/11. Five men were pulled over in a white Chevrolet van and taken into custody on the afternoon of September 11, 2001, after they were seen celebrating the World Trade Center attacks from a parking lot across the Hudson River in New Jersey.


The FBI had alerted local police departments to be on the lookout for the van, which was pulled over in East Rutherford, N.J., by Bergen County police. The van was searched by a bomb-sniffing dog, yielding a positive test for the presence of explosive traces, and samples were taken for testing, but the public has never been told whether actual explosive residues were found.


The men were held for 71 days, according to ABC News, before they were deported to their home country of Israel without being charged. Much of the findings of the FBI’s investigation were redacted and have yet to be released to the public.


Though the story received considerable news coverage, neither the FBI nor the U.S. Department of Justice has ever adequately explained to the public why the five men were released without any criminal charges being filed. The 9/11 Commission then failed to consider any of the evidence developed during the FBI’s investigation of the five men.



Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, 11:50 a.m. No.6187790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7956

Judicial Watch Sues State Department over John Kerry’s ‘Shadow Diplomacy’ to Prevent U.S. Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal


Seeks emails, texts, instant chats between Kerry and State Department officials and/or Kerry meetings with Iranian officials


(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of State for records of communications between former Secretary of State John Kerry and State Department officials regarding “the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (also known as JCPOA or ‘Iran nuclear deal’) and/or meetings between Kerry and Iranian officials to discuss the JCPOA.” (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:19-cv-00777)).


On May 8, 2018, President Trump announced the United States withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, which had been negotiated by Kerry in 2015 on behalf of the Obama State Department. In the months preceding the U.S. withdrawal, Kerry reportedly had been on a “stealthy yet aggressive mission” of shadow diplomacy in an attempt to preserve the Iran nuclear deal. Kerry reportedly held meetings and spoke with major players, foreign and domestic, involved in the Iran nuclear agreement who opposed the U.S. withdrawal.


The Judicial Watch lawsuit was filed after the State Department failed to respond to a May 7, 2018, FOIA request seeking:


All records of communications, including but not limited to emails (whether on .gov or email accounts), text message or instant chat, between former Secretary of State John Kerry and official of the State Department regarding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (also known as the JCPOA or “Iran nuclear deal”) and/or meetings between Kerry and Iranian officials to discuss the JCPOA.


During his personal campaign to salvage the Iran nuclear deal, Kerry is said to have met with Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif at the United Nations in New York in late April 2018, their second meeting in two months, to discuss ways of preventing the deal limiting Iran’s nuclear weapons program from falling apart. Current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo termed Kerry’s meeting with “the world’s largest state-sponsor of terror” “unseemly and unprecedented” and “beyond inappropriate.”

Anonymous ID: 41841f April 15, 2019, noon No.6187934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7977


you need to lurk moar. The Rothschild owned Zionist state of Israel is deeply satanic at its core and has been killing people everyday since it's inception 70 years ago and continually extending it's borders.