>>6186683 lb lb lb
fake payseur paid shill
the guy is a major faggot
parades as a jew to keep the narrative going
payseurs were/are morivingian kings
this asshat is no king
>>6186683 lb lb lb
fake payseur paid shill
the guy is a major faggot
parades as a jew to keep the narrative going
payseurs were/are morivingian kings
this asshat is no king
anon you are so rightous to post this jootroo
the jews have a long and well publicized history of church burning
let the world know
(what a dumfuk you are)
yeah the romans were famous for building massive stone fortresses
(NOT)oman strongholds were built by a specialist corp that included a chief engineer; much of the manual work was undertaken by soldiers. … Each fort was erected with a wide ditch, and also included a stockade or defensive barrier made of timber posts or stone
The Romans knew how to build stone towers and walls. Castles were developed in the Middle Ages for very specific reasons, not because they didn't know how beforehand. … The Roman elite could have built castles if they wanted to, but there was no need or desire
not likely
the jew front men and asset managers for the cabal are paid VERY well
think Roth