Anonymous ID: e62a7c April 15, 2019, 11:18 a.m. No.6187321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Replying to a Post from Bread 7911


>>6186158 >>6186214


There doesn't have to be an EO, or a Law, or anything else to decide where to put them. DHS is currently, actively, delivering them by Bus, to our Cities anyway. They're dropping them in City Churches and Greyhound Bus Stations from Phoenix all the way to Houston, every day! Look at Paloma for Trump, Oscar El Blue, Anthony, Ben Berquam, and AZPatriots on Facebook. They all work together and Live Stream DHS doing this! Some follow the Buses from origin to destination! Others provide Intel from within Mexico, by Interviewing Invaders and sometimes the Organizers. Some Video BP doing their thing at the initial contact. It's been going on for months! The Illegals don't try to run from BP.. they walk calmly across the Border, sit down and wait for their Border Patrol. BP then Ubers them to a Holding Facility, which are all full now. DHS then releases some to make room for new, and they load them on to a Bus and drop them in our Cities, with a promise to return for their Hearings.. and none of them do. President Trump only has to tell the DHS to drive a little further to drop them. Again, they're already doing it! Q, take note .. you might be able to get more on the Organizers if you look at some of this as well. I've noticed Twatter is the primary go-to, but FB has alot of Patriots and Intel, as well as out of the closet shills that brag about their affiliations.