If product of Dr. Karl Klauberg and Soviet Left…could mold her to a certain direction since birth…then blackmail her with the truth? Dance my puppet!
not uncommon throughout history
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_coupled_cousins
I wonder if Merkel's Foster Father Horst Kasner was involved in the Gehlen Org
the Org recruited many agents who "wished nothing more than to drive the Bolsheviks from Europe"
Who better than to prepare Merkel for that task for East Germany?
Horst had access to western books and didn't want reunification of germany fearing the GDR perhaps over all of germany?
Plans went awry, Merkel now blackmailed puppet much like NK? Her style and fashion sense was very different many years ago. now she is a carbon copy of HRC, Theresa May.
just going out on a limb
http:// destination-yisrael.biblesearchers.com/destination-yisrael/2012/02/will-angela-merkel-daughter-of-the-german-fuehrer-adolf-hitler-brings-the-fourth-reich-of-germany-to.html
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3706048/The-pob-style-says-charge-Political-bob-chosen-haircut-powerful-women-including-Theresa-Hillary-Clinton-Angela-Merkel.html
Allies said that just to piss him off…
Hitler hated being called that.
B.M. Italy fits that mold though.