Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.6188021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Financial tyranny: America has become a pay-to-play exercise in fascism


We’re not living the American Dream. We’re in the grip of a financial nightmare.


“We the people” have become the new, permanent underclass in America.


We get taxed on how much we earn, taxed on what we eat, taxed on what we buy, taxed on where we go, taxed on what we drive, and taxed on how much is left of our assets when we die, and yet we have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used.


Case in point: Lawmakers across the country have been acting as fronts for corporations, sponsoring more than 10,000 model laws written by corporations, industry groups and think tanks such as the American Legislative Exchange Council.


Make no mistake: this is fascism disguised as legislative expediency.


As a recent investigative report by USA TODAY, The Arizona Republic and the Center for Public Integrity points out, these copycat bills have been used to “override the will of local voters” and advance the agendas of the corporate state. “Disguised as the work of lawmakers, these so-called ‘model’ bills get copied in one state Capitol after another, quietly advancing the agenda of the people who write them.”


In this way, laws that promise to protect the public “actually bolster the corporate bottom line.”


For example, “The Asbestos Transparency Act didn’t help people exposed to asbestos. It was written by corporations who wanted to make it harder for victims to recoup money. The ‘HOPE Act,’ introduced in nine states, was written by a conservative advocacy group to make it more difficult for people to get food stamps.”


Talk about Orwellian.


So we have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used, but that doesn’t prevent the government from fleecing us at every turn.


This is true whether you’re talking about taxpayers being forced to fund high-priced weaponry that will be used against us, endless wars that do little for our safety or our freedoms, or bloated government agencies such as the National Security Agency with its secret budgets, covert agendas and clandestine activities. Even monetary awards in lawsuits against government officials who are found guilty of wrongdoing are paid by the taxpayer.


We’re being forced to pay for endless wars that do more to fund the military industrial complex than protect us, for misguided pork barrel projects that do little to enhance our lives, and for the trappings of a police state that serves only to imprison us within its walls.


All the while the government continues to do whatever it likes—levy taxes, rack up debt, spend outrageously and irresponsibly—with little thought for the plight of its citizens.


And once again, we’ve got to decide whether we’ll keep marching or break stride and make a turn toward freedom.


But what if we didn’t just pull out our pocketbooks and pony up to the federal government’s outrageous demands for more money?


What if we didn’t just dutifully line up to drop our hard-earned dollars into the collection bucket, no questions asked about how it will be spent?


What if, instead of quietly sending in our tax checks, hoping vainly for some meager return, we did a little calculating of our own and started deducting from our taxes those programs that we refuse to support?

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:09 p.m. No.6188066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8699

Roman Catholicism and Zionism Are Irreconcilable


In 1904, Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, was granted an audience with Pope St. Pius X. His purpose in meeting with the Pope was to gain support for the founding of a Jewish state in what was then known as Palestine. As Herzl recorded in his diary, the Pope gave an unfavorable response, saying: “We are unable to favor this movement. We cannot prevent the Jews from going to Jerusalem – but we could never sanction it. The ground of Jerusalem, if it were not always sacred, has been sanctified by the life of Jesus Christ. As the head of the Church, I cannot answer you otherwise. The Jews have not recognized our Lord; therefore, we cannot recognize the Jewish people. And so, if you come to Palestine and settle your people there, we will be ready with churches and priests to baptize all of you." This response might smack of “anti-Semitism” to modern ears, which are ultra-sensitive to criticisms of Zionism. However, as Catholics, we should give deep consideration to the theological and moral implications of the words of this pope-saint. While many Protestant groups are now giving wholesale support of Zionism, Catholics must recognize the inherent dangers to their faith that Zionism presents.


First of all, as Catholics, we must recognize that the Catholic Church is the New Israel. In fact, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, citing the Vatican II decree entitled Ad Gentes, refers to the Church in this way, stating, “Jesus instituted the Twelve as ‘the seeds of the new Israel and the beginning of the sacred hierarchy’” (paragraph 877). Likewise, in his first epistle, St. Peter applies terms formerly reserved for the Jewish people to the followers of Christ, thus explicitly pointing out the Church’s place as the New Israel: “you are a chosen generation, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people” (1 Peter 2:9). Clearly, we can see that it has been the traditional Catholic understanding that this title, “New Israel,” belongs to the Church. Implicitly, the Jewish people are no longer “the chosen people” or the “most beloved children of God.” To confirm this, the temple of Jerusalem was providentially destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 AD. This essentially destroyed the old Israel as a nation, because without a temple, it could no longer offer sacrifices to please God.


Today, there are even some Jews who recognize that the diaspora, or dispersion of the Jewish people from the land of Israel, was a divine punishment for their apostasy. Groups such as the Neturei Karta, an anti-Zionist movement of orthodox Jews, profess a belief that the Jewish people have no right to the land of Israel, given to them by the generosity of God in the Old Testament, because they were not faithful to God’s covenant. This was the general understanding of Catholics at the beginning of the 20th century, as well. On the Neturei Karta website, they state, “The Creator gave us the Holy Land thousands of years ago. Yet, when we sinned, He took it away and sent us into exile. Since that time our task is to wait for Him to send the Messiah. At that time, the Creator alone, without any human being lifting a hand or saying a word, will bring us together and take us out of exile.” Also, on their website, one may find pictures of orthodox Jews, complete with traditional locks and long beards, standing at protests burning Israeli flags and holding signs with slogans like “Judaism Rejects Zionism” and “We are against ‘Israel’ because we are Jews.” Arguing that Zionism is a novel idea without precedent in Jewish tradition until the end of the 19th century, these anti-Zionist orthodox Jews hold that all Jews had this understanding of the diaspora previous to the modern manifestations of Zionism.

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.6188082   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Libtards defend third-trimester abortion: “I think that depends how cool the doctor is”


That statement begins at the 1:26 mark.


I assume he believes he’s so snarky with his trolling but I guarantee you he stands by that statement.

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:12 p.m. No.6188110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8135 >>8210 >>8545 >>8642 >>8723

Secret Report Reveals Saudi Incompetence and Widespread Use of U.S. Weapons in Yemen


Since the brutal murder of Saudi dissident and Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi last October, Congress has increasingly pressured the Trump administration to stop backing the Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in Yemen and halt U.S. arms sales to Riyadh. In response, President Donald Trump has repeatedly said that if the U.S. does not sell weapons to the Saudis, they will turn to U.S. adversaries to supply their arsenals.


“I don’t like the concept of stopping an investment of $110 billion into the United States,” Trump told reporters in October, referring to a collection of intent letters signed with the Saudis in the early months of his presidency. “You know what they are going to do? They’re going to take that money and spend it in Russia or China or someplace else.”


But a highly classified document produced by the French Directorate of Military Intelligence shows that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are overwhelmingly dependent on Western-produced weapon systems to wage their devastating war in Yemen. Many of the systems listed are only compatible with munitions, spare parts, and communications systems produced in NATO countries, meaning that the Saudis and UAE would have to replace large portions of their arsenals to continue with Russian or Chinese weapons.


“You can’t just swap out the missiles that are used in U.S. planes for suddenly using Chinese and Russian missiles,” said Rachel Stohl, managing director of the Conventional Defense Program at the Stimson Center in Washington, D.C. “It takes decades to build your air force. It’s not something you do in one fell swoop.”



Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:13 p.m. No.6188135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8210 >>8545 >>8642 >>8723



The report describes the Saudi-led air war in Yemen as “a campaign of massive and continuous airstrikes against territories held by the Houthi rebellion.” The coalition carried out a total of 24,000 airstrikes from the beginning of the war through September 2018, according to the report — a number that falls within the range estimated by the Yemen Data Project, an independent monitoring group.


French intelligence has observed five types of piloted fighters flying over Yemen, all of which are NATO aircraft. The only non-NATO aircraft mentioned in the report is the Wing Loong, a Reaper drone knockoff produced by the Chinese. Export controls have prevented the U.S. from selling armed drones to the UAE, so Abu Dhabi turned to China to acquire them. Last year, the UAE used a Chinese drone to kill Saleh al-Samad, president of the Houthi Supreme Political Council, who was widely viewed as an advocate for engaging in the U.N.-led peace process.


Despite their vast technological superiority, the Saudis in particular are failing to meet their military objectives, the report says, identifying Saudi targeting as in need of improvement. And it describes the Saudis as less effective participants in air and sea missions, noting that the Emiratis are largely responsible for the blockade. It speaks more favorably of Emirati pilots, saying that they have a “proven” ability to use guided munitions, and that they perform up to NATO standards during bombing missions.



Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6188168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8210 >>8545 >>8642 >>8723

How Convenient


Venezuelan ex-spy chief with ‘treasure trove of intel’ on Maduro arrested in Spain



The former director of Venezuela’s military spy agency, who is wanted in the United States for facilitating international drug trafficking, has been arrested in Spain and may be extradited to Washington. Hugo Carvajal is a retired general and former diplomat, who was a member of the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez’s inner circle. From 2004 to 2011, under Chávez’s tutelage, Carvajal headed the Directorate General of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM). But in 2008, the US named Carvajal as a major facilitator of international drugs trafficking and imposed financial sanctions on his assets around the world. Washington accused Carvajal of assisting the paramilitary group known as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) transport drugs from Latin America to Mexico and from there to the US.


In 2014, the US government officially charged Carvajal with orchestrating a shipment of 1,200lbs of cocaine from Venezuela to Mexico. Washington also charged Carvajal with supplying FARC drug traffickers with Venezuelan passports bearing fake names, which they used to travel internationally to avoid detection. In 2014, Carvajal was arrested by authorities in Aruba, a Dutch overseas territory in Latin America, where he was serving as Venezuela’s consul general. But, to Washington’s dismay, he was released after the Dutch government ruled that his diplomatic immunity gave him immunity from prosecution. Following his release, Carvajal returned to Venezuela, where he was given a hero’s welcome by Chávez’s successor, President Nicolás Maduro. It came as a shock, therefore, when in February of this year Carvajal posted a video on social media in which he denounced Maduro and sided with his arch-nemesis, Juan Guaido, the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela. Carvajal’s issued his video a few weeks after Guaido declared himself president of Venezuela, citing powers afforded to him by the country’s constitution. He has since been openly supported by the United States and dozens of other Western countries. In his video, Carvajal urged the Venezuelan armed forces to stop siding with Maduro and support Guaido as Venezuela’s acting president.


The BBC reported that, shortly after Carvajal’s arrest in Spain, the US Department of Justice filed a formal request for the former spy chief’s extradition to the US. But the Reuters news agency cited an unnamed US government official who said that Carvajal was in possession of a “treasure trove” of intelligence about Maduro’s administration. The US official hinted that Carvajal may have willingly given himself up to Spanish police to express his desire to cooperate with the US. He is scheduled to appear before Spain’s High Court on Saturday. The court has 24 hours following Carvajal’s arrest to rule whether he will be extradited or freed from detention.

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6188178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8198 >>8210 >>8545 >>8642 >>8723

6 charged with spreading New Zealand mosque shooting video online


Wellington, New Zealand – Six people appeared in a New Zealand court Monday on charges they illegally redistributed the video a gunman livestreamed as he shot worshippers at two mosques last month. Christchurch District Court Judge Stephen O'Driscoll denied bail to businessman Philip Arps and an 18-year-old suspect who both were taken into custody in March. The four others are not in custody.


The charge of supplying or distributing objectionable material carries a penalty of up to 14 years imprisonment. Arps, 44, is scheduled to next appear in court via video link on April 26.


The 18-year-old suspect is charged with sharing the livestream video and a still image of the Al Noor mosque with the words "target acquired." He will reappear in court on July 31 when electronically monitored bail will be considered.


Police prosecutor Pip Currie opposed bail for the 18-year-old suspect and said the second charge, involving the words added to the still image, was of significant concern.



Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:20 p.m. No.6188219   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As U.S. Withdraws, CIA Director Haspel Visits Afghanistan


Just as the U.S. armed forces are stepping out of Afghanistian, the CIA is stepping in. CIA director Gina Haspel visited the Central Asian country where the U.S. forces have been fighting for 18 years.


Her mission: maintaining or even expanding the U.S. intelligence presence there.


Haspel met with Afghan government officials including President Ashraf Ghani and the country’s intelligence chief, Masoom Stanekzai, according to sources familiar with the visit.


Haspel’s visit shows how hard it is to disengage from U.S. military interventions, even when the president favors it. The same dynamic is at work in Syria, where Trump’s withdrawal order has been modified to exempt a 400 (or is it 1,000) soldier contingent.


As in Syria, the Afghan withdrawal orders have not been fully executed.


… the timeline for the US military withdrawal from Afghanistan, which Trump repeatedly promised during his presidential campaign, remains unclear. Despite expectations that a drawdown would have begun by now, US contractors for the Defense Department have continued to see their contracts renewed this year.


Why build up the CIA? As CNN dutifully reports.


It’s also a national security priority to collect intelligence on terrorist groups operating in the area, including ISIS’s regional offshoot, especially along the Afghan-Pakistani border


Haspel’s visit is another way of saying, “we don’t intend to leave. “

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.6188235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8545 >>8642 >>8723

Chinese Woman Arrested at Trump’s Florida Resort Pleads Not Guilty


WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.—A Chinese woman charged with bluffing her way into President Donald Trump’s Florida resort last month, raising concerns about security at one of the president’s weekend getaways, entered a not guilty plea on April 15 in federal court.


Yujing Zhang was formally indicted on Friday on charges of making false statements to a federal officer and entering or remaining in a restricted area. The counts carry a sentence of up to five years in prison.


During her arraignment and detention hearing in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Monday, a federal prosecutor said Zhang could face more charges.


She has not been indicted on any espionage charges. The FBI is examining whether Zhang has any links to intelligence agencies in China or political influence operations, two U.S. government sources have told Reuters.


Zhang, who is either 32 or 33 years old, according to court documents, was arrested on March 30 after giving conflicting reasons for being at the Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach during one of Trump’s weekend visits, an incident that renewed concerns about security at the club.


Trump was not on the premises at the time.


She was briefly allowed onto the property after staff mistakenly thought she might be the daughter of a club member. She aroused suspicions by variously telling Secret Service agents and Mar-a-Lago reception staff that she wanted to use the pool and that she was there for an event that did not appear on the day’s schedule, according to prosecutors.


Zhang’s lawyer, Robert Adler, has described the incident as a “misunderstanding” and said, “I don’t understand how this could be a trespass charge.”

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.6188272   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Elizabeth Warren Presses Pentagon on Its Planning for Climate Change


One of America’s major political parties may not yet be willing to acknowledge that climate change is real, but it is already having significant effects on the U.S. military. Flooding in Nebraska and a hurricane in Florida that damaged military installations led to a recent Pentagon request of $5 billion in relief money. Now Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Jack Reed, D-R.I., are calling on the Government Accountability Office to assess military contractors’ vulnerability to climate risks.


“While there has been analysis of the impact of climate change on military facilities,” they write, “there has been no comprehensive analysis of the risks of climate change on the network of military contractors that provide billions of dollars of goods, services, and research and development” to the Department of Defense. As the letter released this afternoon notes, defense companies accepted $300 billion in federal contracts in 2017 and constitute a foundational part of U.S. military operations. “This is a significant gap.”


Specifically, Warren and Reed have asked the GAO to investigate three questions:


To what extent does climate change pose a threat to facilities and operations of key private sector DoD contractors, and how do contractors’ climate change vulnerabilities affect military operations and readiness?

To what extent are contractors required to disclose, either to the public, to financial regulators, or to DoD, any potential threats to their facilities or operations as a result of climate change?

To what extent do DoD contracting officials, during the procurement process, take into consideration (1) the actions taken by contractors to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions and their history of compliance with the nation’s environmental laws; (2) the potential threats of contractors’ facilities and operations as a result of climate change.

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6188297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8329 >>8545 >>8642 >>8723

Fourteen churches seized in Ukraine’s Rovno region


The representative of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church stressed that local officials are supporting the seizure of churches


KIEV, April 15. /TASS/. Fourteen churches have been seized in Ukraine’s Rovno Region, and 60 dioceses have been eliminated due to the establishment of a new religious organization, the so-called Orthodox Church of Ukraine, a representative of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (the canonical church belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate) Bishop Dubensky Pimen stated during a press conference in the city of Rovno.


"In the past two weeks, over 60 dioceses of the newly established Orthodox Church of Ukraine have been registered with the use of the data of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s religious communities, that is, over 60 dioceses belonging to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have been eliminated by force. Fourteen churches have been seized," the bishop said.


The representative of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church stressed that local officials are supporting the seizure of churches. "The people who must monitor the implementation of the country’s laws blatantly violate them instead and incite not just hatred, but a religious war, which leads to destabilization of the difficult situation in Ukraine," the bishop stated.


Ukrainian church split


Since the February 2014 coup, Kiev has sought to create an independent church in Ukraine that would sever ties with the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. In April 2018, Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko wrote a personal letter to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople asking for autocephaly for the Ukrainian church.


On December 15, Kiev hosted the so-called ‘unification’ council held under the supervision of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and brokered by the Ukrainian authorities. The canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church refused to take part in the event, stressing that both the ‘unification council’ and Poroshenko’s newly founded ecclesiastical establishment were illegitimate. Nevertheless, after the council, the Ukrainian president announced the establishment of this new church in the country - the so-called Orthodox Church of Ukraine.


Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.6188335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump hits Mueller team's credibility ahead of report's release


President Trump on Monday took a shot at the credibility of Robert Mueller's investigation by reiterating Attorney General William Barr’s claim there may have been “spying” on his 2016 campaign, as Washington prepares for the long-awaited release of the special counsel's report.


In a pair of tweets published just after the Justice Department said the report will become public on Thursday, the president renewed his claim it was written by “18 Angry Democrats who also happen to be Trump Haters” and “should have focused on the people who SPIED on my 2016 Campaign.”


“INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS!” he tweeted early Monday morning, before writing in a later post that “THEY SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN (We will never forget)!”


Trump is likely seeking to downplay expectations for the report, which is expected to contain more damaging information about his conduct than Barr’s four-page letter saying he would not face charges on collusion or obstruction related to Russia’s interference in the 2016 race.


Barr’s letter reportedly made Trump feel emboldened to escalate his attacks on Mueller and his investigators, but some allies of the president are worried the assault might backfire if the special counsel’s report paints an unflattering picture of the president or those close to him.


Such a result could revive the Russia probe as a political issue for Democrats and cast the victory lap the president took in the aftermath of Barr’s letter, during which he claimed “complete and total exoneration,” in a more negative light.


Top White House officials have nonetheless chosen to follow the president’s lead.


White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Sunday attempted to minimize the potential ramifications of Mueller’s fuller findings, deeming the matter “case closed.”


“I don't think it's going to be damaging to the president because the entire purpose of the investigation was whether or not there was collusion,” Sanders said on “Fox News Sunday.”


“Mueller was crystal clear in the fact that there was no collusion, not just between the president but any American, they couldn't find anything,” she continued. “They couldn't make a determination, which is basically Mueller's way legally of saying we can't find anything.”


Sanders pushed back on the suggestion that Trump is opposed to the public release of Mueller’s report, arguing that the president “wants transparency.”


Trump previously said Mueller had acted honorably. He has said he would defer to the attorney general on making the report available but would support letting the public view the document.


That rhetoric has given way more recently to pre-emptive attacks on Democratic lawmakers who are unlikely to be satisfied by a heavily redacted version of Mueller’s report.


“The Radical Left Democrats will never be satisfied with anything we give them,” Trump tweeted Monday morning. “They will always Resist and Obstruct!”


Barr has said he would not redact information to protect Trump’s reputation, only to shield possible grand jury or classified information.


But Democratic leaders have pressed for the attorney general to provide an unredacted version of Mueller’s report, along with the underlying evidence that the special counsel used to formulate his findings.


Democrats have argued that Barr, a political appointee of the president, should not be trusted to deliver an unbiased accounting of Mueller’s findings.


“I don’t trust Barr, I trust Mueller,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told The Associated Press last week.


Democrats and other national security officials have said Barr’s use of the word “spying” was inappropriate in describing surveillance used by federal investigators on Trump campaign advisers during the 2016 campaign.


Barr told members of Congress last week that he would look into whether any of the surveillance was inappropriate.

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.6188364   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5G REJECTED: New Movement Emerges Bent on Incapacitating 5G Towers, Antennae and Equipment


“We will do whatever it takes to irreparably

neutralize 5G infrastructure! 5G will not be

allowed in our neighborhoods.”

— Anti-5G Protestor


The burgeoning citizens movement to stop the 5G roll-out is taking a page right out of the French Yellow Vest’s playbook.


Some of these folks are fierce and furious and ferocious. They will do ANYTHING to stop 5G.


And they come from all walks of life.


What they share is an unshakable conviction about the extraordinary dangers of 5G technology.


They also all agree that the government has let them down in a big way.


These American “Yellow Vests” firmly believe government at all levels are conspiring with the Telcom companies to roll-out 5G without informed consent.


They also know that zero testing of 5G on human health and safety has been conducted as required by law.


Because of this unacceptable predicament, anonymous “Yellow Vests” throughout the USA have announced they will be taking aggressive measures to thwart the 5G deployment.


Cellphone towers have already been disabled in targeted areas. These incidents have not been reported by the media for fear of copycats rapidly multiplying.


However, there’s no stopping this angry movement from growing. Their goal is to inspire every community to target the local 5G infrastructure by whatever means necessary.


The government has betrayed the people they have sworn to protect. So, they have left the vulnerable and injured with no other alternative. If they don’t protect themselves from 5G harm, no one else will.


Those who have studied this technology know that 5G does not discriminate. And that it will gravely undermine the health of every American.


Many people will die slow and painful deaths due to over-exposure to 5G frequencies and radiation. This cannot be permitted. It will not be permitted.


As a result, communities everywhere will be challenged to stop the deployment of 5G by any means required.


Eventually, the Telcoms will realize the futility of proceeding with the 5G roll-out.


Neighborhoods everywhere will be ‘removing’ 5G equipment faster than it’s installed. The notorious 5G boxes will be put out-of-commission before they can be activated.


Who can blame these 5G protesters for protecting the citizenry wherever the government has failed to?


If the government had not imposed this highly unsafe technology on cities and rural areas everywhere, these courageous 5G protestors would never have had to resort to such extreme measures.


After all, premeditated and inhumane acts which cause harm and/or death to a populace are in clear violation of international law, among several other criminal and civil law codes legislated by federal, state, county and municipal jurisdictions across the USA.

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:31 p.m. No.6188405   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Air Force Struck Syria’s Masyaf With New Supersonic, Precision-Guided Missiles: Expert


The Israeli Air Force (IAF) used Rampage supersonic precision-guided missiles in its recent attack on the towns of Masyaf and Umm Haratayn in Syria’s Hama, Iranian defense analyst Babak Taghvaee claimed on April 14.


Rampage is an air-launched version of the EXTRA artillery rocket system developed by Israel’s IMI Systems. The missile, which entered serial production this year, is guided by an inertial navigation system (INS) and GPS.


The specific range of the new Israeli missile is unknown. However, Boaz Levy, General Manager and Executive Vice President of IAI’s Rockets and Space Group told Jane’s that Rampage is a supersonic all-weather day/night air-to-surface missile with a stand-off range of “100s of kilometers.


According to Taghvaee, the IAF opted to use Rampage for the first time due to the danger of the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF) S-300PMU2 system, which is deployed in Masyaf’s outskirt.


The missile’s high speed and alleged long-range makes it prefect for sensitive missions. However, there is no solid evidence supporting the claim that it was used in the recent Israeli attack.


The Israeli airstrikes on April 13 destroyed the College of Management, the Scientific Research center and the Accounting School in Masyaf and what appears to be a missile site near the town of Umm Haratayn. More than 20 people were reportedly injured.

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.6188429   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top US General Wants More Communication With Russia


Says communication is 'a very important part of deterrence'


US-Russia relations are seemingly always on the cusp of a new post-Cold War low, and with many of the traditional channels of communication already severed, the US has generally responded to every new strain by cutting ties even further. Diplomats are expelled, talks are canceled, and the two sides are further isolated from one another.


US Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrrotti, the top NATO commander in Europe, warns that this is a mistake. Scaparrotti says he believes communication is a key part of deterrence and that in that way the US “should have more communication with Russia.”


It isn’t that the general doesn’t understand the desire to keep Russia at arm’s length. He conceded that it “doesn’t have to be a lot” of increased communication. He said, however, that the two sides need to understand each other better, and why they are each doing what they’re doing.


This argument will be tough to sell to politicians for whom the idea that Russia can be understood is near blasphemy. To the general, however, having basic information about the general intentions of both sides greatly reduces the chances of the two sides blundering heedlessly into a calamitous war.

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.6188485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8545 >>8642 >>8723

International Criminal Court: US/NATO Imperial Tool


Time and again, the ICC breaches its mandate, calling for “end(ing) impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern.”


The court consistently ignores US/NATO imperial war crimes, prosecuting their victims instead.


Established by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on July 1, 2002, it’s mandated to prosecute individuals for genocide and aggression, as well as crimes or war and against humanity – the highest of high crimes.


Never in the court’s near-17 year history did it fulfill its mandate, a disturbing record.


Since established in 1945, the performance of the UN is worse over a far longer duration. Established “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our life time has brought untold sorrow to mankind,” its near-75-year history reflects consistent failures.


Its leadership did nothing to deter war, human rights abuses, or other high crimes of powerful member states, notably the US, other Western ones and Israel – responsible for countless high crimes of war and against humanity, committed with impunity.


In 2016, ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said she’d launch an investigation into Afghanistan war crimes after US November elections.


Its high crimes of war in Afghanistan and other war theaters are well documented – notably damning information in the Afghan War Diary and Iraq War Logs revealed by Chelsea Manning, published by WikiLeaks.


There’s enough credible information in them to indict top officials of three US regimes, most current and past congressional members for funding US wars, the entire Pentagon high command, and countless subordinates below them.


Last week, the Trump regime annulled Bensouda’s US visa (except to visit UN headquarters in New York) after Pompeo vowed to shield Americans from what he called “unjust prosecutions,” adding:


“If you’re responsible for the proposed ICC investigation of US personnel in connection with the situation in Afghanistan, you should not assume that you still have, or will get, a visa or that you will be permitted to enter the United States.”


“We are prepared to take additional steps, including economic sanctions, if the ICC does not change course.”


Washington rules call for prosecuting its victims, not US government and military officials responsible for the highest of high crimes.


The 2002 American Service Members’ Protection Act (ASPA, aka The Hague Invasion Act) “protect(s) United States military personnel and other elected and appointed officials of the United States government against criminal prosecution by an international court to which the United States is not party.”


It authorizes the president to use “all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any US or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court.”

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:41 p.m. No.6188540   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Top Five Special Interests Pushing Regime Change in Venezuela


Think about who gets rich off of the Venezuela regime-change agenda. It’s the same people that said we had to invade Iraq in order to prevent nuclear apocalypse. It’s the same people who said the world would stop turning on its axis if we didn’t carpet bomb Libya and Syria.


Number 1: The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which wants to saddle the Venezuelan people with enormous debt to the IMF


The trojan horse for the return of neoliberalism in Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, stated that he’s going to borrow money from the IMF to fund his government, which would make all Venezuelans indebted to this predatory institution. Guaidó spends the money, the poor and working people work to pay taxes that pay off the principal and the interest.


The IMF was created in New Hampshire in 1945 to internationalize and standardize capitalism and its rules in an increasingly globalized and U.S.-dominated world.


Its primary function is acting as an international lender-of-last-resort to indebted countries. IMF member states decide which countries will receive loans, but the member states with the largest say are the ones that own the largest share of the IMF’s funds, which have always been the United States and its allies.


This is why the IMF’s standard “structural adjustment program” is based on the so-called Washington Consensus, a set of 10 economic policies entirely concocted by U.S. think tanks, the IMF, the World Bank and the Treasury Department. The Washington Consensus is as follows:


In exchange for a loan, often with a high-interest rate that many would call predatory, the IMF overhauls the protective and redistributive policies of a country for neoliberal policies, making the target country ripe for finance capital investment and profit-making.

Anonymous ID: 6f9816 April 15, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.6188596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8633

Look how the Zionist run Gateway pundit tries to shape the race war between Muslims and Christian's narrative


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