Yes, it is indeed the (((jews))). Thanks for the reminder. ;)
And I am back, BTW. :)
Yes, it is indeed the (((jews))). Thanks for the reminder. ;)
And I am back, BTW. :)
REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS
That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)
REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech
(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.
They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception".
Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. The song is from 2003 so they have had the tech at least since then.
"Do you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Do you dream like I dream?"
Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.
Quote from edwardsnowden.com
โI don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.โ
What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?
Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech
>Remember when ISIS apologized to Israel for 'accidentally' bombing some Israeli targets?
I 'member. :)
To it you are all irrelevantโฆ ;)
>Predictive programming and foreknowledge of events are reelz.
That's nice. Probably made possible by time machines? ;)
>So what. "someone did something" Who cares. Amirite?
Well, we both know who that (((someone))) is though, don't we? ;)
Q continuum post time.
Q Continuum
The Q Continuum was an extra-dimensional plane of existence inhabited by a race of beings known as the Q. The term could also refer to the Q society itself.
As a race, the Q were immortal, but not absolutely omniscient or omnipotent (according to Quinn). They possessed the ability to alter, create, or destroy virtually any form of matter or energy, and to affect time in essentially any way they chose. Their apparent abilities included moving entire asteroid belts and stars, creating alternate timelines, and affecting universal states of nature such as the gravitational constant. Q, when discussing the dangers of allowing Amanda Rogers to develop her abilities without supervision, offhandedly remarked that she would be capable of destroying the entire Milky Way Galaxy by accident. In fact, the only time a Q was seen as unable to do something was during a period where their powers were reduced or revoked by the Continuum. (TNG: "Deja Q", "Tapestry", "All Good Thingsโฆ")
The Q claimed to have always existed, and their origins (if they had any), are unknown. (VOY: "The Q and the Grey")
Based on descriptions by numerous Q, including the Q later known as Quinn, as well as Amanda Rogers (the child of two Q in Human form), the Q Continuum was a very highly ordered society, but also a virtually stagnant one.
In the beginnings of what Quinn called the "new era", the Q engaged in constant dialogues of discovery and other universal issues. However, eventually, the Q came to realize that they had experienced, observed, or discussed literally everything imaginable. This resulted in the virtual shutdown of the Continuum as a society, as the immortal beings simply saw no point in even conversing with one another anymore. This resulted in one of the Q, Q, deciding to simply use his powers to stir up trouble and cause chaos, simply because there was nothing else to do. As a result of Q's rebellious behavior, Quinn, a respected philosopher in the Continuum, decided that he wanted to shake things up even further by committing suicide, as he not only saw no purpose in continuing to exist, but wanted to break the monotonous stagnation afflicting the Continuum. The Continuum, however, stopped him from doing so because they were unable to predict what sort of societal chaos might result in the Continuum as a result of a Q committing suicide.
Quinn was imprisoned on a rogue comet for eternity to prevent him from ending his own life, until he was accidentally released by the crew of the USS Voyager in 2372. In a courtroom hearing to determine his right to political asylum, Quinn described the Continuum as a lazy, old way station along a deserted desert road โ he argued that the road could take them to anywhere in the universe, but the Q had already been everywhere. In addition, everything both old and new had already been discussed, and so the roadhouse was silent โ there was nothing left to say. Therefore, Quinn argued that being forced to remain alive was a continued burden to him, a burden that he did not want to continue to bear. Q argued that the death of a Q would create chaos in the Continuum. Voyager captain Kathryn Janeway ruled in Quinn's favor, granting him asylum. A day later, Quinn committed suicide. (VOY: "Death Wish")
Yes, you are all indeed going to the same place. Already on the hiiiiiiiighway I say.
Ah, so you are saying there was no fire? That's good then I guess. Assuming the building is still standing.
>this building burning is of little or no consequence.
No, lot of hard work went into that building. So no. You are wrong. No one these days are willing to spend time making such buildings. Hopefully you know that.