Anonymous ID: 8d5115 April 15, 2019, 2:49 p.m. No.6190412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0464 >>0831

Trump's Interior chief faces ethics investigation just days after being confirmed


The Interior Department's inspector general on Monday opened an investigation into David Bernhardt, Trump's newly appointed interior secretary. The Interior Department confirmed to the Washington Examiner that the investigation was initiated on Monday at the request of Democrats, just days after Bernhardt was confirmed by the Senate. Democratic Sens. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Tom Udall of New Mexico requested the inspector general's investigation into whether Bernhardt violated lobbying laws while serving in his previous capacity as deputy interior secretary.


"Secretary Bernhardt is hopeful the Inspector General will expeditiously complete a review of the facts associated with the questions raised by Democratic Members of Congress and DC political organizations," said Interior spokeswoman Faith Vander Voort, rebutting accusations that Bernhardt had violated any rules or laws. She noted that the agency's ethics office had already conducted its review, determining that Bernhardt is in "complete compliance" with his ethics agreement and all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

Anonymous ID: 8d5115 April 15, 2019, 3 p.m. No.6190581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0639 >>0819

Obama's Border Patrol Chief: Migrant Crisis 'Worst In The History Of The Country'


A second ex-Obama admin official has spoken up over the crisis at the southern US border. Mark Morgan, a career FBI official who served as Border Patrol chief during the last six months of the Obama administration told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo on Monday that the US-Mexico border crisis has reached historic proportions and is the worst in the history of the country. "This isn’t just a crisis, this is a crisis like we’ve never experienced in the history of this country since we started tracking numbers," said Morgan, who also addressed false statistics floating around comparing the numbers of migrants to those of the 1990s. There’s still this very false talking point out there that — well, back in the ’90s, the numbers were higher — over a million.” Well, first of all, again, you got to remember they were Mexican adults, we were moving, deporting 90 percent of them. With the broken asylum laws and other loopholes that are there, we’re seeing 65 to 70 percent increase in family units, and because of those broken laws, we’re allowing them in. This year, we’re expected to hit a million, but we’re going to let 650,000 into the country. That’s driving this crisis, driving our resources, being overwhelmed. We have to address it.


In late march, former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said that the situation at the southern border has reached a crisis, and that the number of apprehensions has exceeded anything he encountered during his time in the Obama administration.

Anonymous ID: 8d5115 April 15, 2019, 3:05 p.m. No.6190684   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Indeed, that is what these globalists are best at..chaos. They live for it, while they have a laugh at the rest of the world with eyes on them and their nefarious deeds.

Anonymous ID: 8d5115 April 15, 2019, 3:14 p.m. No.6190812   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Inside The US-Led Operation To Bust North Korean Oil Smugglers On The High Seas


For the first time details of an extensive anti-smuggling surveillance operation involving eight United Nations member countries in the East China Sea, in waters near China and North Korea, have been revealed by a new Wall Street Journal investigation. WSJ reporters accompanied the USS Milius and an allied Japanese warship, cooperating further with military surveillance aircraft, on a mission to thwart sanctions busting illegal oil transfers on the high seas to North Korean tankers.


The stunning report provides a first hand account of in some instances Chinese ships turning off their transponders ("ghosting" international trackers) to covertly transfer petroleum products to North Korean bound tankers on the open waters. One dramatic episode involved the US warship intercepting a cluster of 3 "ghosting" ships pulling near a UN-blacklisted tanker known for illegal smuggling operations into North Korea: One of the two smaller ships began to quickly move away from the group as the other loosened its mooring to the tanker. Both of the smaller ships carried Chinese flags. No flag was visible on the tanker. The Milius’s commanding officer, Cmdr. Jon Hopkins, set a course to pull alongside the tanker. “We got them,” said a Milius crew member on lookout duty.


The United Nations over a year ago imposed tight limits on North Korea's ability to import oil and petroleum products due to its banned nuclear testing and missile program. But Pyongyang has long been known to engage in aggressive sanctions thwarting behavior, including conducting ship-to-ship transfers at sea. In response, for the past year a UN group of countries including the U.S., Japan, South Korea, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the U.K. and France, have patrolled a region covering 700,000 square miles in order to clamp down on sanctions evading. Surveillance planes have also been active over the international waters, and the WSJ notes that the United States has conducted up to half of all operations among the eight UN countries. The surveillance side of operations is geared toward blacklisting shipowners observed engaged in illegal transfers with North Korean vessels — these ships will in turn be banned by UN countries from entering international ports. Perhaps most significant about the WSJ story is that ships were filmed and photographed in action. They were caught preparing for the illegal transfers as USS Milius naval operators and the WSJ crew looked on.


Another such instance involved the following account with photographs: As it rounded the peninsula, the North Korean ship was also being monitored by a South Korean P-3 surveillance plane, while a Chinese destroyer followed the American and Japanese ships from a distance of around 12 miles. U.S. Navy officials say Chinese warships commonly shadow U.S. naval vessels in international waters in the East China Sea. The parade of four ships continued through the night, led by the slow-moving Kum Un San.


Some among the blacklisted or at least suspect ships monitored, such as the Mongolian flagged Oceanic Success, include tankers with the capacity to transfer up to 50,000 barrels of motor gasoline to North Korea — which alone constitutes one-tenth of the what the UN allows under the North Korea sanctions and restrictions. But it remains that the US and UN vessels don't have a mandate to engage militarily. The Milius’s commanding officer, Cmdr. Jon Hopkins, characterized the mission as follows: “We’ve gathered good intelligence,” he said, and added, “Our mission is not to stop everything.” But worrisome is that this appears another large scale US-spearheaded operation which could bring American vessels into conflict with Chinese warships.