Anonymous ID: 926fe7 April 15, 2019, 2:51 p.m. No.6190450   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6190338 (lb)

I havent looked into the history of Notre Dame, not sure its fake, but it IS a history we were all taught about (this history/timeline)


So something spoopy w the Youtube inference to 9/11.. did the algo just randomlybdo this? Or is there a “truth byte” in it all?


Like a review of a restaurant. Someone leaves a negative about restaurant, but you go look at person’s reviews.. they are all bad. So by the reviewer complaining, it could look like the person’s opinion was valid, but what it really did was show that person as super negative and has nothing to do w the business.


Back to Jootube.. it puts out terror/9-11 shizz and people question WTF?!? But could the algo have just told on the situation? Did our Jootube algo ACTUALLY MISTAKENLY point to what this actually was due to circumstances around fire?!


You know what I am saying? Dont feel I am describing it correctly.

Anonymous ID: 926fe7 April 15, 2019, 3:18 p.m. No.6190873   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not all, and the history they replaced history with is being changed in front of our eyes in real time..


That strange time period we are in, the unwoken are able to see Oz w/o the curtain obscuring the view