For anyone that seems surprised Hitler was controlled by 'them' I recommend you check out this doc:
>JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
The facts are all there. While some of the theory may be off, JFK etc, the WW2 info is solid.
Hitler was supported by many:
>Queen/Royals -> Funded Concentration Camps etc + Direct Nazi Relations
>Shell (Oil) -> Gave Hitlers war machines free fuel during the whole war.
>Henry Ford -> Built his war machines (Tanks etc.)
>AT&T -> Provided the most high tech telecoms for the German army
These are the ones I remember off the top of my head (I watched this along time ago and did greater research since then).
He was supported my literally every powerful person worldwide, from leaders of industry to all the royals of Europe.
God bless Smedley Butler and those who are repeating his actions right now in 2018.