Anonymous ID: ea969d April 15, 2019, 3:49 p.m. No.6191325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1384 >>1408 >>1428 >>1435

So much WINNING going on Anons.


You know what part of a Chess game I REALLY enjoy?? When you get ALMOST to the "end", and your long term investment in your (P)awns, IF (You) Play (You)R Game in such a Style, NOW (Their) (P)rotection and Structure (P)ays off BIGLY and you get to rank up (Your), until now, mostly defensive and somewhat WORTHLESS (P)awns. It's such a Powerful move, a complete Game changer, and just as much of a demoralizer to Your [opponent] as it is a Triumphant Move for (You) Not to mention….It's FUN!!


And if you can get more than 1 Pawn to rank up?!?!? Oh Nelly & Katie Bar The Door!!!!!!!! Then We have /OurSelves/ a REAL Riptide of WINNING. I LOVE that part of The Game.




