Anonymous ID: 43d364 April 15, 2019, 5 p.m. No.6192205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2737


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Secretary Pompeo

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25m25 minutes ago


Enjoyed meeting with an impressive group of Iranian-Americans in Dallas. Discussed the IRGC designation as terrorists—which goes in effect today—and the regime’s 40 years of disregard for the people’s needs. The U.S. will always stand with the Iranian people. They deserve better.

Anonymous ID: 43d364 April 15, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.6192343   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We wish Democrats were right on immigration and the border crisis

By Madison Gesiotto, opinion contributor — 04/15/19 06:00 PM EDT


The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill


Let us be perfectly honest with this issue. We would all love to believe the rhetoric of Democrats on immigration. No one wants a real crisis on our southern border. No one wants to see illegal alien gangs murdering teens in our cities, or accept the fact that the drug cartels profit from our weak immigration laws, or acknowledge that 80 percent of women and girls get raped as they make their journey across Mexico into the United States.


It would be wonderful if President Trump were exaggerating the severity of the border security crisis and the threat it poses to our society, as Democrats in Congress and on the campaign trail continue to claim. Unfortunately, the statistics prove that the crisis is very real, and wishful thinking is a luxury that our country cannot afford at times like these.



“I briefed the media and testified in Congress that our immigration system was at the breaking point,” warned Kevin McAleenan, who was the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection and is now the acting secretary of Homeland Security, in a press conference late last month. “That breaking point has arrived this week at our border.”


McAleenan was right. According to a recent report, the Department of Homeland Security is so overwhelmed by the current flow of illegal aliens that it was forced to release more than 17,000 illegal immigrants in the United States in just 12 days. In total, the agency has had to turn loose more than 125,000 illegal aliens since December and is on pace to release about 500,000 migrants into American communities by the end of this year. Half a million people is the size of a significant metropolitan area, yet the Democrats continue to tell us there is no crisis at the southern border.


In a recent speech, 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke attacked the rhetoric of President Trump, criticizing his claim that some illegal immigrants are “rapists” and “criminals” and repeating the false allegation that he called asylum seekers “animals,” even though that remark was actually made in reference to the brutality practiced by MS-13 gangs.


The speech was just another attempt by the Democrats to diminish the border security crisis or dismiss its existence altogether. For more than two years, Democrats have done everything possible to undermine efforts that President Trump has made to secure the border, refusing to give our immigration enforcement agents the resources they need to capture, detain, and deport all of those who are entering our country illegally.


What will it take for the Democrats to admit there is a real crisis on our southern border? What will it take for the liberals in Washington to stop attacking President Trump whenever he proposes solutions? How many illegal immigrants must be released into our communities before the Democrats heed his warnings? All of us would prefer to believe that there is no crisis here. But only some of us are willing to face the grim reality.

Anonymous ID: 43d364 April 15, 2019, 5:24 p.m. No.6192514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2521

Fencing cut in half in Texas County hard hit by border crisis. Thanks, Democrats

Daniel Horowitz · April 15, 2019




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Fencing cut in half in Texas County hard hit by border crisis. Thanks, Democrats

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Fencing cut in half in Texas County hard hit by border crisis. Thanks, Democrats

Cher says L.A. can’t afford more illegal immigrants. Well, neither can the rest of the U.S.

INSPIRING: MyPillow founder Mike Lindell tells Levin about overcoming his lifelong battle with addiction


Fencing cut in half in Texas County hard hit by border crisis. Thanks, Democrats

Daniel Horowitz · April 15, 2019

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Barbed wire at the border

John Moore | Getty Images


Imagine if the government was still operating on a short-term stopgap budget bill? The president would have the leverage of a funding bill with all the information now available to the public depicting the unprecedented emergency at our border. Yet, that leverage was signed away for an omnibus bill that actually made the policy worse and threw pennies at a partial border fence with a number of limitations. Now, one of those limitations is coming home to roost, and it was done so by design.


To begin with, all new border barrier construction authorized in the February budget bill was limited to the liberal Rio Grande Valley (RGV) sector. Why does the politics of that border sector matter? Section 232(a) of the bill stated, “prior to use of any funds made available by this Act for the construction of physical barriers” the Department of Homeland Security “shall confer and seek to reach mutual agreement regarding the design and alignment of physical barriers within that city.” With whom must the feds consult? “The local elected officials.”

Anonymous ID: 43d364 April 15, 2019, 5:24 p.m. No.6192521   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Starr County, Texas, for example, went for Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a margin of 79 percent to 19 percent. Not only is the RGV a Democrat bastion, sadly, many public officials and even law enforcement in the area have been indicted in recent years on charges of working with dangerous Mexican cartels. As Breitbart Texas reported at the time, several Starr County Sheriffs, among other local leaders, have been sent to prison for working with the cartels. Needless to say, there is not a lot of support among the political leaders of this area to build a wall, as I warned back in February.


Fast-forward two months and Henry Cuellar, one of the Democrat congressmen from the region, is bragging about having placed this provision in the bill and seeing it bear fruit. On Wednesday, Rep. Cuellar sent out a press release, picked up by the Texas Monitor, boasting that the planned levee fencing system at the Rio Grande River for Starr County has now been cut in half from eight miles long to just four miles.


“I worked hard to include language through the appropriations process that would protect communities from an ineffective and divisive border wall. This change order reduces the number of miles from eight to four in Starr County,” Cuellar wrote in the release.


Evidently, the mayors of La Grulla and Roma, a pair of small border towns on opposite sides of Starr County, each protested the construction of the levee fencing along the Rio Grande River. Cuellar is the one who helped secure the provision in the bill granting veto authority to local officials. Somehow, when it comes to the most quintessential national issue in scope (securing our international border) Democrats are suddenly big fans of localism.


Congressman Cuellar was concerned for the “ecologically sensitive areas” of the county and the effects of border wall construction on those environmental and historically sensitive areas. Every day, thousands of illegal aliens trample through the area and the cartels and drug runners engage in dangerous high-speed bailouts to avoid detection. Those ecological effects never seem to factor in their political calculous. In March, Jim Chilton, an Arizona border rancher, told me that the cartels have caused “incalculable” environmental harm to his property, including setting forest fires, thanks to the lack of border fencing.


Jaeson Jones, a retired captain for Texas’s Department of Public Safety was indignant about this decision to block fencing in these particular areas. “It is shameful that elected officials would stop construction of a border wall in this area putting the lives of our citizens at further risk,” said Jones, who spent many years coordinating counter-cartel operations in the Rio Grande Valley for the Intelligence and Counterterrorism division of Texas DPS. “In Texas, Starr County is known for being one of the most unsecure areas of the border. For decades, it has been fraught with Mexican cartels, drug trafficking, human trafficking, human smuggling and riddled with public corruption.”


Jones warned that Roma is one of the worst places to block fencing. “Across from Roma, Texas lies Miguel Aleman, Mx which is a small community under the control of the Gulf Cartel. On a monthly basis, more than five tons of narcotics are smuggled into the United States in this one area alone. Two weeks ago, the Gulf Cartel (CDG) and Cartel Del Noreste (CDN) killed over thirty people in two days of fighting in the small town of Miguel Aleman. Seven cartel armored vehicles were burned and for days automatic weapons and explosions could be heard throughout the small town of Roma, Texas. As a result, the Texas Department of Public Safety and the United States Customs and Border Protection had to send special operations units to help protect communities on the U.S. side of the border.”


The brilliance of the Democrats who crafted the omnibus signed by the president is that they blocked off most federal and state lands from construction of border barriers. Those were the only areas where local authorities would not have inherent authority over the construction. Thus, between the provisions limiting the wall to the liberal Rio Grande Valley, granting veto authority to local officials, and walling off federal and state parks, they have all their bases covered. Even with just one branch of government, Democrats are successfully building a wall around border security.