Anonymous ID: fc295b April 15, 2019, 6:05 p.m. No.6193129   🗄️.is 🔗kun



awww the mason is fagging hard, sure you have a right to join a bunch of sodmite filth and we have a right to call you out on that and burn you as a witch …how does that suit you faggot ..never suffer a witch to live…so keep laughing homo…we know ….also KYS

Anonymous ID: fc295b April 15, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.6193169   🗄️.is 🔗kun



so since we dont know shit …tell me who Jesus is if you can…or who do you worship….or how many old men you have had to suck off to be this much of a faggot …or how many loads you have taken from them in your ass know shit little man and you worship demons…

Anonymous ID: fc295b April 15, 2019, 6:15 p.m. No.6193260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3372



i call them happy clappy rock reviews guest staring JESUS …yeah a coffee shop and a gift shop is empty i was baptised in one of those places never have gone back most of those are those tax shelter churches the 5013cs

Anonymous ID: fc295b April 15, 2019, 6:27 p.m. No.6193420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3472



i am still relatively new to this in my 40s and Jesus found me or i found him almost 2 years ago now…was baptized last year in a mega church…but having said that almost right away i realized this is not the gospel and that i would figure it out on my own as much as i could and listen to you tube to get differing thoughts…we need to become warriors not these weak pitiful people in church on a sunday…i am so flawed but i want to help i want to fight back and yeah, i dont talk like a christian….but maybe thats the point we need to speak truth not just love and sometimes that must be harsh because it comes with love and with out that love that jesus showed all of us…we are damned….so amen keep watch on the walls brothers because Hell is marching….

Anonymous ID: fc295b April 15, 2019, 6:33 p.m. No.6193509   🗄️.is 🔗kun


funny thing is i was trained for this but for the other side..and with how the new age is blooming with in the church itself i can see through the lies a bit easier i know the world is spirit and sometimes i forget because flesh is weak, but the things we fight are very real and way more serious than just superficial politics