Anonymous ID: 141f1e April 15, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.6193666   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Isn't Pelosi there too?

Anonymous ID: 141f1e April 15, 2019, 7:04 p.m. No.6193997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4022 >>4031 >>4032 >>4073 >>4107 >>4229 >>4266

This one fell through the cracks. Its interesting because its funny. Trump won the presidency because people were sick and tired of the Obamas and the Clintons. Now the creepy Mr. Sniffy wants to run his campaign as Obama's third term…imagine that!




Former vice president Joe Biden is expected to enter the 2020 presidential race soon — as Barack Obama’s third term.

The Associated Press reported Sunday: “Joe Biden is finalizing the framework for a White House campaign that would cast him as an extension of Barack Obama’s presidency and political movement. He’s betting that the majority of Democratic voters are eager to return to the style and substance of that era — and that they’ll view him as the best option to lead the way back.”


In that, Biden may face two challenges. One is that Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016 partly by campaigning against Obama’s third term, as embodied by Hillary Clinton. The other is that the Obamas seems undecided as to whether Biden represents them; several Obama alumni are already supporting other candidates.


Barack Obama: ‘We Can’t Label Everybody Disturbed By Immigration As Racist’

Biden was fading to the political margins in 2008, having crashed out of the Democratic presidential primary rather early, when Obama picked him to be his running mate. Biden, it was thought, brought years of experience that Obama lacked, plus foreign policy credentials. The Obama campaign also thought having a middle-aged white male on the ticket would appeal to the white working-class voters whom the strategists feared might not want to elect a black man.


In his eight years as vice president, Biden was faithful to Obama’s left-wing agenda — and has a controversial record:


Obamacare — the “big f*cking deal.” Biden’s infamous “hot mic” moment in 2010 captured his enthusiasm for Obama’s signature domestic policy — which raised health insurance premiums dramatically, canceled millions of individual insurance policies, and failed to cover everyone, as promised. Unlike then-chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, who preferred a more incremental policy, Biden never offered any opposition of Obama’s radical, deceptive approach.


Iran deal — selling the policy. Biden not only supported the Obama administration’s faulty negotiations with the Tehran regime, but he also played a leading role in trying to convince Jewish groups to support the ill-fated deal. That effort was part of what Obama national security aide Ben Rhodes later called the “echo chamber” — a scheme to fool the country into accepting the deal, and for avoiding ratification in the Senate, as the Constitution requires.


Creating “distance” with Israel — “I condemn.” In March 2010, while Biden was visiting Jerusalem, a minor functionary in the Israeli government announced plans for housing in a Jewish neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem. Obama seized the opportunity to create “distance” with Israel — and Biden was the eager messenger. “I condemn the decision by the government of Israel,” Biden said, undermining America’s most loyal ally in the Middle East.


Going easy on China — the Hunter Biden scandal. As Breitbart News’ Peter Schweizer has documented in his book Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, flew to China on Air Force Two in 2013 and emerged ten days later with $1 billion in investment from the Chinese government into his private equity firm. Neither Biden has never explained how or why the deal happened.


Exploiting race — “Put y’all back in chains.” During the 2012 presidential campaign, Biden told an audience of predominantly black voters that the Republican candidate would “put y’all back in chains” if he won. That remark sought to create and exploit racial tensions that the administration had already fanned with its response to the Trayvon Martin controversy in Florida. It was also just one of many racially insensitive remarks in Biden’s career….:"

Anonymous ID: 141f1e April 15, 2019, 7:11 p.m. No.6194075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4094 >>4107 >>4138 >>4229 >>4266

Big Mike is back, and he's salty! Attacks POTUS! This fug tranny bitch is in London trash-talking our president.


Ten million copies of his book sold. Wow! The cabal REALLY rewarded these two bitches for destroying America.




Former First Lady Michelle Obama bashed President Donald Trump in London on Sunday, reportedly comparing Trump to a “divorced dad” who is making America “sick.”

“We come from a broken family, we are a little unsettled,” Obama reportedly told Stephen Colbert while promoting her bestselling memoir, Becoming, before a crowd of about 15,000. “Sometimes you spend the weekend with divorced dad. That feels like fun but then you get sick. That is what America is going through. We are living with divorced dad.”


Obama also reportedly implied that Trump was never prepared to be president, saying the presidency reveals who someone truly is.


“We were always ourselves – the presidency does not change who you are, it reveals who you are,” Obama reportedly said in what the Independent said “appeared to be another dig” at Trump. “It is like swimming in the ocean with great waves. If you are not a great swimmer, you are not going to learn in the middle of a tidal wave. You are going to resort to your kicking and drowning and what you knew how to do in the pool.”


Obama also said America is currently in a “dark” place and there is “trepidation” and “anxiety” in America and all over the world because of Trump’s presidency.


“This may feel like a dark chapter but any story has its highs and lows but it continues. Yes, we are in a low but we have been lower. We have had tougher times, we have had more to fear. We have lived through slavery, the Holocaust and segregation,” she reportedly added. “We have always come out at the other end – better and stronger. We are moving in a direction of diversity and inclusion. No one ever said it would be easy. We are just in the throes of the uneasy path of change.”


Obama revealed in her memoir that she will “never forgive” Trump for fanning the birther controversy, and she again criticized Trump for questioning her husband’s place of birth and calling for his transcripts while saying her critics accused her of being an unpatriotic person who was “loud and rude and obnoxious.”


“I don’t know if there has been a president who has been accused of not being born in this country? Who has been asked to show his transcripts? Who has been accused of being unpatriotic? There was a lot of stuff that had not happened before that happened to us,” Obama reportedly said. “There was a time when people accused me of not loving my country. They accused me of being loud and rude and obnoxious.”


Obama, who told Oprah Winfrey that she cried for 30 minutes after Trump’s inauguration, then told the audience that they should take some “solace” in the fact that her husband was elected twice and, in her opinion, would have been elected for a third term had he been eligible.


“That really did happen. People would have voted for him for a third time. What is going on today is true but what happened before was also true. That should give us some solace at some level,” Obama said. “For eight years, the president they saw in their country was Barack Obama. He was somebody who people thought was smart and would do the right thing.”


Michelle Obama’s memoir has sold more than 10 million copies, and her publisher said it “could well become the most successful memoir ever.”

Anonymous ID: 141f1e April 15, 2019, 7:24 p.m. No.6194243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4255 >>4260 >>4270 >>4285 >>4325

Anons, please pay attention. The book writing business by all these Deep State operators may or may not be real. It seems that the Fake News New York Times has again been busted in its fraud and lies. It reported Valerie Jarrett's (Hussein's handler) book as a best-seller (#14) on its world famous list of books with the most sales. Only this time…they lied. Again!




"A policy book published by Valerie Jarrett, President Obama’s former top White House adviser, has ended up on the New York Times Best Sellers list despite low early sales. Jarrett’s book had such a bad debut that it went from an initial cover price of $30 to only $18 in just ten days, the Daily Caller reported.


The book was also very low on the sales list for Barnes & Noble Booksellers, appearing at only number 1,244 that first week.


New York City Mayor de Blasio Declares Measles A Public Health Emergency

In addition, the Publishers Weekly bestsellers list, which is based on actual book sales as tracked by BookScan, did not even record Jarrett’s book anywhere on its top 25 top selling books.


But despite selling few copies and appearing quite low on the sales lists, Jarrett’s Finding My Voice: My Journey to the West Wing and the Path Forward made an astonishing appearance at number 14 on the Times Best Sellers list.


In comparison, book sales for the titles that appear from number one down to number 13 on the outlet’s list sold between 4,500 and 10,000 copies each. Again, Jarrett’s sold only 12,600 copies in its first week.


According to Marji Ross, the president of conservative book publisher Regnery, the inclusion of Jarrett’s book on the Times list is impossible to explain.


“This is the first time that I’ve seen a book that doesn’t show up on the PW list, but when you drill into BookScan, you see that it had sales that should have been there,” Ross said.


Another source inside the book industry added, “We all know that when BookScan excludes a book, then it’s been left off because of something sketchy, a bunch of bulk sales or an unusual geographic spread.”


Another industry insider said, “There are some industry sources who don’t think she should be on the list because of fraudulent reporting.”


The suspicion is that Jarrett hired a company to buy copies of her book to surreptitiously get it placed on a bestseller list.


As the Daily Caller reported:


For a price, companies such as Result Source will help authors buy their way onto the bestseller list. The bestseller lists exclude bulk sales, so they work by buying large numbers of books in a way that appears as manual, individual sales. The purchases are also concentrated during one week, ensuring that its numbers are high enough to place in the top 10 during its crucial launch week, even if it means stockpiling and trying to resell those books over a long period of time.


Some suspect that Jarrett hired such a company to amass the sales record of 11,000 copies that suddenly sprang up after the first week the book was out."

Anonymous ID: 141f1e April 15, 2019, 7:25 p.m. No.6194255   🗄️.is 🔗kun


forgot the link