Anonymous ID: 525e3b April 15, 2019, 6:51 p.m. No.6193795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3824 >>3874 >>3989 >>4107 >>4229 >>4266

oh shite, it’s true, the dems can’t get any support if you gave them a girdle or support hose, or whatever it was my mom used to talk about. Sad, considering Jones raised and huge sums of foreign and out of state donations the last time. I think the democrats are on a slide


Jones Raises Only 12 Percent From Alabama Residents In First Quarter


Only 12 percent of Democratic senator Doug Jones's first quarter fundraising haul came from his home-state of Alabama.


Jones, the most vulnerable senate Democrat seeking reelection in 2020, raised more than $1.64 million during the first quarter of this year, according to campaign finance reports made public by the Federal Elections Commission on Monday. Of the total, more than $918,000 came from large individual contributors, while slightly more than $235,00 came from small dollar donors. The filings indicate the rest of Jones's first quarter haul (more than $425,000) came from PACs affiliated with large corporations and liberal advocacy groups based outside of Alabama.


Jones's fundraising numbers appear healthy at first glance, especially when compared to the fact that his most high-profile Republican challenger raised $1.2 million in the same period. As noted by the conservative Alabama news website Yellowhammer, however, the numbers may not necessarily translate into support with voters.


A breakdown of Jones's large individual contributions show that only 12 percent (a little more than $107,000) came from Alabama residents. In contrast, Jones raised more than $150,000 (17 percent) from California residents and more than $148,000 (16 percent) from residents of New York. A number of the out-of-state donations came from prominent liberal activists like Jonathan Soros, son of the billionaire Democratic donor George Soros.

Anonymous ID: 525e3b April 15, 2019, 6:56 p.m. No.6193860   🗄️.is 🔗kun

But Muppets Will Never Be Elected the President


Bernie Sanders says age doesn't matter in race for White House

by Naomi Lim

| April 15, 2019 08:01 PM


Sen. Bernie Sanders, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, said ideas should matter more to voters rather than the age of a candidate.


"I think it is a combination of factors, but the end of the day, this is what I honestly believe: It's not whether you're young, it's not whether you're old, it's what you believe in," Sanders, 77, said during a Fox News town hall on Monday. "This is a criticism of media in general. There is too much focus on individuals, and not enough focus on the American people and what their needs are."


The independent senator from Vermont was asked about whether his age was a hindrance to his candidacy after 2020 candidate South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, 37, called for a "new generation of leadership" during his announcement event over the weekend.

Anonymous ID: 525e3b April 15, 2019, 7:08 p.m. No.6194052   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Courtesy if Patriots Retort. He/She is very funny=


Goose Egg Gillibrand losing to “Someone Else”

April 15, 2019 Dianny


I know it was just recently that I dubbed her “Me Too” Gillibrand. But I think Kirsten already needs a new moniker.


Until things change for the vacuous featherweight from New York, from here on out I will call her Goose Egg Gillibrand.


Take a look at the latest polling from Emerson. 1st pic


Ouch! Now that’s just sad.


A big old goose egg for Kirsten.


I mean, come on, if “Someone else” is beating her in the polls, maybe it’s time for Kirsten to face the music.


While we’re at it, who the hell are Mike Gravel and John Delaney? And did any of you know those dudes were running for President?


But even these two guys I’ve never heard of before in my life are polling better nationally than Goose Egg Gillibrand.


Okay, sure. That’s national polling. But Kirsten has been spending a lot of time in Iowa. Surely things are better for her there!

Um. Never mind.


I bet even that lady who just wanted the ranch dressing polls better than Kirsten in Iowa.


Just how much public embarrassment is this woman willing to endure before she gives up her silly run for the White House?


Though, at this point, I’m beginning to suspect Goose Egg Gillibrand was born without the Embarrassment Gene.


Getting her ass handed to her by “Someone Else” doesn’t make Goose Egg Gillibrand look “Brave.”


It makes her look ridiculous.


And just a wee bit delusional.

Anonymous ID: 525e3b April 15, 2019, 7:14 p.m. No.6194113   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Talking Ken Doll enters the 2020 race

April 15, 2019 Dianne 2020 Presidential Election, Eric Swalwell, Gun Control, Russiagate


Looks like Potty Mouth Barbie has a little company in the 2020 race. Yesterday the talking Ken doll from California officially launched his quest for the White House in front of a brimming crowd of about [checks notes] a thousand people.


Say, that’s about how many people Potty Mouth Barbie was able to cobble together.


I don’t know why Conspiracy Theory Ken here thinks he has a chance in hell.


After all, he’s running for the nomination of a party that thinks white, heterosexual males are the root of all evil.


And not only is he a white, heterosexual male, he’s a thick-necked former athlete white, heterosexual male.


With identity stats like that, this talking Ken doll doesn’t even rate the lowest level on the Intersectional Totem Pole.


Add to that the fact that outside of his California district, the only people who know who he is are CNN viewers and the RussiaGate Groupies on Twitter.


And in a country of over three hundred million people, being known by a few hundred thousand isn’t the name recognition you need to run for national office.


As Kat Timpf put it Saturday night on the Gutfeld Show:


Eric Swalwell is known for two things:


  1. Peddling the RussiaGate Conspiracy Theory


And 2. Wanting to nuke gun owners who refuse to surrender their scary “assault” weapons.


That’s not exactly the resume one needs to become Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief.


But self-awareness is in short supply in the Democrat Party.


So naturally this talking Ken doll really does believe running on “gun control” is a winning strategy.


Of course every Democrat candidate is promoting gun control – including the candidates that are way up on the Intersectional Totem Pole. And if Conspiracy Theory Ken thinks gun control is his way of standing out in this crowded field, he’s not particularly bright.


As I’ve said before, though Jesse Kelly refers to Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 run as the “Campaign of Cringe,” the truth is that moniker could easily apply to every other Democrat running.


And I’m sure this talking Ken doll will provide oodles of cringe before he drops out from lack of interest.