Anonymous ID: 7d58ff April 15, 2019, 7:41 p.m. No.6194407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4416 >>4450 >>4548 >>4662 >>4692 >>4800 >>4870 >>4963 >>5028

>>6194233 LB

>Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)


Rothschilds (the cult leaders) Church(chair) > Payseurs (master)


If SA (tech, children) is already removed from the trifecta at the top, that leaves roths (cult leaders/Satanism) and Soros (controlling organizations of the people), Q made clear the order of destruction is important.


Removing SA control over tech is critical to allow kek to thrive uninhibited (relatively).

Next do we remove the cult or do we remove that which controls the people?

Think French revolution storming the bastille, and turning on the church.

Soros would be the logical next side of the triangle to fall to free the people from their control,

and realign our vision (the light) on their darkness (the cult).

Down falls rothschilds

Down falls the church/chair

Down falls the master/Payseurs.

Anonymous ID: 7d58ff April 15, 2019, 7:46 p.m. No.6194467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4473 >>4494 >>4495 >>4501 >>4504 >>4514 >>4518 >>4548 >>4567 >>4577 >>4591 >>4608 >>4625 >>4662 >>4665 >>4692 >>4800 >>4870 >>4963 >>5028


I'm starting to believe it was a WH op. Red Red

The french revolution was driven by enlightenment ideals which aimed to destroy the church's influence and privilege in France post revolution.

Notre Dame is a cathedral which derives it's meaning from the greek word for "chair."

If C = Chair and the Chair serves the master and we know P = C we can infer that Q is implying that Payseur IS the church. or Payseur OWNS the church. or Payseur CONTROLS the church.

The French Revolution FAILED in achieving it's enlightenment goals of destroying the nepotistic and corrupt catholic church in the country when Napoleon returned.

Napoleon became dictator and reinstated the church's position with the Concordat of 1801.

Anonymous ID: 7d58ff April 15, 2019, 7:49 p.m. No.6194487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4512 >>4548 >>4549 >>4569 >>4572 >>4646 >>4650 >>4662 >>4692 >>4800 >>4870 >>4963 >>5028


The Payseurs claim Merovingian decent

and it is from this bloodline that (((they))) believe they will generate the Anti-Christ through some moon ritual.

Needless to say they are incredibly secretive and supposedly incredibly wealthy.

Supposedly Soros, Sauds, Roths (most pertinent) but other major bloodline families do their bidding.

But now it's becoming harder and harder for them to hide.

Anonymous ID: 7d58ff April 15, 2019, 7:57 p.m. No.6194574   🗄️.is 🔗kun





So do you now revere the church?

What did ND represent?

The seat of power of the holy see in France.

After 2 years of digging into evil and atrocious things being connected to Jesuits, popes, and higher…

The destruction of their ever present monolith to their power is a bad thing?

Look at the history of the church in France.

The PEOPLE of France driven by their yearn for freedom and individually driven ideals…

the PEOPLE of France wanted to destroy the corrupt churches influence in their country.

And they did…until the rothschild agent in Napoleon returned home to quell the revolution, to take power as a dictator, and reinstate the church's prominence…all in service of all of their master: P

Anonymous ID: 7d58ff April 15, 2019, 8:03 p.m. No.6194634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4649 >>4655 >>4680 >>4702 >>4718 >>4800 >>4870 >>4877 >>4963 >>5028


I believe this is shedding light on obfuscated history.

Q et. al. are revealing the darkness.

They're revealing the masquerade of reverence for a building that is rooted in evil.

Pedowood and MSM and their treatment of Notre Dame?

Brainwashing? Think Mirror. is the opposite really true?

(((they))) want us picking up things with INTANGIBLE value on a pedestal.

Once we start to like something, they amplify that effect with their control of media.

All the way back to the fucking jew scribes in egypt. They use mass comms to control the collective focus.

When they direct that focus onto one of THEIR OWN they BOOST their position in the heirarchy of human preference.


The pyramid is based on a hierarchy of COMPETENCE until you get to the intangible value of being the 'best'

Everyone wants the best…the ideal…the exemplary…This is their fucking MO.

I'm glad the church burned. It's a symbol of their evil.

ND = C

Anonymous ID: 7d58ff April 15, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.6194725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4802


I can't help but think that most vidya is a milint op to do just that.

Influence young men to avoid their power games. distract them while training twitch, leadership, weapon handling, etc.

These plans had to be in planning for a long long long time.

Why was Clinton hell bent on attacking vidya as "violent" in the 90s?

Maybe they knew it was a mil op to save the nation builders (men) from their grasp.

Only to be unleashed as a safety valve for the corruption.

Anonymous ID: 7d58ff April 15, 2019, 8:25 p.m. No.6194858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4912


I don't give a fuck.

They're all power hungry humans.

Just that, humans, who have consolidated intergenerational wealth to their benefit.

And how did they do that?

By ritualizing each generation to FORCE them into their service after their death.

They torture their OWN children to fracture their minds and instill the evil recipe to further suck the energy from this farm of a world.

There is no fucking mythical being guiding their hand.

There is no fucking mythical being guiding OUR hand.

>Does Satan exist?


>Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?


>Who worships Satan?


>What is a cult?


>Epstein island.



You all need to realize the amazing power we all have as individuals working together.

You mus first take the responsibility to figure things out yourself, and to recognize their attempts to influence you thoughts.

The last bastion of freedom is the sovereignty of each and every one of us.

It's precisely THAT which is being attacked with this constant barrage of SJW, Media attacks, fracturing attempts, shills…

They want to control everything around you…

…so they can control YOU and everything that MAKES YOU WHO YOU ARE.

Just because an organization of MEN (C) is evil and corrupt,

doesn't mean the fellowship, and collectivized intent derived from prayer, and internal reflection, and ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN THE FATE OF YOUR WORLD are bad.

These are just the social fabric that connect us all that they have corrupted for centuries.



Anonymous ID: 7d58ff April 15, 2019, 8:32 p.m. No.6194930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4983



Roths are new to the game.

Who also broke the bank of england?

and whose name also means 'successor' in hungarian?

It's a game of power.

Power is derived from the collective focus of the people.

If they can control you and distract you from joining hand in hand as thoughtful individuals…

they have won.

This is PRECISELY why AI is so evil.

Who controls it?

What does it aim to control if not already?

Wake up to the world they crafted for you.

Once you notice you can't help but squirm and cringe when you're being subjected to it.

I can't sit through a movie anymore.

Anonymous ID: 7d58ff April 15, 2019, 8:39 p.m. No.6195039   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I understand that.

The heirarchy begins with competency.

You become very good at what you do, you attract attention.

That attention wants to use you to make money and build power.

The heirarchy is a patriarchical archetype.

It's men who have been selected by women (mother nature) to ascend that heirarchy.

It's probably why they use women as priests. Women are that which selects. They have inherent power in the generation of a value system.

And it's value systems that they corrupt…

Anyways, my point was that vidya puts boys and young men in a holding pattern.

How many hours/days/YEARS have we spent in our favorite vidya?

What could you have been doign otherwise?

Growing yoru career? building yoru competence?

only to be peeled off when you approach the top and be corrupted by them?

It's the top that they enjoy because they have the tools to make sure they stay there…