Anonymous ID: 111c15 April 15, 2019, 11:17 p.m. No.6196304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6329 >>6331




The name of the game is division.


The ruling class stays in power by dividing the masses. They do this by pointing out generational differences, gender, & sexual orientation, but racial division is their most used and most effective weapon.


And over the last 5-6 years, they have been “turning up the heat” so to speak.


The masses have a natural inclination to befriend one another and work as a group to develop a convenient, safe, and fair way to satisfy our needs in a team effort. However, the ruling class, who owns the press, is very good at “tricking” normies into thinking they all despise each other. They have reduced everyone to a series of tribal groups; Race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political orientation, etc. This tactic is key to their success.


Many of the events you see dominating the news cycle are either fabricated, sensationalized, or intentionally pushed because they will effectively stoke the fires of division and keep everyone fighting each other. If they can channel our aggressive energy and get us to direct it at each other, they can remain in power and nobody will ever suspect some sort of sinister shadow government organization is manipulating them.


And these divisive events seem to pop up every 2-4 weeks like clockwork. The division the social engineers create is also reinforced in Hollywood films that have racial undertones or politically divisive themes in them.


Until the masses realize that they are being manipulated to direct aggressive energy on one another, the ruling class will stay in power.

Anonymous ID: 111c15 April 15, 2019, 11:55 p.m. No.6196453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6458 >>6460 >>6467

Michelle Obama Rips Trump: ‘Divorced Dad’ Who’s Making America ‘Sick’


Preparation for #2020 announcement.


Anonymous ID: 111c15 April 16, 2019, midnight No.6196478   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Lents be real here, Sanders, Biden, Pocahontas, Harris, etc etc - dont have 1% chance against Trump.


Everyone is preparing MO for announcement.

Anons need on memes about MO, as much as possible.


Her book is best seller, everything is so clear about the way they are preparing her.

Anons are making fun, but… well we will see.