Anonymous ID: 23a051 April 15, 2019, 11:13 p.m. No.6196289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6413 >>6574 >>6599 >>6615

Every Q follower should read this. Don't know what to make of it, but I hope q/potus can explain?


CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair


This article was originally published on December 12, 2018. The serious questions raised in the piece remain completely unanswered.


Why was Barr chosen, given his shocking and deeply criminal/cover-up kingpin background?


Was Trump duped by Deep State enemies, who have placed another predator into his administration with the power to destroy his presidency? Or has Trump co-opted and turned Barr, in the hopes that Barr will do Trump’s bidding? Why would Barr ever turn against his own Deep State cronies?


Does Trump have a plan? With Barr in place, is Trump signaling to his enemies that “I now own the Deep State”? Or is Barr the Deep State’s ultimate and final weapon against Trump, who remains surrounded by Bush/Clinton “swamp creatures” such as National Security Adviser John Bolton, who is one of Barr’s many fellow Iran-Contra co-conspirators, Vice President Mike Pence (who is in ideal position for a coup against Trump, and remains very cozy with the Clintons, dozens of Obama appointees that remain in place, and Republican “Never Trumpers”, all of whom continue to undermine Trump.

Political Succession and “The Bush-Clinton Nexus”: Permanent Criminal State, “A Clinton White House Guarantees War with Russia”


Pay careful attention to the confirmation “hearings”. How many of the senators “questioning” Barr are themselves connected to the Bush/Clinton era criminal operations that Barr supervised as George H.W. Bush’s attorney general?


Will anyone in Washington, or in the CIA asset-filled mainstream media, dare bring up Iran-Contra? Will anyone dare detail Barr’s corruption, and his longstanding ties to the Bush/Clinton network? What about the fact that Barr is best friends with Robert Mueller?


Even the alternative media, including the whistleblowing research-intensive pro-Trump anon community, has been virtually silent on Barr, despite the fact that his criminal history is glaringly obvious, lurid, and begging to be exposed.


Rumors abound that slippery Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is expected to leave the Justice Department following Barr’s likely confirmation. This further clears the way for Barr to seize the power to determine the fate of the Mueller probe, the John Huber (Inspector General) report, FISAgate, Clinton emails, Uranium One, and other key investigations.


William Barr could well determine the course of the political war between President Donald Trump and his enemies, and decide the fate of Donald Trump’s presidency itself.


software, and all crimes of state committed by Bush


Barr provided legal cover for Bush’s illegal foreign policy and war crimes


Barr left Washington, and went through the “rotating door” to the corporate world, where he took on numerous directorships and counsel positions for major companies. In 2007 and again from 2017, Barr was counsel for politically-connected international law firm Kirkland & Ellis. Among its other notable attorneys and alumni are Kenneth Starr, John Bolton, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and numerous Trump administration attorneys. K&E’s clients include sex trafficker/pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital.


A strong case can be made that William Barr was as powerful and important a figure in the Bush apparatus as any other, besides Poppy Bush himself.




To understand the scope, scale, and gravity of William Barr’s central role working for George H.W. Bush, one must grasp the significance of Iran-Contra, the massive criminal operation that was the cornerstone of the Bush era, headed by the Bushes, with the Clintons as partners.

Anonymous ID: 23a051 April 15, 2019, 11:14 p.m. No.6196291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon notes that the French police are with the protesters against Macron.

What does this tell us about Macron?

Anonymous ID: 23a051 April 15, 2019, 11:20 p.m. No.6196314   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Leaked UK Gov't Letters Confirm Promise Assange Won't Face Death Row


Assange is expected to fight extradition to the US over allegations he conspired with former army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to break into a classified government computer, while Sweden deliberates whether to reopen an investigation into rape and sexual assault allegations against him.


Ecuador’s president, Lenín Moreno, was assured by two British foreign secretaries that Julian Assange would not be extradited to a country where he could face the death penalty, according to letters seen by the Guardian. The letters appear to back up Moreno’s claim that he had written assurances from Britain that Assange’s fundamental rights would be respected.


Letters signed by the foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, and his predecessor Boris Johnson, dated 7 March 2018 and 10 August 2018 respectively, confirm that according to British legislation, a person cannot be extradited if they could face the death penalty.


In cases of competing extradition requests in the UK, the home secretary selects the country that should take priority.


A virtually identical letters read: “You have expressed concern that, should Julian Assange be extradited from the UK, there would be a risk that he could be subject to the death penalty. I can confirm that under UK law, a person’s extradition cannot be ordered if the person concerned will be subject to the death penalty.”


The letters, as seen by The Guardian, go on to explain that the home secretary first must have received “adequate assurances from that country that the death penalty will not be imposed or carried out” if an extradition request is received from a country where the punishment is possible.

“There is further protection under UK law which is if the home secretary accepts an assurance as adequate, the person concerned may also seek leave to appeal to the high court, which will examine the assurance given,” the letters end.


In a third letter, dated 3 April 2019, the British embassy in Quito assured the country’s foreign ministry in Spanish that Assange cannot be subjected to “inhuman or degrading punishment”, according the 1998 Human Rights Act under article three of the European convention on human rights, to which the UK adheres.


Ecuador’s decision to allow police to seize Assange inside its embassy last week followed a period of deteriorating relations between the Quito government and Assange, whom its foreign minister, José Valencia, described as rude and unhygienic.


In a 12-page letter seen by The Guardian, dated 10 April 2019 (just a day before the whistleblower was removed from the country’s London embassy)


Ecuador’s Foreign Minister stated a number of reasons for stripping Assange of asylum, particularly singling out his “reproachable conduct rather than showing gratitude”, his deteriorating health and the cost of his upkeep. Ecuador spent more $5.8m on its guest’s security between 2012 and 2018 and nearly $400,000 on his medical costs, food and laundry, Valencia noted.


Assange was seized by plain clothes police officers on April 11 during a dramatic scene that saw him expelled from the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Assange had been confined to the embassy building for the past seven years, having violated his bail conditions in order to demand asylum over fears he could be extradited to Sweden following allegations of sexual assault.


Although Swedish authorities abandoned their case against Assange in 2017, supporters of WikiLeaks have long feared his possible extradition could ultimately involve his relocation to the United States, where he remains wanted over his role in the leaking of classified military and diplomatic cables from 2010 onward.

Anonymous ID: 23a051 April 15, 2019, 11:29 p.m. No.6196355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6365 >>6380 >>6429


Be Vigilant for a News Cycle Changing False Flag Attack in US, UK, France or Italy



14 Mar 2019 - 7:39:01 PM

Be vigilant at all times.

(US, UK, FR, IT)

See Something.

Say Something.

Narrative change needed.

FAKE NEWS attempting to REBRAND HARMFUL TESTIMONY and instead provide MISLEADING info to their readers.'''





Anonymous ID: 23a051 April 15, 2019, 11:34 p.m. No.6196374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Glenn Beck speculates on the Notre Dame fire:


"If this was started by Islamists, I don't think you'll find out about it."

Anonymous ID: 23a051 April 15, 2019, 11:37 p.m. No.6196392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6398

NATO Member Norway Admits It Cannot Defend Itself


The head of the Norwegian Armed Forces’ operational headquarters (FOH) has admitted that as a result of failing to upgrade the country’s military, Norway would not be able to defend itself in an attack.


Speaking to Norway’s state broadcaster NRK, Lieutenant-General Rune Jakobsen said, “If there is an attack in the classical sense, then we do not have the robustness that is necessary [to defend ourselves].”


“The most serious issue is the size of the land,” Lt Gen Jakobsen said. “Reactivity, robustness, and endurance in all branches of defence are too low, and to be concrete: The army is too small in relation to the tasks it has and what is expected of Norway and in NATO.”


Lt Gen Jakobsen said in his assessment that Norway needs two new warships, two new submarines, and a better plan for the transition from old to new materiel in the Air Force.


Norway, which shares a land border with Russia, was criticised by U.S. President Donald J Trump last year for “lack[ing] a credible plan to spend two per cent of its gross domestic product on defence.”


Described by President Trump as NATO’s “eyes and ears” in the north, the oil-rich Nordic country spent 1.56 per cent of GDP on defence in 2018 — down from 1.61 in 2017. Norwegian Defence Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen told reporters in response to the president’s statement that “Norway is committed to the two percent goal in NATO” and will meet it by 2024.


The United States spends the most per GDP on defence at 3.39 per cent, while just six of the remaining 28 NATO members hit the two per cent target: the United Kingdom, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.


Germany has come in for particular criticism from President Trump for failing to hit the target for the defence union aimed at protecting Europe from Russia, yet pursues the Nord Stream 2 gas line project with the former Soviet superpower.


Saying Germany had become a “captive of Russia,” President Trump told NATO General-Secretary Jens Stoltenberg in July 2018, “The former Chancellor of Germany [Gerhard Schröder] is the head of the pipeline company that’s supplying the gas… Germany is totally controlled by Russia… I think it’s not [appropriate] and it’s a very bad thing for NATO.”


Despite having by far the largest economy in the European Union, Germany spends just 1.23 per cent of GDP on defence. In February, it was revealed that the country was set to miss its own reduced target of 1.5 per cent by 2024, with new military spending plans lowering that target to 1.25 per cent by 2023.


U.S. ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell told Breitbart London last year that Germany’s NATO spending was “woeful” and the country lacked “a serious plan put forward as to how they get to that two per cent of GDP.”


“German military officials know that the readiness issue is a serious problem, there are no working submarines, for example; they don’t have a military that is currently ready,” the ambassador had remarked.


UK Defence Journal reported in February 2018 that the German Navy was without a single operational submarine after a Type 212A was damaged the previous October, while its Type 125s frigates were also not able to enter operational service.


In 2015, it was revealed that only 66 of the German airforce’s Tornado jets were airworthy, while in 2014 the army was reduced to using broom handles for lack of training rifles during a NATO exercise in Norway.

Anonymous ID: 23a051 April 15, 2019, 11:39 p.m. No.6196400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Billionaire Dubai businessman Mohammad Alabbar has resigned from the board of Aramex, a company he owns a significant stake in


Dubai: Mohammad Alabbar has resigned from the board of Dubai-based logistics player Aramex, a company he owns a large stake in, according to a regulatory filing on Monday.


The billionaire businessman and founder of Emaar submitted his letter of resignation to Aramex on April 11, the company’s filing said.


Other board members include the company’s founder Fadi Ghandour, and Facebook’s regional managing director Ramez Shehadi.


Alabbar owns a stake in Aramex through holding companies such as Jaona Investments and Boson Ventures Corporation.


Since investing in the company, Alabbar has sought to integrate Aramex’s logistics footprint in to his retail empire, with a focus now on his e-commerce play Noon.

Anonymous ID: 23a051 April 15, 2019, 11:44 p.m. No.6196410   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HEADS UP ANONS….breaking the law is the future of climate protests!


Breaking the law is the future of climate protests


Thousands of climate protestors have disrupted traffic in iconic locations across London today (April 15). Organized by the UK-based group Extinction Rebellion, the protestors are demanding the UK government declare a climate emergency and become carbon neutral by 2025.


For commuters coming out from the Oxford Circus station, the atmosphere looks more like a festival than a protest. In the middle of the square is a pink boat with “TELL THE TRUTH” painted across. For tourists at the popular Marble Arch, demonstrators put up a large inflated elephant with “ECOCIDE” written on it. And on Waterloo Bridge protestors placed trees on the street to turn it into a sort of garden, blocking cars from using the bridge. Only cyclists have been allowed to pass through.


Some activists glued themselves to the revolving doors of Shell’s London headquarters. Others spray painted “Shell kills” and “Shell knew” on the building’s exterior walls. Three were arrested, according to Metropolitan Police. “Companies like Shell are responsible. They must be held accountable,” Extinction Rebellion said in a statement. “We are trying to prevent crimes against humanity through our actions.”


akxmedia/Vladimir Morozovakxmedia

Protestors outside Shell headquarters in London on April 15, 2019.


Blythe Pepino, a singer, joined the movement after attending a lecture organized by Extinction Rebellion. She had already decided she wouldn’t have children because she felt “faithless” that humans could act fast enough to avoid catastrophic climate change.


“We’re already falling off the cliff,” Pepino said, while she waited for a briefing at Marble Arch before the official kickoff at 11am London time. “You want to fall with your eyes open so you have a chance of landing okay, or do you want to fall with your eyes closed? That’s the question, basically.”


Founded in May 2018, the grassroots movement “believes it is a citizen’s duty to rebel, using peaceful civil disobedience, when faced with criminal inactivity by its government.” In protests over the past year, some 200 people have been arrested across the UK, with 3,000 more having volunteered to risk arrest in future protests.


“I’m not someone who breaks the law,” said Eliot, a civil servant at a local council outside London and who asked that his last name not be published. “But now I think this is the best way I can support my community in the long term.”


The police officer on duty at the Oxford Circus protest said that there are no plans to make any arrests. Their job, at least right now, is to let activists use their right to protest. Depending on how long this goes on for, however, will also mean balancing the needs of the city and its residents. The locations occupied by Extinction Rebellion get lots of tourists and office goers.


“We are fighting to avoid our own extinction,” Eliot said, explaining the name of the group. Eliot noted that he joined the movement after reading a UN report, published in October last year, which he claimed said the world has 12 years left to fight climate change and humanity faces extinction.


That’s a misinterpretation of the report, published by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which actually said that to keep global warming from rising 1.5°C relative to pre-industrial times, carbon emissions must drop by 45% by 2030, compared to 2010 levels, and reach net-zero by 2050. If global warming reaches 2°C, coral reefs will virtually die and the Arctic could be ice free at least once per decade. Hitting the more ambitious climate goal would save the world $30 trillion in damages.


Put another way, any amount of warming is bad for the planet. The more the warming, the worse the effect. The collapse of civilization is a possibility, but scientists don’t say that human extinction caused by climate change is on the cards.


Eliot wasn’t in the mood to quibble. “We can nitpick about the name, but the name is catchy,” he said. “It galvanizes people to support the cause.”


akxmedia/Vladimir Morozov

An Extinction Rebellion climate-change demonstration in Oxford Circus, London on April 15, 2019.