Anonymous ID: 966f3e April 15, 2019, 10:19 p.m. No.6195957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5979 >>5989 >>5996 >>6009 >>6017 >>6098 >>6124 >>6277 >>6288 >>6290 >>6493

Need some answers anons. Having a discussion with a lib that says trump does not have the power to uinilaterally decide where the illegal immigrants will end up. I cited trumps EO declaring a national emergency at the southern border. So lib said " If he choses to release illegal immigrants on parole, he can in no way force them to go to, or stay in sanctuary cities. He would also have to get Congress to pay for ut, which they would not do. If they are deemed dangerous, they must be detained or deported.


So again, he does not have the power to UNILATIRALLY do this. "


So help me out here guys….