Anonymous ID: ef908b April 15, 2019, 11:21 p.m. No.6196318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6351

When I caught wind of the fire today, my immediate thought was how Donnie Darko lit the pedo's house on fire. Upon dousing the flames, the fire department finds a stash of kiddie porn and a sex dungeon. D&D keeps coming up, to this anon anyway. Also strange is the movie's connection to a airplane engine. Lots of 9/11 vibes all around as well.

Anonymous ID: ef908b April 16, 2019, 12:16 a.m. No.6196565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6587 >>6604



I took POTUS' comment to be a mirrored/symmetric comment on 9/11. There were a tremendous amount of comments by the news heads on Sky news and "man on the street" interviews that made comments that also brought up 9/11. POTUS also mentioned "jet fuel" in his remarks at the remarks in Burnsville.

>flying water tanks

this made me think of "flying gas tanks"

there was a lot of the talk of the wood in the cathedral burning - made me think of the jet fuel/steel beam meme (can't melt it, etc)

Fire certainly burns the wood, the water being dumped would be ineffective in putting it out.


>wood/water - water would not stop the burning

>steel/jet fuel - fuel would not melt the steel


Listen for the keywords, and you will hear them.


My personal theory is that ND is a Cabal base and was a direct strike by the whitehats. They are not fucking around and this fire is going to flush out a lot of bad stuff into the light. The Pope will indeed be having a very bad May.

Anonymous ID: ef908b April 16, 2019, 12:26 a.m. No.6196608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6662


>Your theory is ridiculous.

Didn't say it wasn't. On the other handthe 9/11 talk could be to telegraph that it was a cabal FF like 9/11.


Your options are:


1) white hat op (no one died, will expose some dark shit in the depths of the cathedral)

2) black hat op (and white hats let it happen, making sure no one died)