Anonymous ID: 0b47e7 April 16, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.6197042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7045

Ok, I'm going to try to be as succinct as possible.

For any SAO (Sword Art Online) fans here, please feel free to chime in.

I began watching SAO - Alicization recently and all I have to say is holy shit. There are so many things that connect with Q drops here it can't all be coincidence.

First off let's get the easy one out of the way…

From drop #74:

Q = Alice


Keep that in mind.

So what's SAO about?

Synopsis: A full-dive Virtual Reality game is created by the name of Sword Art Online. The developer of the game locks the first 10,000 players inside after they have logged in. They can't log out and if they die in the game they die in real life. Sound familiar? (Matrix)


Throughout the first seasons and movies the show's plot explores the dangers of virtual and augmented reality. In The SAO movie Ordinal Scale, an augmented reality machine known as the Augma is a consumer electronics device most comparable to what the Google Glass was supposed to be. It also had games that would project onto the real world which drives the gaming plot. The villain of the movie is the developer of the Augma who lost his daughter in the original SAO game. He uses the Augma to harvest the memories of people that came in contact with his daughter in SAO to build an AI version of her. He does this by targeting neuron pathways activated when players 'die' while gaming with the Augma. It triggers synapses that correlate to the players' fears of dying while in SAO. When those pathways are located the memories are extracted of the developer's daughter along with any memories the player had while in SAO. [mind control, false memories, brain manipulation]

Fast forward.


SAO - Alicization. The protagonist receives a severe injury and is in a coma. He is treated by way of being placed into an advanced full-dive machine that directly taps into the user's soul. The soul is projected into a virtual world and is essentially the user's avatar. The full-dive is exactly like that of a dream. You don't notice any difference and 5 hrs in dive can be 5 mins in the real world. Now, how does this connect to Q…


The developers of the soul-diving virtual world known as 'The Underworld' had a unique goal when creating it. It was the development of AI weaponry. The problem thus far with AI weaponry and AI in general, as explained in the show, has been that all approaches to creating an AI have been by way of teaching a program how to react to certain situations from the top-down method. You begin with a program and teach it how to react to certain stimuli. Give it enough programmed responses and hopefully, given time, the program will begin to learn how it is supposed to react to other stimuli of the same type. This is all well and good but as we know situations are always unique and you can't possibly hope to be able to program every single given situation.



Anonymous ID: 0b47e7 April 16, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.6197045   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So the developers use a different method; a bottom-up method. [up is down]

The way they do this is pretty sick. They take the souls of infants (apparently aborted or dead of natural causes) and inject the souls themselves into the Underworld. The Underworld is governed by a set of parameters known as the Taboo Index, which you find out later was never actually programmed but was made by a corrupted copy of a developer's soul. The corrupted soul craves power and influence, creating a church and nobility system which govern the hierarchy of the Underworld. To the developers' delight, the Taboo Index is followed by all that live in the Underworld.

Now here's where it gets interesting…


One of the souls (AI's) that have grown up in the Underworld breaks one of the Taboos. As punishment, she is brought to the citadel and is made into an enforcer of the Administrator's rules. An enforcer of the Taboo Index. Her memories of her life before becoming an enforcer are wiped and she must be saved by the protagonists. Her name? Alice.


She is eventually freed from her programming and is able to assist the protagonists in taking down the Administrator.


I'm not trying to bring up the MUH Q IS AI slides again but damn this is interesting. If you've never seen it I would highly recommend it. There are aspects discussed within that directly correlate to the topics we discuss here.


Oh, you want some more Q porn? Ok… the 'good' administrator is a copy of the main antagonist but retreats herself to study for some 200 years, planning how to take down the Admin. She sees her chance when she becomes aware of the protagonists by way of surveillance drones (birds, insects, etc) she has planted throughout the Underworld. She's a wizard of sorts. [Wizards & Warlocks] And her staff? It's a fucking Q.


I'm not saying Q is AI. But there are aspects of AN AI of some sort that has perhaps become self-aware as a result of some DARPA project most likely, learned all the bad shit the cabal had planned, and is assisting Q team in taking it down. I've been trying to dig into the possibility of major nations all having their own weaponized total surveillance AI's (like Google/China's Dragonfly) which are in effect battling each other for supremacy beneath the surface of our observable world. The one that broke free and is assisting DIA in their task could very well be the one assisting Q team. I hope that makes sense to some. I'm at the end of a long ass day and honestly I'm probably just rambling by now.


Go watch it. You'll enjoy it. Q porn aside it's a damn good story line. And yes it's anime so don't worry about any bullshit Hollywood plot injections.


…………….Or maybe I've finally gone off the rails and need to take a break from all this.

