Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 12:33 a.m. No.6196666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6689 >>6690 >>6699 >>6745 >>6786 >>7407





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>> Alleges Mack is Gillibrand's daughter…




>HOLY SHIT. It's absolutely unmistakable. Excellent thinking, anon!


2020 Democrat candidate for President…Senator Gillibrand has more family connections to NXIVM revealed


Big League Politics Reports: Democrat senator and presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand’s family ties to the NXIVM sex cult are coming to light, raising serious questions about her relationship with the cult that she once denied knowing about. Gillibrand’s father and stepmother, who are second cousins, were both heavily involved in the cult in the period shortly before they got married, according to eyewitness accounts from ex-NXIVM employees who spoke on the record to Big League Politics, and according to court documents proving that Gillibrand’s father Doug Rutnik was employed by NXIVM.


Gillibrand’s father served as a broker between NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere — whose initials were branded on his female sex slaves — and then-New York attorney general Eliot Spitzer to resolve Raniere’s financial problems with the state, according to ex-employee whistleblower Joseph O’Hara, whose revelations are printed below.


In court documents revealed last week we discovered that Kirsten Gillibrand who is running for President that her father was connected to the human/child trafficking ring of NXIVM, and now more Gillibrand family ties to NXIVM are being revealed. Now we are finding out that Gillibrand's stepmother was also involved and also discovering that Gillibrand's father was employed by the human/child trafficking network of NXIVM.


The NXIVM court case has given us two pretty major things already, where both Allison Mack and Lauren Salzman have now both pleaded guilty, and we have yet to know anything about the superseding indictment or indictments that are now involved with the case. With all of Gillibrands connections in her family with NXIVM being revealed, is Gillibrand about to go down in the NXIVM case…And this is why the Senator is running for President thinking it will somehow protect the Senator?

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 12:35 a.m. No.6196676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6729 >>6745 >>6810 >>7044 >>7361

Rashida Tlaib’s Ex-Husband is Related to Her Mother


A freshman member of Congress and one of the first Muslims elected to the House of Representatives married a relative.


According to a November Haaretz report, the father of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Harbi Elabed, married her mother Faiza Tlaib in the mid-1970’s before the couple moved from Palestinian-occupied territory to live in the United States permanently.


Rashida Tlaib has the same married name as her mother’s maiden name. It has been confirmed that Rashida’s ex-husband, Fayez Tlaib, is related to her mother, which explains the shared last name.


Tlaib’s mother reportedly visits her relatives in the village of Beit Ur al-Fauqa regularly, though Tlaib herself has not been there since 2006.


Trending: As Notre Dame Burns, Social Media Users Bombard Videos With Laugh Reactions


The freshman member of Congress has been riddled with scandal since her election in November. She infamously declared after winning her race that she was headed to Washington, D.C., to “impeach the motherf*,” referring to President Donald J. Trump.


She has also been plagued by a residency scandal, and stands accused of lying about her address in order to run for office. Big League Politics exclusively reported:


Michigan Democrat congresswoman Rashida Tlaib registered to vote from a false address, and represented a state House district that she did not actually live in, according to credit score and property records obtained by Big League Politics.


Tlaib’s own father even said that Tlaib “lied” about her address in order to run for office.


Here is what the evidence, presented below, proves:


Rashida Tlaib registered to vote at a false address as she embarked on her first political campaign. “Registering to vote using a false address” is one of a number of crimes that fall into the voter fraud category.

Tlaib ran for and represented the 12th district in the Michigan House of Representatives even though she was not a resident of that district.

Records show that Tlaib was an “Absentee Owner” at the Detroit house she claimed to live in.

Tlaib moved to her official Detroit apartment address, which she reported to the FEC after the election, at the start of her 2018 campaign. Her new address was recorded for the first time one day before she announced her campaign for Congress.


Congressman Jon Bumstead of Michigan told Big League Politics through an intermediary that Michigan state representatives are required by law to live in the district they represent.


Michigan Election Law requires candidates to submit an Affidavit of Identity, where they must provide truthful residence information.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 12:46 a.m. No.6196709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7032 >>7044 >>7325 >>7377

San Francisco's Human Waste Challenge - 132,562 Cases Reported Since 2008. Affluent sections of the city have become dangerous with open-air drug use, tens of thousands of discarded needles, and, sadly, human feces.


Mapping San Francisco's Human Waste Challenge - 132,562 Cases Reported In The Public Way Since 2008


By many measures, San Francisco is a world-class city. It’s a tourist mecca that boasts 25 million visitors each year. It’s home to wonders of the modern world – the Golden Gate Bridge and its iconic cable cars – as well as powerful progressive politicians, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Governor Gavin Newsom, and U.S. Senator (and presidential hopeful) Kamala Harris.


The broader San Francisco Bay Area can also claim Silicon Valley and its booming economy.


But the city itself is in trouble. Today, San Francisco hosts an estimated homeless population of 7,500 people. Affluent sections of the city have become dangerous with open-air drug use, tens of thousands of discarded needles, and, sadly, human feces.


Since 2011, there have been at least 118,352 reported instances of human fecal matter on city streets.


New mayor, London Breed, won election by promising to clean things up. However, conditions are the same or worse. Last year, the number of reports spiked to an all-time high at 28,084. In first quarter 2019, the pace continued with 6,676 instances of human waste in the public way.


We reached out to San Francisco Mayor London Breed for comment regarding our findings and the continued trajectory of the human waste problem. This column will be updated with any response or comment.


Our auditors at plotted all reports of human waste since 2011 using latitude and longitude address coordinates of all cases closed by the San Francisco Department of Public Works.


Using our interactive map, just click a pin and scroll down to review the results (all closed cases by neighborhood) rendered in the chart beneath the map. Available data is the result of resident reporting to the city’s 311 dispatchers during the years 2011-2019.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 12:48 a.m. No.6196717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6730

This woman is a threat to POTUS.

Speaker Pelosi, Rep Hoyer - You have an OBLIGATION to We the People to REMOVE her from Congress. DO IT NOW !

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:01 a.m. No.6196782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6796 >>6889 >>7044

Woman kills pastor for breaking her heart


The woman killed pastor Perry


A woman identified as Latoshia Daniels shot at Pastor Brodes Perry of Tennessee, USA, several times when she showed up to his home unannounced.


According to reports, the distraught woman also shot at Perry’s wife who presumably tried to protect her husband from harm. Cops showed up to the Meridian Place Apartments and found the two victims wounded.


Meanwhile, Daniels was still armed and refused to put down her gun.


Perry’s wife said she let Daniels inside their home earlier because she knew her from her time living in Little Rock. When she was escorting Daniels back out, that’s when she pulled out a handgun and started blasting and screaming “You broke my heart” at the husband, according to court papers obtained by Q13 Fox.


His wife then knelt by him, and Daniels told her to move out the way. That’s when she shot her in the left shoulder.


Perry’s wife explained to police that she wasn’t aware of any affair going on between her husband and Daniels, but the shooter’s actions made an affair seem possible.


Both victims were rushed to the Regional Medical Center where Brodes Perry later died.


While at the hospital, cops say Daniels also attacked an officer. They said the officer was trying to take her into custody and that’s when she jerked away and pushed him before taking off running. Officers said they had to force Daniels to the ground before they could have her handcuffed.


Daniels now faces first-degree murder charges along with attempted first-degree murder, possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, assault on a police officer and resisting arrest. She’s currently held without bond. …

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:05 a.m. No.6196794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6844 >>6853 >>6859 >>6889 >>6963 >>7044 >>7202

Pete Buttfag suggests national service program


Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttfag on Monday night advocated a form of national public service for all young adults as a way to create unity among Americans.


"We really want to talk about the threat to social cohesion that helps characterize this presidency but also just this era," the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. "One thing we could do that would change that would be to make it, if not legally obligatory, but certainly a social norm that anybody after they're 18 spends a year in national service."


Buttfag mentioned that for him as well as several former presidents, including John F. Kennedy and George H. W. Bush, serving in the military allowed them to meet and build trust with people of starkly different backgrounds, education and income. Buttfag served in the Navy from 2009 to 2017, including a deployment to Afghanistan. Buttfag and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) are the only current Democratic presidential candidates who are veterans.


Buttfag was vague about what would constitute national service, but both he and Maddow acknowledged it would most likely not be a military draft. Without saying the program would be mandatory, Buttfag did suggest colleges and employers ask applicants about participation in it.


The Indiana mayor said a national service program could be a tool to bridge deepening divisions in American society and increase public participation. Buttfag mentioned that similar proposals have been made in the past and generally been widely popular. Still, he acknowledged creating such a program could be a long shot.


"It's one of these ideas that everybody kind of likes, but it was always important and never urgent," Buttfag said of a national service program. “How would that ever kind of hold on its own in a policy debate where we deal with kids in cages and we have to deal with climate change and there are all these pressing, burning issues?“


Maddow and Buttfag's chummy conversation also touched on the mayor’s experience coming out at the age of 33 and touching on past points he's made about building trust among his constituents in South Bend.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:10 a.m. No.6196811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6889 >>7032 >>7044 >>7325 >>7377

EU to seek rapid tariff-reduction deal with the US


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The EU’s top trade official said on Monday she would seek a rapid tariff-reduction deal with the US, after European governments backed negotiations aimed at easing transatlantic tensions.


Cecilia Malmstrom said Brussels “will do everything it can” to reach a deal with the US by November 1 on a “limited but meaningful” agreement that would slash tariffs on industrial goods.


But the EU trade chief admitted the two sides had not agreed what should be covered in the negotiations, with Europe having firmly rejected Washington’s demand that a deal should include greater export opportunities for US farmers.


The talks are a priority for Berlin and other EU capitals, which see them as a way to engage with the Trump administration and convince the US president not to follow through on threats to hit Europe’s car sector with punitive tariffs.


Alongside his trade war with China, Mr Trump has repeatedly threatened the EU with tariffs as a way to address what he sees as an unfairly skewed trading relationship. Last year he hit EU steel exports with additional duties, prompting Brussels to impose retaliatory tariffs.


The EU and the US are also at a sensitive moment in their long-running feud over illegal subsidies to Airbus and Boeing, with both sides preparing extensive lists of products that could be targeted for retaliation.


The negotiations on industrial goods were part of an accord reached last year by Mr Trump and European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker to work together to address irritants in the trading relationship rather than resort to unilateral measures.


On Monday, Ms Malmstrom said the new talks were an “essential” step to “end a self-defeating cycle of measures and countermeasures”


The negotiations were endorsed after EU governments overrode French objections on the grounds that the US had not committed to the 2015 Paris climate accord.


The French decision to vote against the talks followed unsuccessful attempts by Paris to delay the approval of the negotiating mandate until after European Parliament elections in May.


Washington is insisting that a trade deal must include the EU opening up its agriculture market to greater competition, despite this being comprehensively rejected by European governments.


The US Congress “has a different template” for the negotiations, Ms Malmstrom acknowledged, adding that Brussels had been clear “from the beginning” that agriculture would not be covered.


But she said that a deal focused on industrial goods could bring “quick tangible benefits, increasing EU exports to the US by 8 per cent and US exports to the EU by 9 per cent.


“Now the ball is in the court of the US to see when we can start,” Ms Malmstrom said, adding that her objective was to complete negotiations by when she leaves office at the end of October.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:17 a.m. No.6196834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6877 >>6879 >>6889 >>6911 >>6941

Wow! This video is one of the most patriotic videos I have ever seen.


Gives me chills to see our amazing POTUS and FLOTUS surprise the heroes in uniform.


Shout out if Donald Trump makes you proud to be an American…

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:23 a.m. No.6196846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6889 >>7044

Atlanta meteorologist says she received death threats for interrupting Masters with tornado updates


Ella Dorsey took to Twitter to defend herself and the tornado warning updates, a report said.


A meteorologist in Atlanta said she received death threats from viewers for interrupting the Masters tournament that featured the historic and improbable win by Tiger Woods.


The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that CBS 46's Ella Dorsey took to Twitter to defend herself and the broadcast that only took up half the screen during the tournament.


“To everyone sending me death threats right now: you wouldn’t be saying a damn thing if a tornado was ravaging your home this afternoon. Lives are more important than 5 minutes of golf. I will continue to repeat that if and when we cut into programming to keep people safe.”


Severe weather moved through north Georgia Sunday, leaving scattered damage across the area, reported. A Tornado Watch that covered most of north Georgia ended at 2 p.m.


The paper quoted her news director who called some of the comments "insane."


Woods’ 13-under was enough to defeat Dustin Johnson, Xander Schauffle, and Brooks Koepeka by one stroke.


In addition to Woods' fifth Masters championship and 15th major title (trailing only the great Jack Nicklaus in both categories), Sunday marked his 81st victory on the PGA Tour, one away from the career record held by Sam Snead. It was also the first time Tiger had won one of golf's four major championships when not entering the final round with at least a share of the lead.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:24 a.m. No.6196848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6889 >>7032 >>7044 >>7325 >>7377

Putin offers condolences to Macron over Notre Dame


Russian President Vladimir Putin offered his condolences to French counterpart Emmanuel Macron and the whole French nation on Tuesday over the devastating fire that engulfed the Notre Dame Cathedral yesterday, the Kremlin press service stated. Putin also offered to send the best Russian specialists to France to help restore the famous Parisian landmark.


The fire has now been completely extinguished but the damage remains severe.


The Paris cathedral caught fire on Monday evening, causing the roof and spire of the church to collapse. Although the cause of the incident is still unknown, preliminary findings showed that the fire was accidental rather than a result of arson or a terror-related plot. Macron promised to rebuild the Notre Dame and billionaires Francois Pinault and Bernard Arnault have vowed to donate €100 million and €200 million, respectively, for the restoration of the cathedral.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:28 a.m. No.6196855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6863 >>6889

Cops: Hunt for suspected hitman caught on video during alleged job, shot homeowner with a crossbow..


According to police, a manhunt is underway for an alleged gunman in Canada who was filmed in an alleged job last fall, posing as a delivery man and shooting at an owner with a crossbow that he had hidden in a parcel….

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:31 a.m. No.6196866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6889 >>7044

Lori Loughlin Feels ‘Manipulated,’ Under Impression ‘Breaking Rules’ Not Laws


“They feel they were manipulated by those involved and are planning that as part of their defense,” the source added. “They realize how serious the charges are, but feel that once the judge hears their story he will see they had no bad intentions.”(RELATED: Lori Loughlin Released After Paying $1 Million Bond)


The source close to the “Full House” actress continued, “They in no way felt they were money laundering. They thought the money would be used for a donation and to benefit the school. Even so, this has been one of the toughest decisions of Lori’s life.”


“When Lori heard the number of years she could spend in prison she broke down crying,” an insider shared. “The thought of being separated from her loved ones for years brought her to her knees. She has watched as the other families cut deals but her husband feels they are not guilty and should plead not guilty.” (RELATED: REPORT: 7 FBI Agents Arrested Felicity Huffman At Gunpoint)


“[Their friends] have explained to them that they cannot just plead ignorance,” the insider added. “In the end, she trusts those who are advising her and somehow believes there is a chance she will go free.”


The comments come on the heels of reports earlier in the day that Loughlin and Giannulli had pleaded not guilty to the multiple charges facing them for their alleged involvement in the college admission scheme. The two were arrested last month, accused of paying $500,000 in bribes to get their daughters, Olivia Jade and Isabella Giannulli, into the University of Southern California (USC) by pretending they were competitive rowing recruits.


As previously reported, last week a federal grand jury indicted the actress and her husband on additional charges of fraud and money laundering for their alleged part in the national college admission scam. Loughlin and Giannulli now face a total of one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and honest services mail and wire fraud with one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering. …

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:33 a.m. No.6196873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6889 >>7044 >>7354

'A very dark day for Penticton': Man, 60, in custody after 4 slain in 'targeted' shootings


The RCMP's Penticton South Okanagan-Similkameen regional general Investigation section has taken the lead on the investigation.


As officers were en route, they received a second call reporting that another person had been shot. A man matching the description of the suspect turned himself in about one hour later, at 11:30 a.m. Police also seized a vehicle believed to be the suspect's, which was parked in the police parking lot.


Officers conducted a sweep of the area and found there were several victims at multiple locations. The four fatalities occurred in three locations within a five-kilometre radius.

RCMP had previously asked everyone to avoid downtown Penticton and remain indoors. but have since lifted those restrictions. (Simon Charland/CBC)


One person died at the initial incident near Westminster Avenue and Lakeview Street, while three people died "in a suburban area" around Cornwall Drive.


"I understand this is a deeply troubling incident that has taken place in our community," said De Jager.


"Police are continuing to look for anyone else who may have been injured in the course of this incident."


He says police are working to identify the victims and inform their families.

No ongoing danger to public


On Monday afternoon the Southeast District emergency response team was deployed near Skaha Lake Road and Yorkton Avenue for an unfolding incident.


Police determined it was not linked to the morning shootings, and have resolved the incident.


RCMP had previously asked everyone to avoid downtown Penticton and remain indoors, but have since lifted those restrictions.


The crime scene is now limited to the 2400 block of Cornwall Drive and the 400 block of Heales Avenue near Lakeview Street.


In the press conference, De Jager said there is no longer any danger to the community.


"We want to reassure the public that we're there for them at this time. Although this is a very dark day for Penticton, the brightness in the community is how everybody stepped up," he said.

'4 or 5' pops heard: witness


Shelly Halvorson was in her office at J & E Automotive Services when she heard "four or five" pops.


"I thought it was our tire machine," said Halvorson. "I didn't think anything more of it."


This is a little too close. I've never experienced this. I'm not comfortable at all.- Shelly Halvorson , witness


Within minutes, she said, police vehicles swarmed the area.


She says she went outside and saw a man lying on his front lawn, at which point, police told everyone to go back inside their homes and businesses.


"This is a little too close. I've never experienced this," she said. "I'm not comfortable at all."


The RCMP's Penticton South Okanagan Similkameen regional general Investigation section has taken the lead on the investigation. Additional resources from the RCMP's Southeast District, including Investigators from the Southeast District Major Crime Unit, have been called in to assist.


Penticton is a city in the Okanagan Valley of the Southern Interior of British Columbia with a population of about 30,000.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:34 a.m. No.6196876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6889 >>7044

Huawei says not discussed 5G chipsets with Apple - chairman


Huawei Technologies, one of the world's biggest smartphone makers, has not had talks with Apple Inc about supplying it with 5G chipsets, Rotating Chairman Ken Hu said on Tuesday.


Hu made the remark at the company's annual global analyst summit at its headquarters in Shenzhen in southern China. His comment come after founder Ren Zhengfei told CNBC that Huawei was "open" to selling its fifth generation (5G) chips to Apple.


"We have not had discussions with Apple on this issue," Hu said, reiterating that Huawei does not plan to become a chipset vendor at this time. He also said he looked forward to Apple's competition in the 5G phone market.


Hu said Huawei had secured 40 commercial contracts to build 5G telecommunications infrastructure as at the end of March, up from a previously disclosed tally of more than 30.


Huawei's outlook has come under a cloud over the past year with the United States voicing concerns that its equipment could be used by the Chinese government for espionage. Washington has also urged allies to ban Huawei from building 5G mobile networks.


Huawei has dismissed the security concerns as unfounded.


Huawei is also the world's largest telecommunications equipment maker. Its inhouse semiconductor arm, HiSilicon, also designs chipsets that are used in its products.


Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei said in an interview with CNBC this week that the company is "open to" selling its 5G modem chips to Apple, without elaborating.


His comments came after repeated denials from Huawei that it had any intention of becoming a chip vendor to compete against the likes of Qualcomm and Intel.


Huawei in January launched its 5G modem Balong 5000, which it said is the industry's most powerful, as well as a 5G base station chipset dubbed Tiangang.


The company last month reported a 25 percent rise in net profit in 2018 to 59.3 billion yuan ($9 billion), even as revenue from its network equipment business fell 1.3 percent to 294 billion yuan due to telecommunications industry investment cycles.



Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:37 a.m. No.6196880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6887 >>7044

A 67-year old man linked to the Hells Angels Outlaw bikie gang has been charged over a major drug find on the Gold Coast.


Detectives seized 12kg of meth valued at $1.5 million and also uncovered a large stash of weapons and bikie paraphernalia.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:46 a.m. No.6196910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6915 >>7044

Mark Zuckerfag Facebook Stock Shares Sold (Partial)

4/05/19 sold 255,050 = $44,957,663.50

4/10/19 sold 222,952 = $39,594,045.68

4/12/19 sold 294,100 = $52,435,089.00

4/15/19 sold 108,000 = $19,293,120.00.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:50 a.m. No.6196926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7044

Breaking: “Nostradamus Predicted Paris Notre Dame Would Burn” / WW III


Nostradamus prediction of Notre Dame would burn…

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 1:57 a.m. No.6196962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7032 >>7044 >>7325 >>7377

Ilhan Omar raises nearly $1M after controversies, tops other progressive Dems like AOC, Tlaib


Embattled Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar is beating other House Democrats by raising nearly $1 million, despite a series of anti-Semitic controversies that plagued the first three months in office.


Omar, who continues to face a controversy over comments in which she appears to describe the September 11, 2011 terror attacks as “some people did something,” has proven to be able to monetize in the wake of a backlash.


According to Federal Election Commission filing on Monday, Omar raised $832,000 in the first quarter this year, a figure that is among the best compared to other Congressional Democrats.


By comparison, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who’s been pushing the party leftwards, raised $725,000 in the first quarter – more than $100,000 less than Omar.


Rep. Rashida Tlaib, another progressive, raised $316,000, which is over half a million dollars less than Omar.


In February, Omar drew bipartisan uproar after suggesting that politicians in the U.S. were bought by AIPAC, a non-partisan organization that seeks to foster the relationship between the U.S. and Israel.


“It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” Omar wrote in a now-deleted tweet, suggesting the group pays U.S. politicians to support Israel. AIPAC denied Omar’s claims that they fund politicians.




“Congresswoman Omar's use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel's supporters is deeply offensive.”

— House Speaker Nancy Pelosi


Omar issued an apology but reiterated a “problematic role of lobbyists” in politics, particularly AIPAC as well as the NRA and fossil fuel industry.


Just weeks later, Omar reignited the controversy once again, this time saying that supporters of Israel were pushing for U.S. politicians to declare “allegiance” to that nation.


“I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country,” Omar said. “I want to ask why is it OK for me to talk about the influence of the NRA, of fossil fuel industries, or big pharma, and not talk about a powerful lobbying movement that is influencing policy?”


“I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”

— Rep. Ilhan Omar


The FEC records show that Omar received over $415,000 from people who gave her less than $200. She also received larger donations from other Democrats, including from Ocasio-Cortez who gave her $2,000.


House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, who caused a controversy of its own after defended Omar by saying that her experience was “more personal” than Jews whose parents survived the Holocaust, also donated $1,000 to Omar.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 2:03 a.m. No.6196988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7044

=The customer is king. The customer is central to breaking down silos==


Mandy Dhaliwal, CMO, Dell Boomi, explains how customers are the secret weapon to breaking down silos between product, marketing, sales and c-suite?'


According to a recent study, more than half of legacy organisations operate on a siloed approach. An issue that first came to light in 2005, addressing the complexity and inefficiency caused by silos has long been a priority for business leaders. Today, though, we are still yet to eliminate them entirely.


The answer to eradicating silos may lie with an organisation’s customers. More than ever, the customer is king. And the quest to deliver the optimum customer experience has revolutionised the sales and marketing function, with organisations focusing heavily on customer engagement, retention and – most importantly – loyalty. In their efforts to undergo the necessary transformation, however, businesses have been forced to bind their silos together with ‘duct tape’ which, according to analyst Jack Gold, could be present in more than 85% of organisations, hindering their bids for transformation and customer success.


CIOs understand the importance of consistently delivering the best possible experience across all channels – not just for their customers, but for every part of the value chain, including their employees and suppliers. But doing so requires the whole system to be optimised and integrated, eliminating all silos. While this will be no easy task, it will deliver greater rewards in the long term.

Thinking like a customer


All businesses must now think and behave like B2C companies, requiring business leaders and technology innovators alike to speak to mass consumerism – the lingua franca of their target audience. As consumers themselves, interacting in this way should come naturally. The challenge lies in adopting this mindset in the boardroom, on sales calls, across social media, and within corporate content.


The data lake is the future of business data


Druva’s chief technologist, W. Curtis Preston asks: where is your crucial data stored and how easily can you access it?


By bringing a customer-first mentality to the innovation stage of their products or technologies, a company will be able to shape its entire growth story around the wants and needs of its biggest supporters and potential customers and, in time, disintegrate any existing silos.

Communicating like a customer


To think and communicate like a customer, an organisation must stop speaking like a business machine and start speaking human instead. Rather than just comprising business-centric offerings, and marketing and sales tools, for example, its content should be expanded to represent what the organisation is working to deliver both internally and externally. This depends on the sharing of responsibilities, and greater collaboration on viewpoints, thought leadership and results throughout the business, from the c-suite down.


Customers and prospects want the assurance that comes from knowing everyone within an organisation shares the same vision, and this can be effectively communicated by presenting a range of resources and the readily available opinions of subject matter experts.


Get over it: how to ignore silos but keep your data centre running smoothly


IT silos: they’re a dilemma almost as old the first data centre. Silos are not just an IT infrastructure issue, they can be found across the business world

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 2:08 a.m. No.6197014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7044




Omertá planning a heist at the history museum. Word on the street is that they’re trying to get Hades’ scepter. The heist is planned for Wednesday at 12:03am. Maybe Venetius should get it first and hold some type of leverage over Omertá.á-hades …

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 2:10 a.m. No.6197021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7044

Depression-era workers found strange fossilized beasts in 'Texas Serengeti'


An illustration showing the ancient animals — such as elephant-like gomphotheres, rhinos, horses and antelopes with slingshot-shaped horns — that lived near what is now Beeville, Texas, about 12 million years ago. (Jay Matternes/The Smithsonian Institution)


About 12 million years ago, antelopes with slingshot-like horns and beasts that weren't quite elephants but that had long trunks and tusks tramped across the "Texas Serengeti" searching for food and caring for their babies.


Little was known about this ancient menagerie until, during the Great Depression, the government created the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and tasked some of the organization's employees with finding and preserving thousands of fossils from the Miocene, an epoch that lasted from about 23 million to 5 million years ago.


Now, after more than 80 years in storage at The University of Texas at Austin, these fossils are finally being studied. The fossils have even revealed a previously unknown genus of gomphothere, an extinct elephant relative with a shovel-like lower jaw, and the oldest fossils on record of both the American alligator and an extinct dog relative. [Photos: These Animals Used to Be Giant]


These fossils, collected from 1939 to 1941, are an absolute treasure trove, scientists said. In the nearly 4,000 specimens, found at dig sites near Beeville, a city about 90 miles (145 kilometers) southeast of San Antonio, there are 50 species of fossil vertebrates (animals with backbones), including five species of fish, seven reptiles, two birds and 36 mammals.

More From LiveScience


The selection of animals is mind-boggling, revealing that rhinos, camels, rodents, 12 types of horses and five species of carnivores trekked across what is now the Texas Gulf Coast some 11 million to 12 million years ago.


"It's the most representative collection of life from this time period of Earth history along the Texas coastal plain," study researcher Steven May, a research associate at The University of Texas at Austin's Jackson School of Geosciences, said in a statement.


Though others have examined specific fossils in this collection, May's deep dive into the entire assortment is helping to fill gaps in the state's record of ancient wildlife, Matthew Brown, the director of the museum's vertebrate paleontology collections, said in the statement.


May also returned to the original dig sites to see what smaller fossils, such as rodent teeth, he could excavate, since the collected finds consisted mostly of big, "obvious" fossils, he said. There are so many fossils from the WPA era that the project will likely continue for years. In addition, researchers plan to do isotope analyses of the fossils. (Isotopes are different versions of an element that have different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus.) This will help scientists evaluate the diets and paleoenvironments of some of the ancient animals, May wrote in the study, which was published online yesterday (April 11) in the journal Palaeontologia Electronica.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 2:16 a.m. No.6197039   🗄️.is 🔗kun

muh much projectiON:


((([Mike Rothschild])))



Notre Dame is burning to the ground. But don't worry, QAnon has already cracked it wide open as a deep state/Michelle Obama/Macron false flag distraction from child sacrifice and Brexit.


As if it could be anything else.

11:14 AM - 15 Apr 2019



Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.6197047   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bernie Sanders is an oligarch and a hypocrite.

Congratulations, DEMS. You have a candidate for that micro-identity, too.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 2:26 a.m. No.6197080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7090 >>7325 >>7377

Verhofstadt: UK not serious about Brexit deal


European Parliament's representative in Brexit negotiations Guy Verhofstadt said on Tuesday that the European Union's decision to give the United Kingdom another Brexit delay has taken the pressure off British lawmakers to pass a withdrawal agreement.


Verhofstadt claimed chances for a cross-party consensus in the UK have diminished as both the Conservatives and Labour will now "run down the clock" instead of working on a deal. He stressed that the fact that the UK Parliament decided to "go on holiday" immediately after the EU granted London's request for a longer extension, shows that UK lawmakers are not serious about working towards an agreement.


Earlier, European Council President Donald Tusk called on the UK to use the flexible extension of Article 50 in the "best way" and warned Britain that the EU will not renegotiate the existing withdrawal agreement. Meanwhile, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas expressed hope Britain will leave the bloc by October instead of seeking another Brexit delay.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 2:30 a.m. No.6197097   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Taiwan president says Chinese drills a threat but not intimidated


TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan has not been intimidated by China’s military drills this week, President Tsai Ing-wen said on Tuesday, after the latest Chinese maneuvers were denounced by a senior U.S. official as “coercion” and a threat to regional stability.


China’s People’s Liberation Army said its warships, bombers and reconnaissance aircraft had conducted “necessary drills” around Taiwan on Monday. It described them as routine.


Tsai said Taiwan was resolute in its defense.


“China’s armed forces yesterday sent a large number of military aircraft and naval vessels into our vicinity. Their actions threaten Taiwan and other-like minded countries in the region,” Tsai said.


“These actions only serve to strengthen our resolve. Our military forces have the capacity, determination, and commitment to defend Taiwan and not allow coercion to dictate our own future,” she said.


Tsai also said the Trump administration had notified Taipei that its pilots could train at the Luke Air Force Base in Arizona.


“It enhances their abilities to defend our air space. I want to express my appreciation to the U.S. government for the announcement,” she said.


Tsai was speaking at a forum co-hosted by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to mark the 40th anniversary of Taiwan-U.S. ties under the Taiwan Relations Act, following Washington’s decision to ditch formal recognition of Taiwan in favor of China in 1979.


The event was attended by a delegation led by Paul Ryan, the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.


The United States has no formal ties with Taiwan but is bound by law to help provide the island with the means to defend itself and is its main source of arms.


Taiwan scrambled jets and ships to monitor the Chinese forces on Monday, the island’s sefence ministry said, accusing Beijing of “trying to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait”.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 2:32 a.m. No.6197105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Secretive meeting on US ‘military option’ in Venezuela reveals key figures of invasion push


A hawkish US think tank has hosted a secretive meeting on Venezuela, bringing together American and South American officials to discuss the “use of military force” in the country, investigative journalist Max Blumenthal told RT.


The exclusive piece shedding some light on the secretive gathering was published by the Grayzone portal on Saturday. Blumenthal has obtained a check-in list of a private roundtable dubbed ‘Assessing the Use of Military Force in Venezuela,’ which was hosted by the DC-based think tank the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).


The roundtable was held on April 10, yet its check-list was misleadingly dated as April 20. The fact the meeting had actually taken place was confirmed to Blumenthal by its participants, whom he has reached for comment. They were not very eager to talk, though.


Read more


“We talked about military… uh… military options in Venezuela. That was earlier this week though,” research associate at CSIS’s Americas Program Sarah Baumunk said. She promptly grew nervous, adding that she didn’t “feel comfortable answering these questions” and hung up on the journalist.


Another listed attendee, a research associate with international strategy firm Hills & Company, Santiago Herdoiza, simply said it was a “closed meeting” without providing any details.


“They were extremely nervous that somebody in the media knew about the existence of this event. It was a very high-level meeting with basically the main people in Washington involved in making the sausage of Trump’s Venezuela policy and they wanted to keep it as private as possible,” Blumenthal told RT on Sunday. “It really does show that military options are being seriously considered at this point, after all other mechanisms that Trump has put into play seem to have failed.”


The list of participants is surely impressive – the roundtable has brought together former and incumbent military and civil officials from the US and South America, representatives of USAID and Organization of American States (OAS) as well as analysts from various think tanks. Several figureheads ‘appointed’ by the self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido were also in attendance.

Also on ‘Interim president’ of Venezuela not violating rules because they were changed for him – Abrams


Arguably the most high-profile participant of the gathering was Admiral Kurt Tidd, who until recently used to head the US Naval Forces Southern Command. Another listed participant – Roger Noriega – is basically Elliott Abrams-lite. Noriega is a veteran US meddler, with his activities dating back to the notorious Iran-Contras affair. He did not get the notoriety of Abrams and quietly held senior positions within the US administration throughout the years, focusing on Venezuela and coordinating the OAS.


Last October, he urged US President Donald Trump to appoint former Ambassador to Venezuela William Brownfield to lead the plans for a military invasion. The latter, also known for his involvement into murky meddling schemes against the country, participated in the roundtable as well.


The meeting was also attended by self-styled officials of Guiado’s “government” – public policy advisor Daniel Sierra and ‘ambassador’ to the US Carlos Vecchio. Participation of said “officials” sounds ironic given their previous efforts to advertise Guaido's so-called ‘Plan País’ to reconstruct the country's economy.


Read more


When the plan was officially unveiled a month ago, the two have spoken a lot about “reestablishing Venezuela's democracy,” protecting “individual economic rights and freedoms” and ensuring “citizen security.” Given the topic of the CSIS's discussion, the figureheads of Guaido's “government” don't actually mind to bring this ‘prosperity’ to their homeland through a foreign invasion. It should not be surprising, though, since even the Plan País itself was unveiled at the Atlantic Council – the US and NATO funded think tank.


While the closest supporters of Guaido are pushing for foreign intervention, Blumenthal believes that regional partners of the US are quite reluctant to partake in it.


“Any US invasion of Venezuela would be contingent on the consent from the Colombian and Brazilian governments and its very unclear that they’ll get that consent,” Blumenthal said.


“Both governments are extremely worried about increasing the migration crisis, they are deeply worried about destabilizing the entire region and that’s absolutely what this would entail. And they are also worried about a counterattack from the Venezuela military, which is very competent.”


“We're going to be working on trying to put together a consortium of about $10 billion of trade finance that would be available for the new government to spark trade,” Mnuchin said.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 2:43 a.m. No.6197151   🗄️.is 🔗kun





‏ @LucyAmerican1


#NotreDame survived centuries of wars in Europe & the #FrenchRevolution.

Sadly the #NewWorldOrder destroyed it quietly in collusion with @georgesoros @theresa_may @AngelaMerkeICDU @EmmanuelMacron @BarackObama @HillaryClinton.


#FAITH 🙏✡️✝️



Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 3:01 a.m. No.6197208   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Kairuppala, India: Villagers partake in religious festival where they hurl cow feces at each other.

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 3:04 a.m. No.6197221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7229

Natalie Swaner

‏ @natalie_swaner Every American #Democrat & #Republican jaws should drop when they read what the top people in the #FBI and #DOJ did in 2016 election! #QAnon #MAGA

2:56 AM - 16 Apr 2019

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 3:29 a.m. No.6197298   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Interesting. 2nd largest Church in Paris. Where Divinci code was filmed. March 17th, 2019. Do you believe in coincidences?

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 3:38 a.m. No.6197341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

VIDEO: Antifa Stages Protest Outside Trump Adviser Stephen Miller’s Home, Cast ‘Curses’ Upon Him


Leftist activists have once again held a flash mob style protest at the home of President Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser Stephen Miller.


The group also cast “curses” upon him, including “may you turn into a blintz and be snatched up by a cat,” “may you have thunder in your belly and lightning in your pants,” and”let no evil eye avoid him,” journalist Ford Fischer reported on Twitter.


Fischer reports that the group, organized by “Werk for Peace” spent most of their time dancing to Yiddish music and singing.


The protest seemed to be against Miller’s stances on immigration.


One speaker, Scott Brown, claimed that Miller, who is Jewish, has “hidden behind whiteness” to gain power.


“It is disgraceful to use the oppression that is a part of our Jewish history as a distraction from the ways we benefit from whiteness,” he said into a microphone.


Full video report from News2Share:

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 3:41 a.m. No.6197352   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ASK Kinesiology

‏ @ASKKinesiology


The Common Denominator is .. ?



3:27 AM - 16 Apr 2019


The faces behind the climate change chaos: From the 'neo-pagan' mother who became an activist after taking psychedelic drugs, to failed organic farmer and a baronet's granddaughter


The activists behind the chaos caused by climate change protests this week come from all walks of life - including a failed organic farmer and a baronet's daughter.


Co-founder Simon Bramwell is a former builder who was taken away in a police van yesterday after supergluing himself to the glass door of the Shell HQ in London.


His removal came as 113 people were arrested in the capital by police dealing with the ongoing protests at five landmarks including Waterloo Bridge and Marble Arch.


Also leading the 'XR' group is Gail Bradbrook, a 'neo-pagan' who became an activist as a direct result of taking huge doses of two powerful psychedelic drugs.


Others involved include Tasmin Osmond, who is the granddaughter of baronet Sir Thomas Lees, veteran campaigner Roger Hallam, and ex-UN worker Laura Reeves.


King's College post-graduate student George Barda and middle-class writer Stuart Basden are also involved in the protest which has attracted up to 10,000 people.


Here is more about those involved in the protest which is now in its second day:

Anonymous ID: 2e449e April 16, 2019, 3:45 a.m. No.6197369   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Local Government says: Buy our Sticker (or suffer our wrath)…


>Haymarket, VA is involved in the outright Extortion of it's Citizens (and those who choose to enter it's incorporated areas). And it is enforced by the local PD. You MUST buy this $15.00 sticker for your vehicle. The pupose of the sticker? It grants you the privilege to be out and about on the streets of Haymarket, VA. If you fail to purchase this sticker, and are caught without one by Haymarket PD, you will be fined $35.00. If you fail to pay the $35.00 fine? Well, police officers have only one tool to enforce the “law”, and that is the escalation of force. If citizens do not submit to this extortion, they can and will be kidnapped and caged. If the escalation of force goes to far (as it sometimes does) one could possibly even be killed. (see: ).


>I wonder how long till other local, county, and state governments adopt such "pay-up or loose your freedom" (or your life) policies?