Anonymous ID: 6f4b3d April 16, 2019, 2:33 a.m. No.6197108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7134


>3 questions that if anyone truly answers will change everything.

Eh, entry-level.

>Is there a God?

Do I exist?

>What comes after death?

Was there a need for a world before I existed? Is there a purpose to this experience I have been granted, or is it the result of chaos?

>Are we alone?

Do other people truly exist as the same as myself, or are they simply convincing backdrops to a world only truly populated by myself?

>btw, not my questions.


But, as you well know, appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to why we're here. We're not here because we're free, Mr. Anderson; we're here because we're not free. There is no escaping reason, no denying purpose….

Anonymous ID: 6f4b3d April 16, 2019, 2:52 a.m. No.6197180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7193


>No. There is something better than a puppet-master. There is Perfect Eternal Conscious Energy.


… Whatever that is… Sounds spiritual and meaningful…. Sounds like hopium with change on their bill, let's sell it! Self-help books sell better than sacrificial animals outside the temple, these days, anyway.


>We wake up in our Homestate of Awareness of spiritual sanity & sobriety. We rest in peace until that gets boring and then we script out a dreamlife and then live it out in the flesh and then die and repeat ad infinitum.


So… Nihilism for optimists and manics. Nothing matters, real isn't real…. Everything is all hunky-dory….


>You stand in a physical dreamworld teeming with lifeforms beneath your feet and all over your skin. No, we are not alone. Will aliens from outer space visit earth anytime soon? No. We have more than enough on our plates of tragic-comedy.


Except here. This particular world sucks, we know, but a better one awaits. Subscribe to my channel or buy my chakra epoxy crystals to find out how!


I know, I am openly mocking you. Comes with the territory. But, you know, telling me I am not coming to visit is just kind of rude. 2024-8 was the selected timeframe and great effort is being expended to get everything back on track after a long, convoluted tale of deception and betrayal.


True, you would call this a larp, but that is in ignorance of how these things work. Also from a person talking nonsense that can't be proven, so we'll just leave this for an interesting little tidbit that will maybe be remembered by two or three people when the time comes… But it is for those people, specifically, this comment exists - again, time is not a linear thing despite what the experience suggests… But this is going beyond the scope of the conversation and what can be reliably discussed in this environment.

What will really bake your noodle….

Anonymous ID: 6f4b3d April 16, 2019, 3:01 a.m. No.6197206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7216


If this were the case, then the experience would not really have much value. If "what we become" doesn't have our emotions, then what value are our current emotions to the existence of that being? If it can understand those emotions, then why can it then not experience them? And, thus, why is this stage necessary to that one?


Allow me to ask another question. Why is it that a child is most commonly the product of two people's DNA?

If you die without having any children, then what becomes of you?

Or do such things have any consequence?

If humans all suddenly decided to no longer procreate, and no longer have children - what would be the consequence of this?

These are directed more toward the philosophical angle less than the obvious physical consequences.

Anonymous ID: 6f4b3d April 16, 2019, 3:10 a.m. No.6197234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7238 >>7240 >>7278 >>7287


Fine, this time I will strike with killing intent.


If I am eternal, conscious energy and I just get to respawn at the end of this, then why should I exert any kind of energy or ambition?

Can I just jump off a cliff until I respawn into the Isekai I am looking for?

Or do I gain some kind of eternal conscious XPs to level up my energy reserves for completing certain difficult spawn scenarios?


In short… If life is so grand after death, then what the hell are we waiting for? Let's get out the box cutters and bring on the Isekai Harem!

Anonymous ID: 6f4b3d April 16, 2019, 3:25 a.m. No.6197283   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, of course. The devil, as they say, is in the details.


Now, what is truly fascinating is how this can work in relatively odd ways. If life is so much better after death, then wouldn't it be the most compassionate thing ever to kill everyone?


I mean, most people don't like the idea of killing people, they hate the weight of making a decision that might have some kind of lasting consequence (unless it is fucking… They'll breed like rabbits and bring more hapless souls into this hell hole) - but you can twist them to being apathetic to the death of people around them. I mean, dead is better than here, so killing off several billion of us is kind of a great act of mercy… I mean… Not… Saying someone should actually kill everyone… But if they just happen to stop living for whatever reason, it's a good thing.


Optimistic nihilism. Nothing has any meaning in this world but destruction.


"Life… Dreams… Hope… Where do they come from, and where do they go? None of that stuff is enough to fulfill your hearts! Destruction! That is what makes life worth living!"


It's always the court jester…. For the two people who caught the reference.