Anonymous ID: 9d73e0 April 16, 2019, 1:31 a.m. No.6196869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6899 >>6913


Honestly, this falls under "shit that is irrelevant." A bunch of excitable types start thinking they can tell who is a man pretending to be a woman from pictures to start down an inquisition where not only are there no girls on the internet, there are no girls in media or politics, either.


I am not saying there are no stealth-trannies out there, but the subject seems more an exercise in stimulated indulgence of paranoia rather than something actually productive.

Anorexic girls were a problem 20 years ago. Now that popular porn searches are served up whether we want to see them, or not, and have become a stray cat statistic kicked up by the progs, the girls out there realize most men find curves a bit more appealing, so they are injecting shit into their ass not ten years after clothing lines were releasing jean sizes that were rated by the number of zeroes instead of any kind of actual metric.

Anorexia largely went the way of the fanny-pack after the rise of twerking videos. One step forward and two back.


If the anorexia problem was ever more than media hyperbole in the first place. The goal of televised media is to make you feel content and functional. This is what reality TV is all about "holy shit… At least we aren't those people." Of course, the more absurd the reactions on stage, the better the payout for the actors. One could also argue that the real target audience of much of our media are "the elite" social caste who like to feel as though we pathetic dregs are wild, rabid animals in need of conditioning and purpose imposed by their will. So, to that end, Jerry Springer and others serve quite well at advancing any kind of preconceived notions those in the ivory spire have of us.


Why do you think the media will find the most trailer park of red-necks to ever trailer park to interview when they have reason to come out here to flyover territory? Their goal is to make us look as backward and retarded as possible.

Where was I going?


Ah, yes - inquisitions into fruitless endeavors. So… Really, to me, the issue of whether or not they are "real girls" is rather irrelevant in the context of the greater damage the media is doing. As if it would, somehow, be okay or not the same thing if the girls were really weminz. It makes little difference in the end if the women are women, men, CG, catgirls, or cacti - the narrative of the media and its patterns are more damaging than whether Hanna has a Banana.

Anonymous ID: 9d73e0 April 16, 2019, 1:40 a.m. No.6196888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6893


Seems like a pretty good way to rile up the Christians and the Muslims. But to say "it must be the obvious third party" kind of misses the trees for the forest, to invert the saying.

Remember the siege of Vienna broken by the King of Poland on 9/11? Interesting story, if it wasn't for the Pope opening up the Vatican coffers to buy off several of the nobles in Europe, the King of Poland never would have been able to break the siege of the Ottomans on Vienna.


Of course, the reason the Pope had to bribe families was because the other noble houses would take the opportunity to invade while the armies were away. Which they did. A considerable amount of territory changed hands while the Ottoman invaders were being squelched, I dare say.


This whole thing of Al Qaeda and muslim terrorists is nothing new and has been going on since before the reformation of the state of Israel. I dare say, If you look at who "conveniently" benefitted most from some of the Ottoman empire's actions, you'll have some decent leads on who would have been most likely to have been behind the events then… And I would argue their descendants, now, I dare say.