Anonymous ID: aca34c Page 6 of the book translate with google translater April 16, 2019, 2:09 a.m. No.6197015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7019 >>7026

>>6196942This book proves that the story of the Tower of Babel, of the Babylonian language confusion, is true. In whatever form she may have played. One language, one culture, one religion has become the hundreds of languages, cultures, religions - and all the strife, the wars, the destruction of human history. "But all the world had a single language … and the Lord drove down and confused their spirits." Out of mental confusion, therefore, all the evil has arisen that has destroyed and set the world and its parts so many times out of war, everywhere our present problems are also growing up. With mental confusion, however, is meant just that linguistic closure and the ideologization of language, which is so popular today in the media, by this same ideologue and interspersed, and on which these people also imagine something. One considers intellectuals instead of brain defects , Since language and thought are one, speech-slipping, ideological use of language, just wrong thinking, thoughtless speech, ineffective, dangerous use of language can be. The "dictionary of inhumanity", as it is quite rightly called for the period from 1933 to 1945, is today also cultivated by ideologues who-oh confusion of thought and language, even for guardians of anti-fascism, of intellectuals who for today still receive literary prizes from the opinion makers in the German public television. This ideological palaver society, along with the unevenness of the amusement machinery, causing brutalization and mental pathogenisation of ever larger circles without anyone noticing-and when it expresses one, as I do, reaps pitying regret, but no chance to publish it, this systematic verse The confusion of spirits is likely to return very soon, as once in Babel, along with the population explosion, will lead to the destruction of civilization. If such important and man-threatening problems as overcrowding, environmental degradation, and so on, are under the primacy of a socialist ideology as the Red Greens in Germany do, and in so doing reveal the matter in a tremendous way, when every, but every problem is ideologized and disintegrated by these people, and many a problem is even created by it, or even so To organize ideological chatter in television talk shows, called talk shows, to gratify the personal vanity of thoughtless people, when information programs and commentaries, as well as cabaret, are nothing but agitpropgers, then the story of Tower of Babel will be repeated. Failure to de-ideologize the media and political parties when ideologues are celebrated as literati and artists will soon lead to the confusion of mind that some perhaps survivors will have to report: "And the Lord drove on and confused their spirits «