Anonymous ID: b4e5a8 April 16, 2019, 1:08 a.m. No.6196808   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6829 >>7190


Yeah, and then lil Ted got to meet H W Bush, ended up going to Princeton, then Harvard… Must have had some good connections, because I was Valedictorian of my graduating class in high school too, (but my parents didn't know Lee Harvey, soooo…)

Anonymous ID: b4e5a8 April 16, 2019, 1:39 a.m. No.6196885   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6907 >>7190


Yeah, I researched it in 2016, after Trump alluded to the National Enquirer story in an interview. Ted Cruz had just vowed to stay in the race to the bitter end, and when he heard about Trump referencing the article about JFK, he was so sarcastic and mocking. He said something to the effect "sure, my dad killed JFK, and I'm also an alien from Mars," (or something similar… I'm paraphrasing.)


Apparently, shortly after Ted's sarcastic meltdown, (I honestly think he was absolutely convinced that the whole Enquirer think was just some bonkers conspiracy theory, but) his father Rafael must have gotten ahold of him soon after that, because Cruz DROPPED OUT of the Primary just days after swearing to continue to challenge Trump. I thought the story was just tabloid junk too, but when I saw Ted's abrupt change in attitude, (after spending time with 'family,' they said,) I got curious and looked into it…


Is it true? Was there a connection? Was Cruz completely unaware of his dad's CIA past? All I know is, as soon as that story hit, Trump was suddenly the assumed nominee…


I've never doubted that Q is the real deal, because I've known since 2016 that Trump just might have years of 'dirt' on some pretty powerful people. He surely knew how to take the Cruz family out of the running.

Anonymous ID: b4e5a8 April 16, 2019, 2:19 a.m. No.6197053   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7091 >>7190


Don't get me wrong, I'm more than willing to believe that Ted Cruz was completely unaware of the little 'family secret' until late into the primaries. I don't necessarily believe that Rafael Cruz shot JFK, but I do believe that he worked closely with the CIA, knew the people involved in the plot, and that's why his son Ted had the educational 'red carpet' rolled out for him to attend Princeton and Harvard. I think Trump's mention of the Enquirer article notified the Bushes (and any surviving conspirators from the JFK assassination) that Ted Cruz's continued involvement in the Primaries would bring unwanted scrutiny to his dad (who is now a preacher,) and by extension, back to Daddy Bush and whatever happened on that fateful day in Dallas. At the very least, Rafael Cruz's past as a CIA operative would become front-page news, and all the sudden, Ted didn't feel like sparring with Donald Trump in public anymore…


I think a small group of old guys who were 'in the know' took Ted Cruz aside, and said "Okay, Trump has information that we didn't know he had… So here's what you are going to do. You're young enough. You can run for President again when all these players are dead, or faking Alzheimer's someday." That was how Ted found out, and he's acted a little more 'statesman-like' ever since. He knows now which side his bread is buttered on, and he knows he needs to concentrate on building his own record, pay his dues, and wait for the Deep State guys who know this stuff to die off, so that he can run again without fear of blackmail or exposure of his father's past "activities." We also know that Cruz's campaign may very well have been infiltrated and spied upon by the Obama Administration, (because they did not just focus on Trump until after Cruz dropped out.) In fact, some of the redactions in the OIG Report will be to protect the status quo in the JFK story, by not revealing Bush and Rafael's background, (yet.)

I'm not saying Ted Cruz is a bad guy, but I am saying that he now acts like a guy who found out all of the above, found out that Trump was not a man to be trifled with, had to grow up really fast, and has far less arrogance today than he did just three years ago…

Anonymous ID: b4e5a8 April 16, 2019, 2:44 a.m. No.6197155   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7190


I'm too tired to go pull all the links and pics to put it together nicely with sauce, but I can't be far off if others such as yourself came to the same conclusions based on (mostly) the same information. Fun fact, before I sign off of this IP:

There are several pastors in my family, and one of them (in another state) had Rafael Cruz for a week-long speaking engagement at his church. So Ted Cruz's dad stayed in his home during that time. A stranger on the internet can make any claim, so I'm not expecting you to take my theory any more seriously, or consider that random anecdote as a reliable source. It's true though.