Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 12:36 a.m. No.6196680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6686 >>6698 >>6914 >>7032 >>7044 >>7325 >>7377

Notre Dame College president to step down in June

Posted Apr 15, 1:19 PM

Notre Dame College in South Euclid (Nyttend, Public domain, Wikipedia Commons)

Notre Dame College in South Euclid (Nyttend, Public domain, Wikipedia Commons)


By Emily Bamforth,


SOUTH EUCLID, Ohio – Notre Dame College President Thomas Kruczek will step down in June to return to Florida, according to a university press release.


Kruczek became president of the Catholic liberal arts college in 2014. He and his wife intend to move back to spend more time with her elderly mother. Before Notre Dame College, Kruczek served as Dean of the College of Business and Management for Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida.


Notre Dame is now one of four Northeast Ohio colleges looking for a new leader. Kent State University, the University of Akron and Northeast Ohio Medical University all are in the midst of presidential searches.


During Kruczek’s tenure, Notre Dame College received its largest gift in its history. The $1.5 million grant in 2017 is designed to support STEM programming. Kruczek also spearheaded the creation of an office to evaluate academic programs, an entrepreneurship co-major and a 25,000 square foot student center.


About 1,460 students attend Notre Dame College as of fall 2018.


Kruczek’s last day will be June 30.

Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.6196692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7044

John MacLeod, Notre Dame men's basketball head coach from 1991-92 through 1998-99, passed away at the age of 81 on Sunday, April 15, 2019.

Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 1:01 a.m. No.6196781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6783 >>6914 >>7032 >>7044 >>7325 >>7377

The president of Notre Dame has pushed back against calls to block access to pornography on the campus wifi.


The president of Notre Dame has pushed back against calls to block access to pornography on the campus wifi.


It is disappointing that the University of Notre Dame is ignoring the persistent pleas of their students to filter the university's public WiFi from pornography and child sex abuse images, which is consistent with the call of Pope Francis to protect children from "extreme pornography … online trafficking … and live viewing acts of rape and violence against minors."

Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 1:08 a.m. No.6196806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7044

The cost of restoring Paris’ most visited landmark after centuries of damage is astronomical, but the French government has devised a surprising plan to raise the funds.


A go-fund-me to rebuild from scratch it seems!

Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 1:12 a.m. No.6196818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6835 >>6889

April 12 2019


Father Jenkins,


I am writing as a concerned mother of a current Notre Dame student and an alumna from the Class of 1990 who also happens to be married to an ND grad from that same class. In addition, my sister graduated in the Class of 1991 and she is also the mother of a current ND student. What happens on Our Lady’s campus matters to me. It matters to my family. I have written you on many occasions when the university — under your leadership — has sadly declined to use its influence as one of this nation’s finest Catholic institutions to defend our faith and the Church’s teaching and instead sided with worldly acclaim. All of my entreaties have thus far fallen on deaf ears and I have no reason to believe this one will prove productive. My conscience demands I write to you, nonetheless.


We are called to live out our faith radically in a world awash in sin and selfishness and you are uniquely placed to help show young Catholic students how to do exactly that. To be truly obedient to our beautiful faith and embrace it fully, counter-culturally, boldly — what though the odds be great or small.


In our over-sexualized culture, men and women are bombarded with pornographic material. A significant number of male and female students are imploring you to take a stand and install a filter to block online pornography on Our Lady’s campus. These brave students are asking you to guide them in their quest to lead chaste lives. With the results of the most recent “Sexual Climate” survey showing 78 rapes or about 9 rapes on average per month and about 50 other sexual assaults per month, clearly the misogynistic porn culture is moving from the laptop to the campus party with regularity. I want my daughter and my niece to be safe on campus, not dismissively told by Vice President of Communications, Paul Browne, that “God’s given us the choice of whether to be sinners or not.” Aren’t we as responsible adults called to assist our young people in seeking the good? Instead, Mr. Browne would have us turn a blind eye to what the Catechism calls a “grave offense,” as pornography does “grave injury to the dignity of its participants” and “immerses all who are involved in the illusion of a fantasy world.”


The University of Notre Dame MUST do more than hide behind unenforced, widely disregarded rules. The University has no problem virtue signaling to the “woke” post modernists about the evils of Columbus and is quite comfortable taking action to cover murals that date back to the 1880s, but can’t find the time to care about the virtue of its current students.


On the topic of the Columbus murals, I was embarrassed and appalled by your decision to cover them. Was Columbus a flawed man? Did egregious things happen to the indigenous people living in the Americas following the arrival of Europeans? Yes. But we cannot judge the man by solely looking at him and his actions through the prism of our 21st century world.


I cannot understand how covering these murals accomplishes your declared goal to “not erase anything, but tell the fullest story.” Tucking away high resolution pictures of the murals in some hidden corner of campus simply cannot tell “the fullest story.” Cloaking the murals simply empowers those addicted to outrage who continually preach progress while demanding society keep its collective head pointed perpetually at past wrongs to further their mindset of victimization while seeking vengeance under the guise of justice.


You act as if the presence of Catholic Europeans did nothing but lead to “exploitation, expropriation of land, repression of vibrant cultures, enslavement, and new diseases causing epidemics that killed millions.” Certainly, you aren’t implying that the early European explorers with their limited understanding of microbiology, sought to kill the native populations through germ warfare. And perhaps you could look to the indigenous people living under the horrors of Aztec rule to see if the Europeans provided a welcome aid as they sought to remove the constant threat presented by Moctezuma’s bloodthirsty human sacrifices.


I fully support the work of the Sycamore Trust as it strives to restore the University of Notre Dame’s authentic Catholic identity. I pray that you will employ the supernatural grace bestowed upon you during your ordination and do just that. The students of Our Lady’s University deserve nothing less.


Yours in Christ,


Molly A. Kraker


Class of 1990

Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 1:29 a.m. No.6196861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6889 >>7032 >>7044 >>7325 >>7377

April 12 2019


Dozier School for Boys: Dozens more suspected graves found


Excavators have found up to another 27 suspected graves near the grounds of a notorious reform school in Florida.


Workers hired to clear up a fuel storage site detected new "anomalies" buried near the state-run Dozier School for Boys, officials said.


The school became infamous for the alleged abuse and murder of children over its 111-year history.


It was one of the largest institutions for young offenders in the US, eventually closing in 2011.


If confirmed, the latest finds would bring the total number of known burials on the campus to 82 - although researchers believe more than 100 children could have died at Dozier School.


US abuse probe exhumes boys' bodies

Who were the children buried at the Dozier school?

Contractor New South Associates was preparing to clean up pollution in Marianna, Florida, using ground-penetrating radar in March when workers found what could be more burial sites near the school.


Their report, obtained by Florida newspaper the Tampa Bay Times, said the possible graves did not follow any pattern.


"This randomness might be expected in a clandestine or informal cemetery," the report says.


New South recommended treating the area as a graveyard until a more thorough investigation could be conducted.


Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis has asked state authorities to "develop a path forward" to understand the findings.


A group of former students known as the White House Boys first brought claims of abuse at the institution to the public eye in the 2000s.


"We've been trying to tell the state of Florida that there's more bodies out there for a long time," Bryant Middleton told the Tampa Bay Times.


Another former Dozier School student, Terry Burns, told Action News that if they scanned the entire campus, "I guarantee they will find another 200 to 300 dead boys buried on them grounds".

Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 1:51 a.m. No.6196929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7044

Were Europe’s megalithic societies patrilineal?

By Michael Price

Apr. 15, 2019 , 3:15 PM


Archaeologists have long been fascinated by the megalithic burial grounds scattered across northern Europe, including those at the most famous site, Stonehenge. But although these stone monuments have yielded scores of ancient remains, they aren’t good at giving up another secret: how the people buried there were related. Now, a controversial study using new DNA sequencing technology has revealed that, in at least four sites in Ireland, Scotland, and Sweden, the interred men were closely related, suggesting to some a patrilineal society.


“It is without any doubt an interesting paper,” says Bettina Schulz Paulsson, a prehistoric archaeologist at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden who specializes in megalith origins. But, she adds, the numbers of sites and bodies “are far too little” to know the social structures of these early communities.


For decades, archaeologists have exhumed ancient remains at megalithic sites, from Carnac in the Brittany region of France to Sweden’s Ale’s Stones. In recent years, researchers have managed to coax mitochondrial DNA from some skeletons, revealing links down the female line that shed light—not on familial relations—but on early migration patterns. (Mitochondrial DNA is passed only from mothers to their children.) Recent improvements to DNA sequencing technology and statistical and collection methods have made it possible to sequence ancient nuclear DNA, which can also reveal relationships between male relations.


Paleogenomicist Federico Sánchez-Quinto from Uppsala University in Sweden used these techniques on dozens of remains from four megalithic tombs in Ireland, Scotland, and Sweden that were first uncovered years ago. He and his team sequenced the nuclear genomes of those remains—most of which have been dated to between 4500 B.C.E. and 3000 B.C.E.


The remains represented 18 men and six women. When the researchers looked for strings of genetic code that would indicate how closely the buried individuals were related, they found close kinships among men at the Scottish and Swedish sites. And at one of two Irish sites, Primrose Grange on the country’s northwestern coast, at least six of the nine men, who spanned up to 12 generations, shared a genetic variant, suggesting they descended from the same paternal line. One man is likely the father of a 5500-year-old body found at another megalithic site just 2 kilometers to the west.


Some anthropologists think burial in these monumental sites was likely a mark of high social status. The authors argue that, taken together, those results suggest European megalithic societies at the time were patrilineal, with social power invested in the male line across multiple generations, they report today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


The findings are intriguing, says Thomas Kador, an archaeologist at University College London. He notes that even though men were more commonly interred in these sites, the women there seem to have been given identical burials. That suggests to him that even if these societies were patrilineal, women still played significant roles. Kador’s team has also done a separate genome-wide analysis of ancient individuals at a different megalithic site in Ireland and found a notable lack of close kinship among the buried. It’s possible that different megalithic societies on the island had very different social structures and funerary practices, he says.


Indeed, Robert Hensey, an archaeologist at the National University of Ireland in Galway, warns against drawing such sweeping conclusions about the many and varied Neolithic societies of northern and western Europe from a handful of sites and a few dozen people. “It strains credulity.”

Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 1:55 a.m. No.6196952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7032 >>7044 >>7325 >>7377

Cardinal Robert Sarah warns Europe of the dangers of mass immigration. Returning to Europe’s Catholic ‘roots and identity’ is the proposed solution.



A high-ranking bishop in the Catholic Church has made it his mission to open Europe’s eyes to the dangers posed by Muslim immigrants.


“As a bishop, it is my duty to warn the West,” said Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Vatican’s prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Known for his conservative stance on social and moral issues, he has called out liberal Catholics, declaring that “it is a false exegesis [interpretation of scriptural text] to use the Word of God to promote migration. God never wanted these rifts.”


The cardinal claims that the immigration crisis is not only harmful to Europe, but to the migrants themselves. “All migrants who arrive in Europe are penniless, without work, without dignity. … The Church cannot cooperate with this new form of slavery that has become mass migration.”


Cardinal Sarah has compared the modern influx of Muslim migrants to the invasions of barbarian tribes that ultimately brought down the Roman Empire in a.d. 475. If Europe’s policies toward Muslim migrants don’t change, Sarah warned, Europe will be “invaded by foreigners, just as Rome has been invaded by barbarians. … If Europe disappears, and with it the priceless values of the Old Continent, Islam will invade the world and we will completely change culture, anthropology and moral vision.”


In an interview with French journalist Nicolas Diat, the cardinal made his comparison clear. “As during the fall of Rome, elites are only concerned to increase the luxury of their daily life and the peoples are being anesthetized by ever more vulgar entertainment. … The barbarians,” he said, referring to Islamic migrants, “are already inside the city.”


The number of migrants fleeing to Europe has fallen dramatically since 2015, when Europe recorded its highest number of arrivals at more than 1 million. However, Cardinal Sarah warns that fresh arrivals of Muslim immigrants are not the only problem. He also cited the disparity between the birth rate of native Europeans and Muslims in Europe. “If the West continues in this fatal way,” he said, “there is a great risk that, due to a lack of birth, it will disappear.”


Cardinal Sarah’s views and declarations put him at odds not only with his liberal colleagues, but also with the leader of the church. Pope Francis has been an outspoken advocate for liberal immigration policies, especially in his ongoing feud with United States President Donald Trump over the proposed wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. Pope Francis has said, “It is the fear [of migrants] that makes us crazy.” In 2016, he declared that “a person who thinks about building walls …. is not Christian.”


The Trumpet watches Europe’s migrant crisis with great interest. And despite the difference of opinion between political figures—and even clergy—we can know for a fact that conservative voices like Cardinal Sarah’s will win out. This is because of key prophecies in your Bible!


“And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over” (Daniel 11:40). In Bible prophecy, the king of the south is radical Islam, led by the state of Iran. The king of the north is Catholic-dominated Europe, led by Germany. You can read our two free booklets The King of the South and Germany and the Holy Roman Empire for proof.


Daniel 11:40 prophesies that Europe will be instigated by an aggressive king of the south. Iran is drawing closer and closer to having nuclear weapons by which it could threaten the West. Terrorist attacks are occurring all over Europe. Islam is literally pushing into Europe in the form of migrants who refuse to assimilate.


Soon, once the pushing becomes too much to handle, Europe will push back “like a whirlwind” and crush the king of the south.


What is it that will act as the catalyst, aiding the king of the north—these European countries—in unification? Cardinal Robert Sarah touched on this in his interview with Diat. In order to deal with the “threat posed by Islamism,” Sarah says, Europe must “rediscover its Christian roots and identity. A West that denies its faith, its history, its roots, and its identity is destined for contempt, for death and disappearance.”


Europe’s Catholic roots, and the accompanying history, is key to European unification.



Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.6197044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7085

Dead Shift Notables


>>6196676 Rashida Tlaib’s Ex-Husband is Related to Her Mother

>>6196680 Notre Dame College president to step down in June

>>6196692 John MacLeod, Notre Dame men's basketball head coach from 1991-92 through 1998-99, passed away at the age of 81 on Sunday, April 15, 2019

>>6196693 Trump Knows Pure Vaccinations without additives are highly effective. The additives are toxic to babies.

>>6196709 San Francisco's Human Waste Challenge - 132,562 Cases Reported Since 2008.

>>6196739 Fire destroys much of Notre Dame, but priceless relics were spared

>>6196746 message to MSM

>>6196750 Rebranding

>>6196760 Unitary Executive Theory

>>6196781 The president of Notre Dame has pushed back against calls to block access to pornography on the campus wifi.

>>6196782 Woman kills pastor for breaking her heart

>>6196794 Pete Buttfag suggests national service program

>>6196806 The cost of restoring Paris’ most visited landmark after centuries of damage is astronomical, but the French government has devised a surprising plan to raise the funds.

>>6196811 EU to seek rapid tariff-reduction deal with the US

>>6196820 Over 50 aircraft from six nations partnered for Exercise #FrisianFlag

>>6196846 Atlanta meteorologist interrupting Masters with tornado updates

>>6196848 Putin offers condolences

>>6196849 David Wilcock on Antarctica

>>6196861 Dozier School for Boys: Dozens more suspected graves found

>>6196866 Loughlin feels manipulated

>>6196873 Man, 60, in custody after 4 slain in 'targeted' shootings

>>6196876 Huawei & Apple

>>6196880 Hells Angels Drugs bust

>>6196910 Faceboook Shares Sold

>>6196926 Breaking: “Nostradamus Predicted Paris Notre Dame Would Burn” / WW III

>>6196929 Were Europe’s megalithic societies patrilineal?

>>6196952 Cardinal Robert Sarah warns Europe of the dangers of mass immigration. Returning to Europe’s Catholic ‘roots and identity’ is the proposed solution.

>>6196962 Ilhan Omar raises nearly $1M

>>6196988 Mandy Dhaliwal, CMO, Dell Boomi, explains how customers are the secret weapon to breaking down silos between product, marketing, sales and c-suite?'

>>6197014 Omertá planning a heist at the history museum.

>>6197021 Depression-era workers found strange fossilized beasts in 'Texas Serengeti'






>>6196889 Notables Repeat





>Man, 60, in custody after 4 slain in 'targeted' shootings

Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.6197071   🗄️.is 🔗kun

April 15, 2019 Topic: Security Blog Brand: The Buzz


How Europe's Very Own F-35 Stealth Fighter Style Plane Could Happen. Or not.


by Sebastien Roblin


Therefore, Airbus has specifically pitched a European stealth fighter in terms of keeping the business in Europe—not only for economic reasons, but because if European nations don’t continue investing in domestic jet fighter production, they may rapidly and permanently lose the industrial base and know-how to do so in the future.


The French Armée de l’Aire and the German Luftwaffe are at a crossroads: by now, both countries have established their respective 4.5-generation fighters into service, the Dassault Rafale and the Eurofighter Typhoon. Both highly capable jets are planned to remain operational for at least two more decades. However, the European leaders lack true fifth-generation stealth aircraft to replace them—and no such plane is close to being developed, as embarking on such a project would be monstrously expensive. Indeed, Japan seems to be backing away from developing its own stealth jet despite having built a flying demonstrator.


(This first appeared last year.)


Berlin, Paris and London have historically preferred to purchase major weapon systems from their domestic arms industry rather than shopping abroad. The high cost of developing jet fighters has compelled European capitals to pool development costs and work together, producing aircraft such as the Franco-German Alpha Jet trainer and the Franco-British Jaguar attack jet.


However, the independent-minded French have often decided to go their own way, resulting in their Mirage 2000 and Rafale fighters. This left Germany collaborating with the United Kingdom and Italy on both its earlier swing Tornado strike jet and newer Typhoon air-superiority fighter.



Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 2:26 a.m. No.6197079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

April 13


Europe at risk from spread of tropical insect-borne diseases


Scientists warn of danger from dengue fever in hotter, wetter climate in northern latitudes

Anonymous ID: ff70ac April 16, 2019, 2:29 a.m. No.6197094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7101

ISIS warning: Killers planning horrifying attacks - leaked documents reveal Europe plots


ISIS is still planning horrifying attacks in Europe despite the terror cell’s diminishing size, leaked documents reveal.



PUBLISHED: 11:39, Sun, Apr 14, 2019 | UPDATED: 15:28, Sun, Apr 14, 2019




ISIS are still plotting terror attacks


Details of plots to carry out assaults across the continent funded and controlled by ISIS leaders were found on a hard drive dropped by a terrorist in Syria earlier this year. ISIS was defeated in its final stronghold last month, but as the West was quick to claim victory the documents give insight into sinister plans including to recreate the Paris 2015 attacks. Documents outline how the terror group still runs a sophisticated international network, moving fighters across borders and funding their operations from computer hacking to assassinations.


Shamima Begum ‘stitched suicide vests and carried an AK-47’ say report

One letter obtained by The Sunday Times, signed by six ISIS leaders and addressed to the group’s “caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,breaks down there international strategy into operations and borders.


The operations abroad will be directed by Abu Khabab al-Muhajir, who already controls one cell in Russia and two in Germany.


In order to fund the operations, the letter said: “Killing infidel venture capitalists, hacking banks through bank accounts, bank robberies or robberies of places that are pre-studied.


“After any operation of this kind, we will send the money as we procure it.”


Russia: Gunfire heard as ISIS cell clash with armed police


It goes on to explain the attacks in Europe will only be carried out by ISIS members already living on the continent.


Fighters are sent in and out of Syria through Turkey - raising questions on how ISIS are able cross borders that are so highly policed.


The letters detailed attacks in Europe to be carried out within three weeks of when it was dated, which was the end of December.


Specific targets mentioned in the letter included a high-speed train in Germany and an oil pipeline near the Swiss city of Basel, bordering France.


Pakistan terror 16 killed in attack ‘sponsored from across the border'

ISIS was recently defeated in Raqqa


One document further outlines the pledge the ISIS member already in Europe have taken.


It states: “We are your soldiers in Europe, we see what the enemies of Allah do to our Muslim brothers in the home of Islam by killing and bombardment and destruction of houses,.


“All this because they say that our God is Allah, so we have today come to lend the hand of obedience and to stand by the people.


“And we, oh Emir of Believers, are under your command and subject to your orders and your sword that which you strike with the enemies of Allah in Europe.”