>not going to matter where you go.
This would seem to be true, whatever you believe.
Some will be spared, most will not.
Inclusion in the surviving group will be relevant, not geophysical location.
>if an ELE happened on our planet, it would be a nuclear winter for years. nothing would grow. 3,2,1 and done.
Maybe counter-intuitive for most, but this is most likely wrong.
Assuming an ELE had to be nuclear annihilation, is not based on any known facts, but rather the fear porn they have been broadcasting for decades.
Expand your imagination and look outside the box they have been projecting for you to live in.
Ignoring their fear porn and allowing for what is REALLY possible, implies that a positive outcome to an ELE is just as likely for a small percentage of people who are really 'awake'.
Consider (as just ONE possibility) that our Earth is also "Awakening" to a new existence, and only inhabited by those who would Love and Care for their fellow man, rather than selfishly seek every advantage over him.
It is VERY EASY to invision that in such a scenario, withheld and/or new technology would be released (or even become common knowledge) that would allow for a complete recovery from an ELE in a short period of time.
While that scenario may sound to some like an impossibility, there are MANY references that imply that it is not only possible, but to be expected. It would then seem likely that those who believe, will be the ones who in fact arrive in that timeline to continue the expansion of their consciousness, while those not believing in that possibility will not see it, nor experience it.
All religions when practiced in their un-adulterated, uncorrupted form are good, in that they will all lead back to The One Infinite Creator, and the ONE SOURCE of all things.
Those who have not yet expanded their consciousness that far, will continue on a different timeline where they will have the opportunity to do so.
It isn't really that complicated, after you see beyond and through the fear porn you have been programmed to believe.