Maj..Gen. Ricky_Wโran the Keystone, Capstone, and Pinnacle programs as a civilian employee of the Department of Defense at the National Defense University, Washington, D.C.
Dont get it twisted name fag ill punch your time card to meet your maker.. but in the name of God
Your stupid read a book educate yourself you peasant
Go back to washpost fag
Shill trying to not look like a shill whats new
Do you not prep your shill notes in advance or do you come up with all of these things in your small brain
youre really out of your comfort zone right now it fine just collect yourself & come back
An anon yesterday stated Rock_efeller funded current renovations on the Notre Dame is that confirmed or shit
Antshill strikes again
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They thought Barr was going to release the Muller report yesterday is what it looks like..If he did itwould have been a big narrative change away from the report..unfortunately it still happened.. atleast the towers are standing still but just shows how dirty these people play.. stay safe God bless
No one cares who you are
Lol you backed out & started a new tab to have a new ID and it still has your 20+ posts (internet much?)
what an idiot
lol and your soft as fuck this keep getting better