fractals and chaos and dimesions supporting our 4D yup
but no one notice the last DDOS so I am nuts
So if I nuts
There was DDOS and i could not post for 10-15 min.
Squirrels are evil. They are against the grid :) LOL
Just trying to grasp back to the reality. No one else saw that?
OK then I will be ok tomorrow my mind will catch up with the dimensional shift.
It is rather easy actually.
If you think you can only see 4 but there are infinite dimensions. You and everyone else gets to choose and if you want to be part of NOW you have to accept the collective choice.
ok got it
I am nutts
adjustment to current reality
ok i went over the edge.
don't mind me i went crazy about half hour ago
The first is the Mandelbrot on the surface of a 4d hypershpere but i went crazy about a half hour ago so take that into the mix.
how much was deleted in that 10 15 min no one remembers?
it is less freaky when you personally get shifted in reality
it is really odd when everyone else does.
Just sayin
carry on I will figure out the current reality
It freeing to understand you are insane.
I am baffled no one saw 20 to 30 min the board was near blocked all USA data.
No one remembers.
Just wow.
it is not an onoin
it is a spiral or fabrconii or something else
It is surface on the inside.
but I am freaked.
i remember stuff no one else does.