There is a theory that white people are a separate grouping of humans compared to Africans and Asians. I do not think this is where Q was going with this at all.
National Socialism was about socialism in one country as opposed to Bolshevism which was international in scope and destructive of everything in its path. The Nazis were building a new country with strong national identity, traditional values, but also with state control. They DID seek to expand Eastward for "Lebensraum" for agriculture and so on in what is now Poland and Ukraine.
A subset of the Nazis were occultists and luciferian. I am pondering that it was this set that Q might be speaking of.
Like all large political movements, you have the masses, the people in the middle and then the people at the top. In the shadows are the power brokers and fringe groups.
After Q drops a few more clues as to the direction he's headed, I'll start digging. Too much material to go through and my German is so very, very rusty these days.
We have to wonder just how many Nazis came to the US officially and unofficially. It would also be interesting to know the subset of these who were occultist, torturing lunatics and where they went.