It also says cockatrices and dragons in the Vulgate and the KJV, but don't confuse them by telling them that the Hebrew words are sometimes obscure
Sorry, it says "sons of God", not "fallen angels." In fact, you won't find "fallen angels" anywhere in the book of Genesis.
I see your obscure website and cite Luther, Calvin, and Augustine as saying "sons of God" refers to the line of Seth.
There were other giants in the bible besides the Nephilim. Rephidim, I think
No, the long time interpretation is that the sons of God here refers to the sons of Seth, especially because Jesus says "angels neither marry, nor are given in marriage"–ie, they don't copulate, being spiritual beings. This is how the early church fathers and the reformers read it. The book of Enoch is not in Scripture, and if you read it, you will quickly see why.