Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 7 a.m. No.6198236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8266 >>8271 >>8287 >>8313 >>8317 >>8342 >>8459


Don't dilute yourself

The realm of god is within YOU

Not externalized to some system the church controlled.

You are critically important. And when YOU live a life based on the pursuit of TRUTH then you are an agent that manifests GOOD in the world.

That's because of YOUR actions. The sovereign YOU who is unique.

It's when more than one person pursues this ideal…

THAT is when truthful good order is created.

When you work with your fellow man to organize the world

THERE is where God can be found.

There isn't some monty pythonic figure in the clouds manipulating the world.

There is only man and he is his best friend and worst enemy at the same time.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.6198251   🗄️.is 🔗kun



North Carolina. NO!

As in don't talk about NC yet.

Did anyone catch Don's deleted twat after posting the NC NO post?

He is SIGNALS-ing here.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 7:08 a.m. No.6198278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8295


So the reverence of the destruction of a symbol of their 'vulgar conception' should be encouraging that the war for mans mind is heating up.


The context is the connection between P and C as it pertains to ND and the french revolution.

If P is payseur

and C is the Chair

ND was the Chair of the Church in France

If P = C, that means Payseur controls the Chair, or seat of power of the Church.

Napoleon and Roths, agents of Payseur, Worked together in the 1800s to reinstate the seat of power, and then control it further with loans to the holy see…

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.6198293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8489


Then we are splitting hairs here.

I chose not to speak to some figurative realm and exist in the very real realm that we both speak of.

It is that distraction to focus on magic man in the sky that allowed them to ACTUALLY, in REALITY, corrupt and control that very process we are both discussing.

Peace to you and yours, may we all find truth in this chaotic world.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 7:21 a.m. No.6198376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8412 >>8556


>There is only man and he is his best friend and worst enemy at the same time.

How is that not true?

"…the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being."

I simply summarized the very real mechanism between good and evil.

A battle over the focus of the masses.

Because the focus of the masses is what creates future potential into reality.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 7:26 a.m. No.6198419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8576 >>8781


Praying is an act to collectivize your intent with those who think like you.

Praying to the culture's exemplary ideal…

When GOD talks to you, it's really the universe displaying TRUTH.

You cannot concoct a new world from false pretenses.

When you live a truthful life you begin to see the alignment of your impact in the world and with the true reality.

That is precisely why it is GOOD.

It's the ether upon which equal actors pursuing truth join together to form societies and culture!

because we ALL can adhere to the truth as INDIVIDUALS.

We do not need each other to confirm that which is true.

It's precisely the ability to recognize that as an individual that makes you sovereign.

And it is precisely the action to OBFUSCATE AND DISTRACT from the recognition of FUNCTIONAL MODES OF BEING that allow (((them))) to corrupt YOU and the community you adhere to.

When GOD "talks" to you you are simply living in frequency with the truth.

If an external "GOD" literally talks to you then you are crazy.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 7:33 a.m. No.6198470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8483 >>8565


If speaking figuratively, fine.

"We are but man but when we work together towards truth we are in the realm of Gods. "

If speaking AYY then I am yet willing to concede that.

Especially when the Clintons were so successful at pushing the conspiracy people so far right towards AYY in the 90s that they all looked crazy.

AYYs, for the most part, are probably real. I'm willing to accept that at one point in time they may have been present here.

but this world of corruption and torture, and pain is our very own doing.

The point I was making is that WE and We alone are responsible for our reality.

We have free will to chose where we focus our collectivized intent

and from that our reality is derived.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 7:38 a.m. No.6198511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8520 >>8564 >>8574


Stop being so literal.

We is referencing the collective we as a archetype. It's exactly what a god is.

The god of war is just a collection of exemplary stories told about a culture's great warriors.

Take 100 great warriors

or 1000 and the stories start to meld into a single ideal.

That single ideal is an archetype

it is a god of war.

You do that for every aspect of what it means to be human and you've created a pantheon.

A hierarchy of gods to the top of which the MOST important ideals ascend.

In western culture that is God, personified by Jesus, and internalized by the spirit.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 7:47 a.m. No.6198594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8616 >>8666 >>8690


Do not misunderstand me.

I have no disregard for God

I simply find god in the hearts of the collective man.

You have to understand the whole foundation of human society.

Nature selects that humans that work together are more likely to survive to reproduce.

At that point humans subjugate themselves to the idea of the value system.

Warriors who are better at fighting than others are VALUED

Lovers who are better at reproducing are VALUED

the SUN that provides appropriate warmth and nourishment for crops is VALUED.

When you value anything you create a hierarchy.

And the most important hierarchy is the selection of mates.

WOMEN select MEN that are more valuable to them.

Those values include genetics, resources, but most importantly THE ABILITY TO ASCEND THE HIERARCHY OF VALUE.

It is those men who are most COMPETENT and capable of BUILDING the walls within which the family unit can thrive, protected from the chaos of nature.

It's precisely why jesus was a CARPENTER. It's not a mistake that the prime archetype in western culture is a man who BUILDS.

gods (lowercase) are derived from the human consciousness collectivized around FUNCTIONAL INFORMATION that ensures the groups success into the future.

This are is great, tell a story about him

these 100 warriors are great, tell stories about them.

these 1000 warriors are great, tell stories about them…

the thing is, the more obfuscated and removed from the actual person, the more they contribute to the exemplary story that the culture holds dear.

From the SET of warriors you pull the archetype for a warrior in the culture.


The same holds true for ALL aspects of human value.

Then from the pantheon the SINGLE figure who represents the SUPERORDINATE PRINCIPLE OF A CULTURE ascends to be God (capital).

What do you think the angels in judeo-christian drama are? They are subordinate ideals that are VALUABLE to keep as archetypes in the collective consciousness, but they are not THE valuable ideal.

ANGELs are gods that have stepped back in the name of the single ideal for the people.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 7:55 a.m. No.6198674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8784


Because (((they))) are a very real facet of humanity that exist in the shadows and corrupt the greater light bearing culture.

It is a concerted order that narrows down to the single most powerful.

Where power is derived from control of the masses.

It is inherently secretive because if, or once, the masses find out their mechanisms of control light will be shined on their darkness.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 8:04 a.m. No.6198758   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Check'em. Maybe Kek is telling us something about your bible verses lol.

Value = Functional information that betters the group through time.

To value something you inherently need a group because you need a measure.

As soon as you value something, lets say bricklayers, you begin to generate an idea of what it means to be a good bricklayer.

Amplify this effect across millions of people and you have the collective will.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 8:13 a.m. No.6198847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8911 >>8924


But talking to one other to come to a consensus is precisely the realm of God.

Organizing our reality TOGETHER collectivizes our intent TOGETHER which allows us to achieve great things.

The magnitude that is created by unifying more and more people behind a single goal makes that goal more likely to occur.

This is exactly the action of God in our physical reality.

I believe we are saying the same thing.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.6198920   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Very well. I recognize the relevance of Jung and Peterstein but here's where I take my robe off and flap my dick in the air.

The idea of the Hierarchy is based on VALUE of a tangible benefit to the group.

This is summed up by the word Competence.

Those who are capable and competent within their realm of expertise ascend the hierarchy and are rewarded with praise, wealth, etc. from the masses.

The dick flapping happens here:

It is precisely the action of the darkness in man that TARGETS the most competent and CORRUPTS them to their control.

This is the eye of provenance.

Once you become COMPETENT, you enter into a new realm of competition for POWER.

This is when you enter into religion, politics, high business…the power games of humanity.

It's called the Great Game for a reason.

POTUS, Q et al are trying to make us learn how to play the game of power again,

Us being the distributed anonymous (incorruptible) facet of western culture

We are acting in a manner as I described earlier simply by being here and discussing with one another.

WTF do you think Kek is?

He's the archetype that's been pulled from our formation of a incorruptible culture on the chans.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 8:25 a.m. No.6198939   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My previous posts would make clear I do not mean church when I mean "body of beings"

It is exactly what you said.

Responsible, assertive individuals acting as ONES in pursuit of truth.

Truth is truth, and it's around which individuals coalesce to become strong.

Anonymous ID: 133c67 April 16, 2019, 8:27 a.m. No.6198954   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I am simply prescribing a single identity to a complex system of control beneath it.

It's a natural human means of obfuscating the complex.

It's exactly how we derive the idea of a great warrior from the set of warriors and prescribe that archetype as a god in our collective minds/culture.

So when I mean (((they))) I am referring to the secretive order of control that we fight against here.