Anonymous ID: 1efe08 April 16, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.6198663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8751

Eric "Swallow 'Em" Swalwell Wants To Take Your Guns And Jail Anyone Who Resists


Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) has decided to run for president on an anti-Second Amendment platform (while exhibiting a clear lack of understanding about guns), and has reiterated his desire to imprison Americans who don't hand over banned weapons.


Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union" with Jake Tapper on Sunday, Swalwell - who last year joked about nuking gun owners who refuse to give up their firearms - discussed his longstanding proposal to ban so-called 'assault weapons.'


TAPPER: So, gun control is the central plank in your campaign.You wrote last year – quote – "We should ban possession of military- style semiautomatic assault weapons. We should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law. And we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons." Criminal prosecution for keeping assault weapons. What's the punishment for people who don't hand in their guns? Do they go to jail?


SWALWELL: Well, Jake, they would, but I also offer an alternative, which would be to keep them at a hunting club or a shooting range. And the reason I have proposed this is because these weapons are so devastating.


Swalwell then displayed his ignorance over the difference between a 'rifle' and an 'assault rifle,' the latter of which is a term invented by the left.


"You know, keep your pistols, keep your long rifles, keep your shotguns," said the California Democrat, who added: "I want the most dangerous weapons, these weapons of war, out of the hands of the most dangerous people."


Anti-gun activists don't seem to understand that 'assault rifles' are functionally identical to other 'long rifles' as pictured above; both fire exactly one bullet each time the trigger is pulled, while neither can engage in burst fire or fully automatic fire unless illegally modified.


We're guessing he also calls magazines 'clips.'


This jackass is always trying to eat shit….

Anonymous ID: 1efe08 April 16, 2019, 7:58 a.m. No.6198698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8718 >>8751 >>8832

Unsealed Affidavit Tries To Put WikiLeaks In Cahoots With The Taliban, Bin Laden


On Monday a federal judge in Virginia unsealed the original 2017 affidavit and criminal complaint on which Assange's extradition request to the US is based, offering new details including chat logs between Assange and former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea (then Bradley) Manning, which attempt to support a single count of “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion” which may or may not have succeeded.


The US alleges Assange actively sought for and encouraged Manning to crack a password to access classified information on a Defense Department network; the affidavit claims details related to this charge, for instance chat log discussions between the pair over how to crack a password, though the affidavit notes that "it remains unknown whether Manning and Assange were successful in cracking the password," related to the conspiracy charge.


“Investigators have not recovered a response by Manning to Assange's question, and there is no other evidence as to what Assange did, if anything, with respect to the password,” the document states.


However, the FBI-produced affidavit's language throughout makes no mention of Assange acting in the way of a journalist or a publisher, but instead takes pains to paint him as conspiring to commit espionage.


The document further notes that though Manning suspected the person on the other end of the chat was Assange, ultimately “it took me four months to confirm that the person i was communicating was in fact assange.”


The affidavit describes the individual in communication with Manning “appeared to have extensive knowledge of WikiLeaks' day-to-day operations, including knowledge of submissions of information to the organization, as well as of financial matters.”


It starts by claiming that “after the release of the Afghanistan War Reports, a member of the Taliban contacted the New York Times.”


The supposed Taliban member said, “We are studying the report… If they are US spies, then we will know how to punish them.” This strange and somewhat comical example is meant to support the notion that Assange ultimately aided America's enemies with the leaks.


Everyone knows the Afghan Op was conducted by two very corrupt administrations…. Anything to distract from the real story…

Anonymous ID: 1efe08 April 16, 2019, 8:02 a.m. No.6198738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8752 >>8879

F-35 deploys to Middle East for first time


The Air Force’s most advanced fighter jet has, for the first time, been deployed to the Middle East.


U.S. Air Forces Central Command said in a release that F-35A Lightning IIs from the 388th Fighter Wing and the 419th Fighter Wing, both at Hill Air Force Base in Utah, arrived at Al Dhafra Air Base in the United Arab Emirates Monday.


The F-35′s arrival comes a little more than a month after B-1B Lancer bombers completed their deployment at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, which left the Air Force with no bomber presence in the Middle East. The joint strike fighters will bolster the Air Force’s firepower in the region as the coalition carries out airstrikes against the Taliban in Afghanistan and scattered remnants of the Islamic State.


“We are adding a cutting-edge weapons system to our arsenal that significantly enhances the capability of the coalition,” said Lt. Gen. Joseph Guastella, commander of AFCENT, in the release. “The sensor fusion and survivability this aircraft provides to the joint force will enhance security and stability across the theater and deter aggressors.”


The F-35A is a stealth fighter with an advanced sensor package that was designed to replace aging air frames such as the F-16 and A-10. The Air Force said it is designed to fuse, integrate and share data with other assets on the battlefield.


“The F-35A provides our nation air dominance in any threat,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Dave Goldfein said in the release. “When it comes to having a quarterback for the coalition joint force, the inter-operable F-35A is clearly the aircraft for the leadership role.”


“During their deployment, the Airmen will fly operational and other missions as assigned,” she said. “Consistent with operations security, we will not discuss employment details in advance. The F-35A and their crews will bring the advanced capabilities to the CENTCOM commander’s wide range of options.”

Anonymous ID: 1efe08 April 16, 2019, 8:06 a.m. No.6198777   🗄️.is 🔗kun

America’s War Against Iran & Venezuela’s “Deep States” Is Going Public


The US’ desire to dismantle the network of Iranian influence in Latin America and specifically in Venezuela speaks to its commitment to counter the regional sway of its rivals’ “deep states”, though it’s hitherto unprecedented for any country to make such a crusade public since the end of the Old Cold War, let alone clothe it in “anti-terrorist” and “anti-criminal” rhetoric.


US Secretary of State Pompeo recently reiterated his rhetoric that Iran is a “global threat”, this time basing it on his claims that the country’s network of influence in Latin America is supporting “transnational crime” and “terrorism”. This comes shortly after Washington designated the IRGC as a “terrorist” organization and approximately half a year since the Justice Department began investigating Iranian ally Hezbollah’s alleged links to drug cartels as a follow-up to the scandalous Obama-era “Operation Cassandra“.


Taken together, it’s clear that the US desires to dismantle Iran and Venezuela’s supposedly interconnected influence networks in Latin America as the next step in fortifying “Fortress America“, and while “deep state” wars such as this one have been going on for decades, it’s hitherto unprecedented for any country to make such a crusade public since the end of the Old Cold War when the US used to make similar claims about the USSR and its communist proxies.


Evidently, the US isn’t shy about ushering in a new era of “deep state” wars whereby Great Powers such as itself (which is presently the leading one in the world) openly work to thwart the networks of influence established by its regional rivals’ on the grounds that the military-intelligence wings of their “deep states” are engaged in “criminal” and “terrorist” activities that threaten the world at large. It’s no secret that the CIA has been involved in these exact same activities for years, but getting bogged down in “feel-good” “whatabouttism” isn’t the purpose of this analysis even though it’s still important to point that out since it shows that the Trump Administration’s “hyper-realist” foreign policy is centered on the notion that “might makes right” and that double standards don’t matter as long as a state is strong enough to implement them with minimal consequences to its interests.