Anonymous ID: 7da9dd April 16, 2019, 6:49 a.m. No.6198192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8220 >>8651

I love the news these days. Dems seems like they are getting cracks in their armor, and TRUTH is streaming out


Waters Took More Than $200,000 in Corporate Money

Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) received more than $200,000 in corporate campaign contributions.


The chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee took in about $210,329 in corporate campaign money, most of which came from industry PACs, Politico reports.


Sanders: Murderers Shouldn’t Lose Voting Rights Because They Are ‘Paying the Price’ in Prison


Petition Demands Purge of Corrupt UAW Official VP's name still remains on several union icons

A group of frustrated former UAW members say that the union has not done enough to punish a former vice president who pled guilty in connection to a bribery scandal.


The draft dodger dodges over and over


Sanders Dodges on Third-Trimester Abortions: ‘This Is Being Made Into a Political issue


Sanders if it a political issue and you are a politician, then fix it! Stop dodging this because it’s a social, cultural, human issue, you idiot


Sanders Gets Combative on Wealth Tax: ‘Martha, Why Don’t You Give? You Make More Money Than I Do

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), who recently admitted he was a millionaire, dodged a question Monday about whether he would pay a wealth tax, flipping the question back on the host.

Anonymous ID: 7da9dd April 16, 2019, 7:02 a.m. No.6198247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8252 >>8323 >>8341 >>8356 >>8427 >>8468 >>8752 >>8879

Is there any question why Black Americans are walking away from the Democrat Party


Ohio Democrat Drafts Amendment Seeking To Make Black Babies Exempt From Pro-Life Law


April 15, 2019


A female Democrat state representative from Ohio, Rep. Janine Boyd, drafted an amendment last week seeking to have black babies exempted from pro-life legislation dubbed the "heartbeat bill," which bars babies with detectable heartbeats (around six weeks gestation) from being killed via abortion. As reported by LifeNews, Boyd's bill "would have given an exemption to African American women to abort their unborn babies for any reason up to the state’s current abortion limit, 20 weeks.”


Ironically, Boyd "likened restrictions on abortion to slavery as she urged her fellow lawmakers to support the measure," the outlet noted.


“Black slaves were once treated like cattle and put out to stud in order to create generations of more slaves,” argued the Democrat. “Our country is not far enough beyond our history to legislate as if it is.”


Thankfully, Amendment 0291 failed, and the heartbeat bill was signed by Republican Governor Mike DeWine on Friday.


Former Planned Parenthood executive turned pro-life advocate Abby Johnson ripped Boyd's targeted amendment, snarking that "apparently a 38% national abortion rate in the African-American community isn’t enough
