Anonymous ID: 5acf22 April 16, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.6200739   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All smiles…from the parasites…as ND burned.

They can not destroy your country if they are no longer in your country.

Anonymous ID: 5acf22 April 16, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.6200757   🗄️.is 🔗kun

moslems are notorious for burning down their own mosques and then screaming it was a hate crime…against them.


But moslems have no problem whatsoever burning down Christian Churches/Catholic Churches


Why Are muslims Faking Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes?


The latest fabrication involves the torching of a Houston mosque on Christmas Day. The arson was quickly seized on by the national media and Muslim-rights groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which demanded that police investigate it as a hate crime.


Federal authorities did investigate, and they collared a suspect. Sorry, CAIR, he's not a Muslim-hating Trump supporter. He's a Muslim.


Not only that, he's a longtime member of the damaged Islamic Society of Greater Houston mosque, where he prayed five times a day, seven days per week.


Last Christmas, a similar incident was reported at a mosque in Fresno, Calif.; and in a similar rush to judgment, the media joined Muslim groups in accusing anti-Islamic bigots for the vandalism of the Islamic Cultural Center there.


Only, it turned out that the incident was not an act of "Islamophobia" at all.


As in Houston, the damage was self-inflicted by a member of the mosque. Police arrested Asif Mohammad Khan. They said that he was an admirer of Osama bin Laden.


These are hardly isolated cases of Muslim groups and their media apologists misleading the public about anti-Muslim hate crimes.

They are part of a long series of events — including pure fabrications — that serve to portray non-Muslims as threats and deflect attention away from Muslims as the real threats. Learning from other groups, they've discovered that racism can be blamed for almost everything.


• October 2014: Two Muslim activists released a video showing NYPD cops harassing and "racially profiling" Muslims just for wearing Islamic garb. The video went viral; CAIR demanded an investigation for discrimination. But the whole thing was staged. The cops weren't even real.


• June 2014: After three burned Qurans were found in front of a mosque in Dearborn, Mich., the imam there led a campaign to pass a local statute criminalizing the desecration of holy books. The media ran with it, and his crusade gained traction — until it was revealed that the Quran barbecuer was none other than a Muslim named Ali Hassan al-Assadi.


• April 2014: After murdering his wife, a Muslim man in El Cajon, Calif., made it look like an anti-Muslim bigot did the crime. He left a note with her body that read: "Go back to your country, you terrorist," which led the media to report the murder as an "Islamophobic" hate crime.


Some claimed that the slain wife was targeted for "wearing a hijab." CNN host Reza Aslan blamed conservative "Islamophobic f**ks" for the homicide — even after the truth came out that it was an Islamic honor killing, not a hate crime.


• August 2010: A Muslim high school girl in Ann Arbor, Mich., claimed that a mob physically attacked her in an apparent hate crime which included ethnic slurs and the forcible removal of her hijab.


The "alleged hate crime" prompted CAIR to lead a media blitz calling for investigations by state and federal authorities. Except the assault never happened. The girl was eventually charged and found guilty of disorderly conduct.


FBI data show that hate crimes against Muslims are actually rare, which probably explains the need to make them up.


Such hysteria over "Islamophobia" is merely used by terror-support groups such as CAIR to shut down debate over jihadism and the responsibilities of the Muslim community to reform violent Islam and call out the terrorists radicalized in its ranks.



07/08/2010- GA based Muslim set fire to his own mosque in attemp to create a fake hate crime.


12/27/2014- A Fresno, California based Muslim torched his own mosque, blaming bigots; he was later arrested for arson


12/30/2015- A Houston Muslim set fire to his own mosque, prompting a hate-crime investigation


09/13/2017- A Houston Muslim set fire to his own mosque, sparking a hate-crime investigation


They can not destroy your country if they are no longer in your country.

Anonymous ID: 5acf22 April 16, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.6200909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0930 >>1026


Go fuck yourself hamas cair fucktard.


07/08/2010- GA based Muslim set fire to his own mosque in attemp to create a fake hate crime.


12/27/2014- A Fresno, California based Muslim torched his own mosque, blaming bigots; he was later arrested for arson


12/30/2015- A Houston Muslim set fire to his own mosque, prompting a hate-crime investigation


09/13/2017- A Houston Muslim set fire to his own mosque, sparking a hate-crime investigation