>Q has said No Civil War.
If it wasn't for Q, we'd be fighting with actual weapons RIGHT NOW. We have two possible recourses: Q and The Plan, or a great big, fat war, that involves destroying Central Bankers, Central Banks, The Fed, The Globalists, the NWO, the Rothschilds, the Vatican, The Payseurs, the Muslims, and the Entire Left. I suppose it's worth waiting a few more weeks for The Plan to work before we formulate a completely chaotic, disorganized Civil War, with absolutely no leader, and no organized army. We SHOULD all be in well-regulated Militias, but unfortunately, we forgot that primary responsibility (I'm looking at me, here), and I don't know how we would ever organize a war. So, we sit, helpless to do anything but meme, while Q strategically waits, silent, until … 4/19? Some other marker? While we get angrier and angrier, disgusted by the literal BURNING of Western Civilization, the war on Christianity (that's ACTUALLY all this entire thing IS), and feel almost completely powerless to do anything about the fact that Western Civilization is reviled not because it is created primarily by Europeans (read: white), but because it is primarily CHRISTIAN. There are two systems of thought in the world: Christian, and everything else. Everything else is against Christianity, because everything else is in the service of Satan, who thinks he can destroy Christianity and rule the universe. Ain't gonna happen. So, as Edward Rutledge said, "For the time being, we will wait. And watch." FOR THE TIME BEING.