>>6200915 /lb
Try this with your fren: nancy pelosi has only ever been a politician with a salary skating around the 100k per year…but she's worth nearly 30 mill.
>>6200915 /lb
Try this with your fren: nancy pelosi has only ever been a politician with a salary skating around the 100k per year…but she's worth nearly 30 mill.
And if it was her husband who had sex with two minors he would be in jail for many years and have his life destroyed in the press while this douchebag pedo gets off essentially scott free. At least her cuckolded husband had the sense to flee from her evil but just watch, she and her supporters will do all they can to blame the husband.
You are assuming there will still be a democrat party even before the 2020 re-election of President Trump.
I suggest that there will only be one party after the 2020 election and it will be the American Party. No more opposition just for the sake of opposing. The government of America will be the GOVERNMENT OF AMERICA!!
No more globalist pigs owning one political party and destroying the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans so the globalist pigs can live more comfortably.
No more radical muslims or socialists working to destroy American Heritage. An end to the darkness and evil that have held America back for over 100 years since a demonrat House, demonrat Senate and demonrat president committed the most heinous treason in American history and turned 100's of millions of Americans into debt slaves so more money could flow into the hands of the globalist pigs as all the wealth of the nation was given away.
Treason? Deserving of execution that will occur before the end of President Trump's second term leaving few, if any, demonrats left so…no civil war because there will only be one political party left - the American Political Party, for America!
The death of fox is too bad. The globalists just weren't happy with 85% of American…I think they call themselves "journalists"…are registered demonrats, so they sent in pedophile central to buy out the business. Still see shills trying to defend it stating Fox was always comped, and it is/was…to them…because they have never followed the demonrats prepared for them script and have always been on the fringe of American media.
Some even trying to defend by stating that certain "divisions" of fox were not bought by pedophile central but that's a red herring. Pedo-central now owns the business. It is pedo-central that is placing scum into the fox (now very little) news division. What, you think that donna brazille has stopped being shrillary's bootlicker? You somehow imagine that the obomber staffers and advisors that pedo-central are placing inside fox are going to somehow now tell the truth?
How can anons be so naive? fox is now dead. The very few patriots left will need to flee. The evil osmosis oozing from pedo-central and those they seek to protect by installing traitors in the fox business will have an effect on the patriots unless they flee as fast as possible.
I've already seen Tucker have to allow the scumbag douche brazille vent her invective on his show and…WTAF!?!…puts a socialist's lying town hall on fox so the globalists can try and con the many millions of Americans who fled the globalist propaganda media for what they thought was the safety of a network at least attempting to get some truth out.
fox is dead.