Anonymous ID: 554709 April 16, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.6202331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2350 >>2382

>>6202067 /lb

Even better yet, go the source material from which modern religions plagiarized their fairy-tale books.


All of the information that has been released after the discoveries in the middle east showing that Sumerians and Akkadians - and others even before them - wrote the same stories thousands of years before the con artists created their own money-sucking myths.


The so-called "old testament" and the plagiarized writings in the "torah" were all public knowledge in 6,000 bce and earlier. All the islam cult is, is continued plagiarizing of the Sumerian/Akkadian tales that were put into the torah and the "old testament" but with a name change.


Read the source material, not the cliff notes. Find out how the con of modern religions was just to continue the idea that some were "appointed by god" to be rulers and the rest were created to be slaves to the "god-appointed" rulers or killed if they resisted.


Modern religious cults are phony, harmful, filled with desire for war, hate and fear among followers so the pockets and coffers of the "god-appointed" can continue to be filled and the bellies and spirits of the foolish cult-followers who accept the con can continue to be empty.


Like the old tale;

The priest stood in front of his followers and said:

god loves those who believe!

Hallelujah! cried his followers.

god wants his believers to have everything!

Hallelujah! cried his followers.

god calls his true believers as his chosen people!

Hallelujah! cried his followers.

god gives his chosen people power over everything in the world; as well as wealth, safety and happiness!

Hallelujah! cried his followers.

We are god's chosen people!

Hallelujah and Amen cry his followers!


religion as it is today is composed of vile, harmful cults designed to keep people as far away from God and the Light as is possible. Evil is not happy that people are beginning to think for themselves and Evil knows that the best way to keep control is to keep the religious cult's followers as stupid as possible.


Opiate of the masses, indeed!


So go ahead and believe in your small g god, filled with human failings, human desires, who lies and cheats and steals, who tells one group of "believers" Thou shalt not kill! and then tells another group of followers: Go kill to my glory! Kill the men, kill the women, kill the children, kill their animals and burn their dwellings to the ground in glory of ME.


I'll continue to believe in a real GOD. One without human failings, human desires or human needs. A GOD who does not lie, who does not tell one group to do one thing but another group to do another. GOD is not contradictory. GOD is millions of times more ethical, honest…and GODLIKE than any human and I can say that and know that even that isn't descriptive enough.


I am one of the created! How the hell can I ever think that somehow I can correctly describe the CREATOR? If I believe GOD is millions of times better than any human…even that has to be wrong…but one thing that cannot be wrong:

GOD is not human.

Anonymous ID: 554709 April 16, 2019, 3:06 p.m. No.6202898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2907 >>2909




I believe in GOD - not religion.


religions as they are today have absolutely nothing to do with GOD.


They are only about war, hate, fear, control, money and power. The upper-level management in the multi-level marketing scams that are religious cults are not doing this for you - they are doing it for themselves.


They give you rules that they create and then tell you that you will be killed if you don't follow their rules.


Here's some truth for you: Nothing external means anything to GOD! GOD does not care how many times a day you pray, what you say in your prayers, where you face, where you do it, nothing. GOD cares about what goes on in your heart. Do you love GOD or do you love the cult?


The division you speak of come from the religious cults as they strive mightily as they have for millenia to keep people as far away from GOD as possible and instead, adhere to what the cultists say were the mouthings from the schizophrenic 6-year-old in their fairy-tale books. Even when GOD tried to interject some truth into the fairy tales the cultists destroyed what he was trying to say. GOD said "Search to gold from the dross" but that isn't what religious cultists want. They want total acceptance of the con they created so they could get as much money from the poor as possible and just like the globalist pigs controlling governments - totally ignore the truth.


GOD is not human. GOD is - and has to be - PERFECT because if not PERFECT… then not a GOD but only a human-created god.


Keep one thing in mind: GOD IS PERFECT! Anything you read, anything you hear that suggests otherwise is neither from the LIGHT nor is it even remotely connected to the TRUTH. After that realization, examine everything said in the fairy tale books and if the entity they are talking about is not perfect, if the entity they discuss lies, cheats, kills his children or advises others to kill his children…that is NOT GOD of which they write, it is evil.




Any person, any book, any homily, any prayer suggesting such has nothing whatsoever to do with GOD!


No, you are incorrect, the division is what I am trying to fix. Belief in a human created religion that denies the very existence of a PERFECT GOD has harmed untold millions over the millenia. Only by believing in GOD and not religion can the division end.