Anonymous ID: 62ceaf April 16, 2019, 1:54 p.m. No.6202131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2177 >>2230 >>2253 >>2352 >>2365 >>2422 >>2504 >>2517 >>2605 >>2880


Notre Dame Fire.

6 possible scenarios.

Who benefits the most from each scenario?


  1. French Government did it on purpose.

  2. Vatican did it on purpose.

  3. Terrorists did it on purpose.

  4. Good guys did it on purpose.

  5. It was an accident.

  6. It was an act of God.




  1. If French Government did it on purpose.

Wonderful way to deflect attention from Macron.

Renovation would have been very costly.

Lots of untrackable charity funding pouring in.

If blamed on Yellow Vests, great for Macron.

If blamed on Muslims, great for Cabal chaos.

If blamed on Hate Speech, great for censorship.


  1. If Vatican/Satan did it on purpose.

Deflects attention from pedo priests.

Creates unifying cause for Catholics.

Creates cash infusion from charity.

Burning of evidence of child bones in tower?

Burning of evidence of black mass in tower?

Satanic sacrifice on 4.15 "Patriots" Day?

Pretext for Holy War with Muslims, etc…


  1. If Terrorists did it on purpose.

Desire to start Cabal Holy War in France.

Increase tension Catholics -vs- Muslims.

Who really controls terrorists anyway?

Beginning of a string of global attacks.

Deflect attention from Rothschild banking.

Civil War only benefits the Cabalists.


  1. If good guys did it on purpose.

Payback for some people that did something.

Payback for CA Fires and other mischief.

Payback for FVEY coup attempts.

No one was killed, but precision destruction.

Possible DEW or energy weapon showcase.

Possible warning shot to let "children" go.

Possible warning shot to let "Brexit" happen.

Possible warning shot to not interfere with MAGA.


  1. If it was an accident.

850 years without one like this.

Survived WW1 and WW2.

Crews not working that day.

Took forever to get firefighters on site.

Odds of two fires starting accidentally?


  1. If it was an act of God.

Holy Destruction of Apostate Church.

Devine Wrath on Black Mass.

Signs and Wonders & Warnings.

Better start reading your KJV Bible.


You decide.

Or not.