Anonymous ID: c5ea04 April 16, 2019, 2:28 p.m. No.6202499   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Few Good Men in Post-NATO Libyan Quagmire as Jihadists Battle Former CIA Asset’s Forces


It is likely that Saudi Arabia sees Libya’s Khalifa Haftar as a means of beating down the Muslim Brotherhood, which has a notoriously hostile relationship with the Wahhabi kingdom


Khalifa Hifter | Libya


Few Good Men in Post-NATO Libyan Quagmire as Jihadists Battle Former CIA Asset’s Forces


It is likely that Saudi Arabia sees Libya’s Khalifa Haftar as a means of beating down the Muslim Brotherhood, which has a notoriously hostile relationship with the Wahhabi kingdom.

by Alexander Rubinstein


April 16th, 2019


By Alexander Rubinstein



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TRIPOLI, LIBYA — Libyan strongman and former CIA asset Khalifa Haftar’s blitzkrieg on the capital, Tripoli, has stalled for now as forces loyal to the internationally-recognized government have hamstrung his offensive in the suburbs. But the consequences of the operation are already unfolding, as Haftar’s international backers are being revealed and hardcore jihadists gain a foothold.


Haftar launched the offensive on April 4, promising to rid the capital of terrorists allied with the UN-recognized government. Peace talks scheduled by the UN for this week have been delayed as fighting continues. So far, more than 150 people — mostly fighters, but also civilians — have been killed around Tripoli, while nearly 600 have been wounded.


While the internationally recognized government led by Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj lacks a formal fighting force, “armed groups” have rushed to its aid, lending credence to Haftar’s claim that he is fighting off jihadists. One “diplomatic source” from France told Reuters:


There is an oversimplification. It is not just Haftar the baddy against the goodies in Tripoli and Misrata. There are groups that are at the end of the day allied to al Qaeda on the other side.”


According to the outlet:


One of them is Salah Badi, a commander from nearby Misrata port who has Islamist ties and possible ambitions himself to take Tripoli. In videos from the front line, Badi has been seen directing men as well as a U.N.-sanctioned people trafficker.


Some hardcore Islamists, previously affiliated to Ansar Sharia, have also popped up in the fighting, according to the videos. That group was blamed by Washington for the 2012 storming of a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi that killed the ambassador and three other Americans.” Another report from Reuters notes that Haftar’s renewal of hostilities “threatens to disrupt oil supplies, boost migration to Europe, let Islamist militants exploit the chaos, and worsen Libyans’ suffering.”


Already, some 13,600 people have fled their homes.


“Diplomats” tell Reuters that “Haftar for now will face no pressure from backers including the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and France, who still see him as the best bet to end the chaos and divisions since the [NATO-backed] ousting of [Libyan leader Muammar] Gaddafi in 2011.”

Anonymous ID: c5ea04 April 16, 2019, 2:42 p.m. No.6202671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2705

Grassley, Graham Put Bill Barr on Notice – DOJ Can No Longer Use Mueller Probe as Excuse to Dodge Questions on Hillary’s Email Investigation


Top Senate Republicans are renewing their efforts to get to the bottom of the FBI’s [mis]handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server now that Mueller’s investigation has concluded.


Mueller’s investigation into whether Trump colluded with the Kremlin during the 2016 election also served as a way to block Congressional oversight into Obama’s and Clinton’s corruption.


Now that Rosenstein and Mueller can no longer run defense at the Justice Department, Republican Senate chairs of three very powerful committees are demanding Bill Barr look into the FBI’s sham ‘Midyear investigation.’


In a letter sent to Attorney General Bill Barr Tuesday, Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) wrote that the Justice Department can no longer use Mueller’s investigation as an excuse to dodge oversight.


“Now that the Special Counsel’s investigation has concluded, we are unaware of any legitimate basis upon which the Department can refuse to answer the Judiciary Committee’s inquiries,” the GOP Senators wrote to Barr.


The GOP Senators previously requested information on a classified appendix to Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report that was released in June of 2018 titled, “A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election.”


“The classified appendix raises significant issues associated with the FBI’s failure to review certain highly classified information in support of its Midyear investigation,” the Senators wrote, referring to the code name the FBI gave to Hillary’s email investigation. “In particular, the Inspector General noted that it learned that the FBI acquired classified material that ‘may have included information potentially relevant to the Midyear investigation.’ The FBI even drafted a memorandum in May of 2016 stating that access to the information was ‘necessary to complete the investigation.’ However, that memorandum was never completed.”


The Inspector General’s report on former FBI Director James Comey was very damning for the bureau and stated that Comey was “insubordinate” and “affirmatively concealed” information from the Justice Department during the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, however, it concluded that actions taken by the corrupt agents did not change the outcome of the Clinton email probe.


The same FBI agents who handled the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server with kid gloves, migrated over to Mueller’s probe to hunt down President Trump and his associates.


The FBI exonerated Hillary Clinton before interviewing 17 witnesses, including Hillary Clinton, handed out immunity like candy and claimed Hillary’s “intent” factored into whether she would be indicted or not.


Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence under subpoena — her aides took hammers to multiple Blackberries and used BleachBit to erase over 30,000 emails, yet she still has never been indicted.


“You mean like with a cloth?” Clinton previously said mocking a journalist who questioned whether she wiped her private server clean to avoid handing over damning emails to investigators.


Former FBI Counterintelligence chief Peter Strzok changed the language on Hillary’s exoneration letter from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” ultimately preventing the former Secretary of State from being charged under the Espionage Act.


Government watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained a tranche of Hillary Clinton’s emails through a FOIA lawsuit that revealed classified information was found on her private server, including the name of a clandestine CIA agent

Anonymous ID: c5ea04 April 16, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.6202699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2710 >>2716 >>2739 >>2763 >>2832

LIST: Top Facebook Executives and Their Career Links to the DC Swamp


With Facebook taking a very strong stance against so-called fake news and foreign interference in what passes for democracy in the United States and particularly given its recent association with the Atlantic Council and its Digital Forensic Research Lab. I would be remiss if I didn't thank Matt Agorist at the Free Thought Project, one of the entities that was purged by Facebook in October 2018, for inspiring this posting


In no particular order, let's look at some of Facebook's key personnel and their relationship to Washington:


1.) Katie Harbath: Ms. Harbath is currently Director of Global Politics and Government Outreach at Facebook as shown here:


Part 1

Anonymous ID: c5ea04 April 16, 2019, 2:47 p.m. No.6202716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2723 >>2737 >>2739 >>2763 >>2787 >>2832



"Today we removed 364 Facebook Pages and accounts for engaging in coordinated inauthentic behavior as part of a network that originated in Russia and operated in the Baltics, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Central and Eastern European countries. The Page administrators and account owners primarily represented themselves as independent news Pages or general interest Pages on topics like weather, travel, sports, economics, or politicians in Romania, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, and Kyrgyzstan. Despite their misrepresentations of their identities, we found that these Pages and accounts were linked to employees of Sputnik, a news agency based in Moscow, and that some of the Pages frequently posted about topics like anti-NATO sentiment, protest movements, and anti-corruption." (my bolds)


Yes, imagine being anti-NATO and anti-corruption! That's totally unAmerican not to mention totally without merit!


3.) David Recordon: Mr. Recordon lists himself as a "doer" on his Linkedin page as shown here:


Part 2

Anonymous ID: c5ea04 April 16, 2019, 2:54 p.m. No.6202777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2823 >>2832

Kathy Russell’s Motion To Dismiss Is Denied: Plea Deal Seen As Imminent


Kathy Russell’s last-minute Hail Mary pass has been batted down by U.S. District Court Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis.


In a very detailed and well researched Memorandum & Order, Judge Garaufis has denied Kathy’s request to have her indictment dismissed on the basis of prosecutorial misconduct.


And then, to add disdain to the denial, Judge Garaufis also denied her request for an evidentiary hearing that, if granted, would have allowed her to see all the evidence that the prosecution has amassed against her.


Russell’s travails began when she was served with a subpoena on April 25, 2018 that required her to testify before the grand jury in Brooklyn, NY that was hearing evidence about the NXIVM criminal enterprise.


Rather than retain her own attorney who would be able to give her unconflicted legal advice, Kathy decided to utilize one that was being paid for by Clare Bronfman, the Director of Operations and de facto Chief Executive Officer for NXIVM.


That turned out to be William Fanciullo, an Albany, NY-area attorney who once served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney.


Q asked us when does a bird sing? In spring is the answer! Plea deals = confessions