Anonymous ID: 766969 April 16, 2019, 5:40 p.m. No.6204492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4566

#7931 posted in #7934

>>6202777 NXIVM: Kathy Russell’s motion to dismiss is denied: plea deal seen as imminent.

>>6202699, >>6202716, >>6202737 Top Facebook executives and their career links to the DC swamp.

>>6202732 US wants to build more tents at border to detain migrants.

>>6202224 NZ meets with Ethiopia representatives.

>>6202636 Court tosses military panel proceedings against suspected USS Cole attack mastermind.

>>6202601 Donna Brazzers/DNC get a smack down from Jesse Watters re: illegal to sanctuary pipeline.

>>6202507 Owen Garriott, an early scientist-astronaut, is dead at 88.

>>6202436 Live now: EU Parliament debate on the extradition of Julian Assange.

>>6202424 New Jeffrey Epstein accuser goes public; defamation lawsuit targets Dershowitz.

>>6202397, >>6202550 17:17 Timestamp: POTUS Schedule: As of 5:02PM a lid has been called. No further movement outside the White House grounds expected tonight.

>>6202192 Federal judge criticizes Barr over transparency concerns for the Mueller report.

>>6202175 The U.S. Air Force has sent F-35A Joint Strike Fighters on their first-ever operational deployment to the Middle East.

>>6202156 Council candidate under fire for burning Qur’an in pub during heated debate.

Anonymous ID: 766969 April 16, 2019, 5:54 p.m. No.6204677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4747


That's what happens sometimes. To be honest, if I really need it, I PRAY. Sorry, I can't do, have IRL stuff. Maybe see you later, will do graveyard if not incredibly late!. Godspeed, baker.