You're saying they control both sides, the communists and Hitler. So how do we know they don't control you now too? Trust you, Joe Isuzu? Why don't you assure us that our freedom of association and our demographics are safe? Probably because you are just as bad.
The Germans could have helped take us to the stars. They had a cohesive high trust society. ETHNICITY MATTERS. Your civnat maga crap destroys us in the long run. Dilutes what really makes us great.
>This was done as payback against the countries that fought them
Payback against…their own country, their own volk? please.
born stupid. familiar with the bell curve?
The diaspora is the real problem. I don't care what they do in their own country. It's this dual citizen shit. The ADL shitting up our internet. It's our fucking schools, our FOOD, our culture,media, everything. They've gone too far.
Didn't say Q did it, but am saying Q sounds no different than the brainwashed boomer cucks.
YES. Huge fan of anyone willing to tell the truth.